
Top 10 resources for HTML5 developers

20120319-d995hkinxy5j9apia8c7pc74wwIf you tell me you never heard about HTML5, I won’t believe you. It’s everywhere and we like this! As an HTML5 enthusiast, I had to learn this new version of HTML. Like you I had to search the Web, find good resources and sometimes, bad websites that just make me loose my times. I think that a list of my top 10 best resources for HTML5 developers could help shorter the time you’ll take to learn this awesome technology.

  1. Dive into HTML5 by Mark Pilgrim
    From all the resources I saw, this online book from Mark Pilgrim is still one of my best resources to learn the basics of HTML5.
  2. HTML5 and CSS3 techniques you can use today
    Sometimes videos are a better way to learn. At TechDays 2011, we had some awesome speakers and some of them talked about HTML5 and CSS3 techniques that you can use today. It’s a great way to have a quick one hour overview of what you can build in your next awesome website or Web application.
  3. Application development with HTML5
    I love videos and another great presentation we had at TechDays last year was about HTML5. It’s an introduction of the new version of HTML in a simple way for Web developers. Chris and Nathaniel did a great job by presenting on this topic and I hope you’ll like it as much and they had fun to present it.
  4. HTML5 Center by Sourceforge & Microsoft
    This is a blog made by some coworker in the U.S. in collaboration with Sourceforge. It’s a great blog with interesting subjects like adoption strategy, canvas, mobility, SVG and more.
  5. HTML5 for Web Designers on A Book Apart
    Some people prefer books, so it’s why I added this awesome book on the list. Even if the title said for Web Designers, it’s a good start to learn the most powerful HTML specification ever written.
  6. IE Test Drive
    This site is not only about Internet Explorer: it contains a lot of awesome demos to see what HTML5 is capable of. One part of learning is also to look at the source code of cool demonstrations.
  7. HTML5 & Friends by Mozilla
    We believe that HTML5 is all about working together. It’s a Web standard and everyone that is doing great stuff with this technology is our friend. Mozilla also did a great job to put a simple documentation for developers that have interest to learn the new elements and features of HTML5.
  8. HTML5 W3C specification
    I wasn’t sure if I was going to put the specification on this list. It’s probably the best resource out there since it’s the specification of this standard, but is it really the best place to look? It’s more than 900 pages and not easy to read, but some people want the real stuff, so here it is!
  9. When can I use and Modernizr
    I cheat, these are not resources that will help you to learn HTML5, but they will certainly help you put the 5 in HTML. The first one, When can I use, is all about helping you know which features of HTML5 are supported in which browsers. Really helpful has the specification is not final yet. The other one, Modernizr, is a free Open Source library that will help you do features detections in your code. NO, I don’t talk about browser version detection… don’t do that! Also, they have a great list of polyfills that will help you support older browsers. You won’t be able to live without these two…
  10. Cut the rope
    What? This is not a resource? I explained to my boss that if I want to be able to showcase how HTML5 is awesome, I need to test some of the most overwhelming examples on the Web. Only for professional purpose!

Trust me, this is the point of the iceberg, There are so many resources on HTML5 on the Web, that I would be able to make the "Top 100 resources for HTML5 developers" blog post. I hope these resources will help you get started or give you a good start to take your expertise to the next level. Did you have any “I can’t believe you didn’t put it on your top 10" resources? Share your secret weapon!

P.S.: For those who wants to know who is the guy in the picture, it’s Christian Heilmann, a Developer Evangelist from Mozilla, with an Internet Explorer 9 “I have standard” T-shirt. I thought it could be funny to use this image for this blog post.