
My TechEd Summer Vacation

Hi again, just recently returned from MS TechEd in Orlando, oh it was HOT!

It was great to get a chance to meet some customers and partners face to face and discuss what’s happening at a more granular level today in the enterprise. The issues they face are of course at the heart of what we’re providing solutions for and allows us to reprioritize where needed to make sure we’re addressing things daily as that’s how fast we see things happening at the moment, as I know others do as well. Oh the day of the boot sector infector are long behind us and the pace at which we all must move now is at lightning speed, ya gotta love it!

Some of the important questions and issues we discussed included things like Rootkit technology, naming conventions and the overall breadth of the problem today around spyware and what next generation of threats would we see.

In addition, there were many concerns about the never ending Bot problem and of course how the Microsoft Malware Protection Center will continue to grow to support customers globally.

My commitment to them was to return in some way shape or form and update them on our progress in these areas through this blog and next year at TechED

The customers that attended the presentation seemed a bit overwhelmed by the data we put together in our last Security Intelligence Report.

When I returned back to Redmond, one of the first things I did was go to the TechNet recording studios and record a Security Intelligence Report webcast. If you don’t have the time to read the full report (https://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=AF816E28-533F-4970-9A49-E35DC3F26CFE&displaylang=en ) this webcast is an easy way to hear about all the findings in the report and come up to speed on the malware trends we have been observing.

Check it out!


There is more to come…stay tuned.

Vinny Gullotto