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Fills the tooltip background.

virtual void OnFillBackground(
   CDC* pDC,
   CRect rect,
   COLORREF& clrText,
   COLORREF& clrLine 


  • [in] pDC
    A pointer to a device context.

  • [in] rect
    Specifies the bounding rectangle of the area to fill.

  • [in] clrText
    Tooltip foreground color.

  • [in] clrLine
    Color of borders and the delimiter line between label and description.


The default implementation fills the rectangle that is specified by rect with the color or pattern specified by the most recent call to CMFCToolTipCtrl::SetParams.

Override this method in a derived class if you want to customize the appearance of the tooltip.


Header: afxToolTipCtrl.h

See Also


CMFCToolTipCtrl Class

Hierarchy Chart