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Specifies custom colors for various elements of the property grid control.

void SetCustomColors(
   COLORREF clrBackground,
   COLORREF clrText,
   COLORREF clrGroupBackground,
   COLORREF clrGroupText,
   COLORREF clrDescriptionBackground,
   COLORREF clrDescriptionText,
   COLORREF clrLine 


  • [in] clrBackground
    The background color of property values.

  • [in] clrText
    The color of property names and property value text.

  • [in] clrGroupBackground
    The background color of a property group.

  • [in] clrGroupText
    The new text color of property group.

  • [in] clrDescriptionBackground
    The background color of the description area.

  • [in] clrDescriptionText
    The color of text in the description area.

  • [in] clrLine
    The color of lines that are drawn between properties.


For any parameter, specify the ((COLORREF)-1) color value to use the default color for that element of the property grid control.

To customize the appearance of a specific property, derive a class from the CMFCPropertyGridProperty class and then override the CMFCPropertyGridProperty::OnDrawName, CMFCPropertyGridProperty::OnDrawValue, CMFCPropertyGridProperty::OnDrawExpandBox, and CMFCPropertyGridProperty::OnDrawButton methods.


Header: afxpropertygridctrl.h

See Also


CMFCPropertyGridCtrl Class

Hierarchy Chart

