
Windows Azure AppFabric Access Control Service (ACS) v2 As A Cloud Single Sing On (SSO) Service – Scenarios and Solution Approaches

Here are couple of scenarios that could resonate with you depending how you run your business.

I am an ISV or entrepreneur

  • I developed multitenant SaaS app.
  • It can be deployed either on Windows Azure or on-perm.
  • I want to let each tenant to authenticate his users with either/and/or Google, Facebook, LiveID, OpenID, ADFS/AD.

 Multitenant SaaS app deployed to Azure

I am a business owner and in order to run my business ...

  • I developed web apps running on Amazon, Google, Azure (PaaS)
  • I want customers sign in to each app using one set of credentials managed by any of the Internet Identity providers such as LiveID, Google, FB, OpenID, Yahoo!

 Different PaaS cloud providers - customers

I am a business owner and in order to run my business ...

  • I developed web apps running on Amazon, Google, Azure (PaaS)
  • I want my employees sign in to each app using one set of credentials managed in corporate AD

Different PaaS cloud providers - employees

I am a business owner and in order to run my business…

  • I use packaged offerings like Salesforce.com, office 365, Google apps (SaaS)
  • I want to let my employees access these apps with single set of credentials

Packaged SaaS scenarios