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IWMWriter::SetProfile method (wmsdkidl.h)

[The feature associated with this page, Windows Media Format 11 SDK, is a legacy feature. It has been superseded by Source Reader and Sink Writer. Source Reader and Sink Writer have been optimized for Windows 10 and Windows 11. Microsoft strongly recommends that new code use Source Reader and Sink Writer instead of Windows Media Format 11 SDK, when possible. Microsoft suggests that existing code that uses the legacy APIs be rewritten to use the new APIs if possible.]

The SetProfile method specifies the profile to use for the current writing task.


HRESULT SetProfile(
  [in] IWMProfile *pProfile


[in] pProfile

Pointer to an IWMProfile interface.

Return value

The method returns an HRESULT. Possible values include, but are not limited to, those in the following table.

Return code Description
The method succeeded.
More than one stream in the profile has the same stream number.
The profile has zero streams.

The bit rate was specified as zero for a CBR-encoding mode.

More than one script stream was specified.

The bandwidth-sharing information is incorrect or inconsistent.

The writer is not in a configurable state.
For any stream:
  • A buffer window greater than 100,000 was specified.
  • A stream number was specified as less than one or greater than 63.
For audio streams:
  • The formattype is not WMFORMAT_WaveFormatEx.
  • The wformatTag is not WAVE_FORMAT_PCM and nAvgBytesPerSec is zero.
  • The FOURCC derived from the subtype GUID does not match the dwFormatTag.
  • For PCM audio, nAvgBytesPerSec is not equal to (nSamplesPerSec * nBlockAlign).
  • For PCM audio, nBlockAlign is not equal to (nChannels * wBitsPerSample / 8).
For video streams:
  • The formattype is not WMFORMAT_VideoInfo.
  • cbFormat is not equal to sizeof(WMVIDEOINFOHEADER).
  • The bit rate specified through IWMStreamConfig is not equal to the value of dwBitrate in the VIDEOINFOHEADER. (Does not apply if IWMStreamConfig::SetBitrate was used to set a bit rate of zero.)
  • On uncompressed video streams, bmiHeader.biSizeImage has been specified incorrectly.
  • The rectangle width or height specified in the bmiHeader is not valid for the compression type. (Some types require two- or four-byte alignment.)
  • Any member of the rcSource or rcTarget rectangles is negative.
  • The FOURCC derived from the subtype GUID does not match bmiHeader.biCompression.
  • The bmiHeader.biCompression member is BI_BITFIELDS, but cbFormat is incorrect.
  • When bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB or BI_BITFIELDS, the biBitCount, biClrUsed, or cbFormat values are inconsistent or invalid. (Remember that the size of the format block is larger if the BITMAPINFOHEADER contains an index of palette values.)
For script streams:
  • The formattype is not specified as WMFORMAT_Script.
  • The subtype is not specified as GUID_NULL.
The size specified for a language string in an audio stream is too small.


Calling this method removes any previously set header attribute information.

Changes to the profile object made after this method is called do not take effect until SetProfile is called again.

The maximum number of streams in a profile is 63, as defined by the constant WM_MAX_STREAMS. Another constant, WM_MAX_VIDEO_STREAMS, defines the maximum number of video streams, which is also 63.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only],Windows Media Format 7 SDK, or later versions of the SDK
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header wmsdkidl.h (include Wmsdk.h)
Library Wmvcore.lib; WMStubDRM.lib (if you use DRM)

See also


IWMProfile Interface

IWMWriter Interface


To Use Profiles with the Writer