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type property

The type of component transfer function. The function type determines the applicability of the other attributes.

This property is read-only.



HRESULT get_type(
  [out] SVGAnimatedEnumeration **ptr

Property values

Type: SVGAnimatedEnumeration

One of the following values:

Value Condition

Same as input.


The function is defined by linear interpolation between values given in the attribute ISVGFEFuncAElement::tableValues. The table has n+1 values (that is, v₀ to v) specifying the start and end values for n evenly sized interpolation regions. See the Remarks section.


The function is defined by the step function given in the attribute ISVGFEFuncAElement::tableValues, which provides a list of n values (that is, v₀ to vₙ₋₁) in order to identify a step function consisting of n steps. Seethe Remarks section.


The function is defined by the following linear equation: C' = slope * C + intercept


The function is defined by the following exponential function: C' = amplitude * pow(C, exponent) + offset


String format

identity | table | discrete | linear | gamma

Standards information


For a type of table and a value C < 1, find k such that:

k/n <= C < (k+1)/n

The result C' is given by:

C' = vₖ + (C - k/n)*n * (vₖ₊₁ - vₖ)

If C = 1 then:

C' = v

For a type of discrete and a value C < 1 find k such that:

k/n <= C < (k+1)/n

The result C' is given by:

C' = vₖ

If C = 1 then:

C' = vₙ₋₁