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The framework calls this method when it draws a border around a group on a CMFCTasksPane Class.

virtual void OnDrawTasksGroupAreaBorder(
   CDC* pDC,
   CRect rect,
   BOOL bSpecial = FALSE,
   BOOL bNoTitle = FALSE


  • [in] pDC
    A pointer to a device context.

  • [in] rect
    A rectangle that specifies the boundaries of the group area on the task pane.

  • [in] bSpecial
    A Boolean parameter that specifies if the border is highlighted. A value of TRUE indicates that the border is highlighted.

  • [in] bNoTitle
    A Boolean parameter that specifies whether the group area has a title. A value of TRUE indicates that the group area does not have a title.


Override this function in a derived class to customize the border around a group area on the task pane.


Header: afxvisualmanager.h

See Also


CMFCVisualManager Class

Hierarchy Chart

CMFCTasksPane Class