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Appendix E: Required and Recommended Compilers, Tools, and Options for All Platforms

On This Page

Win32 Requirements: Unmanaged Code
Win32 Requirements: Managed Code
Win32 Requirements: Testing Tools
Win64 Requirements (IA64 and AMD64): Unmanaged Code
Win64 Requirements (IA64 and AMD64): Managed Code
Win64 Requirements (IA64 and AMD64): Testing Tools
Windows CE Requirements: Unmanaged Code
Windows CE Requirements: Compact Framework Managed Code

Win32 Requirements: Unmanaged Code

Compiler/ Tool

Minimum Required Version and Switches/Options

Optimal/ Recommended Version and Switches/Options


C/C++ Compiler

Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2008




Version 14.00.50727.42 Use /GS

Use /GS

Use /GS



Version 8.00.50727.762



Use /NXCOMPAT and don’t use /NXCOMPAT:NO.

See Appendix F: SDL Requirement: No Executable Pages for more information.


Use /functionpadmin:5


Visual Studio 2008 SP1 is needed for /DYNAMICBASE


Version 6.00.0366 Use /robust

Use /robust

Use /robust


Source code analysis

Visual Studio 2008 Code Analysis Options (“/analyze”)

For Visual Studio 2008 code analysis, all warning IDs from the following list must be fixed: 4532 6029 6053 6057 6059 6063 6067 6200 6201 6202 6203 6204 6248 6259 6260 6268 6276 6277 6281 6282 6287 6288 6289 6290 6291 6296 6298 6299 6305 6306 6308 6334 6383

Visual Studio 2008 Code Analysis Options (“/analyze”).

For Visual Studio 2008 code analysis, all warning IDs from the following list must be fixed: 4532 6029 6053 6057 6059 6063 6067 6200 6201 6202 6203 6204 6248 6259 6260 6268 6276 6277 6281 6282 6287 6288 6289 6290 6291 6296 6298 6299 6305 6306 6308 6334 6383

Standard Annotation Language (SAL): Code annotated with SAL should correct additional warnings in addition to those listed above. See Appendix H: SDL Standard Annotation Language (SAL) Recommendations for Native Win32 Code for more information. The warnings are summarized as follows:

SAL Compliance

Visual Studio 2008:  26020 - 26023


Visual Studio 2008: 6029 6053 6057 6059 6063 6067- 6201-6202 6248 6260 6276 6277 6305

Visual Studio 2008 Team Edition contains a publicly available version that is branded as “C/C++ Code Analysis”.

Protecting Against Heap Corruption


All executable programs written using unmanaged code (.EXE) must call the HeapSetInformation interface. See Appendix I: SDL Requirement: Heap Manager Fail Fast Setting for more information.


C4700 and C4701 Compiler Warnings


Compile code with C4700 and C4701 compiler warnings enabled and fix all instances of these warnings.


Win32 Requirements: Managed Code

Compiler/ Tool

Minimum Required Version and Switches/Options

Optimal/ Recommended Version and Switches/Options


C# Compiler

Visual Studio  2008


If using C#, use C# v2.0 or later; if using Visual Basic.NET use Visual Basic.NET 8.0 or later


Version 8.0.50727.42



.NET Framework

Version 2.0.50727




Version 1.32

Most recent version


Win32 Requirements: Testing Tools


Minimum Required Version and Switches/Options

Optimal/ Recommended Version and Switches/Options



Most recent version

Run tests as described in Appendix J: SDL Requirement: Application Verifier

Most recent version

Note: AppVerifier is targeted at unmanaged code and is not optimized for managed code.

Win64 Requirements (IA64 and AMD64): Unmanaged Code

Compiler/ tool

Minimum Required Version and Switches/Options

Optimal/ Recommended Version and Switches/Options


C/C++ Compiler

Visual Studio 2008




Version 14.00.50727.42




Version 8.00.50727.762

Use of /SAFESEH does not apply to Win64 platforms.

Use /NXCOMPAT and do not use /NXCOMPAT:NO. See Appendix F: SDL Requirement: No Executable Pages for more information.

AMD64 only: Use /functionpadmin:6

Use of /SAFESEH does not apply to Win64 platforms.


Visual Studio 2008 SP1 is needed for /DYNAMICBASE


Version 6.00.0366

Use /robust

Use /robust


Protecting Against Heap Corruption


All executable programs written using unmanaged code (.EXE) must call the HeapSetInformation interface. See Appendix I: SDL Requirement: Heap Manager Fail Fast Setting for more information.


C4700 and C4701 Compiler Warnings n/a Compile code with C4700 and C4701 compiler warnings enabled and fix all instances of these warnings.

Win64 Requirements (IA64 and AMD64): Managed Code

Compiler/ Tool

Minimum Required Version and Switches/Options

Optimal/ Recommended Version and Switches/Options


C# Compiler

Visual Studio 2008


If using C#, use C# v2.0 or later; if using Visual Basic.NET use Visual Basic.NET 8.0 or later


Version 8.0.50727.42



.NET Framework

Version 2.0.50727




Most recent version

Most recent version


Win64 Requirements (IA64 and AMD64): Testing Tools


Minimum Required Version and Switches/Options

Optimal/ Recommended Version and Switches/Options



Most recent version

Run tests as described in Appendix J: SDL Requirement: Application Verifier

Most recent version

Note: AppVerifier is targeted at unmanaged code and is not optimized for managed code.

Windows CE Requirements: Unmanaged Code

Compiler/ Tool

Minimum Required Version and Switches/Options

Optimal/ Recommended Version and Switches/Options


C/C++ Compiler

Visual Studio 2008




Version 14.0.50725.0

Use –GS (see comments)

Use –GS (see comments)

The –GS flag has a modest impact on code size, which can be of interest on WinCE platforms. Minimally, –GS must be used on all Internet-facing code. Ideally,
–GS should be used on all code.


Version 8.00.50727.762

Use of /SAFESEH only applies to x86 with WinCE platforms.

Use of /NXCOMPAT does not apply to WinCE.

Use of /SAFESEH only applies to x86 on WinCE platforms.

Use of /NXCOMPAT:NO does not apply to WinCE.


MIDL.exe Version 6.00.0366 Use /robust Use /robust

Source code analysis

Visual Studio 2008 Code Analysis Options (“/analyze.)

For Visual Studio 2008 code analysis, all warning IDs from the following list must be fixed: 4532 6029 6053 6057 6059 6063 6067 6200 6201 6202 6203 6204 6248 6259 6260 6268 6276 6277 6281 6282 6287 6288 6289 6290 6291 6296 6298 6299 6305 6306 6308 6334 6383



Windows CE Requirements: Compact Framework Managed Code

Compiler/ Tool

Minimum Required Version and Switches/Options

Optimal/ Recommended Version and Switches/Options


C# Compiler

Visual Studio 2008


If using C#, use C# v2.0 or later; if using Visual Basic.NET use Visual Basic.NET 8.0 or later


Version 8.0.50727.42



.NET Framework

Version 2.0.50727




Most recent version

Most recent version


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This documentation is not an exhaustive reference on the SDL process as practiced at Microsoft. Additional assurance work may be performed by product teams (but not necessarily documented) at their discretion. As a result, this example should not be considered as the exact process that Microsoft follows to secure all products.

This documentation is provided “as-is.” Information and views expressed in this document, including URL and other Internet website references, may change without notice. You bear the risk of using it.

This documentation does not provide you with any legal rights to any intellectual property in any Microsoft product. You may copy and use this document for your internal, reference purposes.

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