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Sets a custom image on the browse button of the edit browse control.

void SetBrowseButtonImage(
   HICON hIcon,
   BOOL bAutoDestroy = TRUE
void SetBrowseButtonImage(
   HBITMAP hBitmap,
   BOOL bAutoDestroy = TRUE
void SetBrowseButtonImage(
   UINT uiBmpResId


  • hIcon
    The handle of an icon.

  • hBitmap
    The handle of a bitmap.

  • uiBmpResId
    The resource ID of a bitmap.

  • bAutoDestroy
    TRUE to delete the specified icon or bitmap when this method exits; otherwise, FALSE. The default value is TRUE.


Use this method to apply a custom image to the browse button. By default, the framework obtains a standard image when the edit browse control is in file browse or folder browse mode.


Header: afxeditbrowsectrl.h

See Also


CMFCEditBrowseCtrl Class

Hierarchy Chart