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Attaches to the status bar pane an image list that can be used for animation.

void SetAnimationList(
   HBITMAP hBmpAnimationList,
   int cxAnimation=16,
   COLORREF clrTransp=RGB(192,
   192 1,
   192) 1 
BOOL SetAnimationList(
   UINT uiAnimationListResID,
   int cxAnimation=16,
   COLORREF clrTransp=RGB(192,
   192 1,
   192) 1 


  • [in] hBmpAnimationList
    Specifies a handle to an image list.

  • [in] cxAnimation
    Specifies the width, in pixels, of the frame in the image list.

  • [in] clrTransp
    Specifies the transparent color of the image list.

  • [in] uiAnimationListResID
    Specifies the resource ID of the image list.

Return Value

TRUE if the image list is successfully attached to the status bar pane; FALSE otherwise.


Header: afxribbonstatusbarpane.h

See Also


CMFCRibbonStatusBarPane Class

Hierarchy Chart