
Vulcan Lesson 0: Set up work environment

To work with Vulcan to develop BI solutions, you need the following things installed on your development machine:

· Microsoft SQL Server 2008 with Integration Service

· Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5

· Vulcan binaries

· Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 (Optional)

You can get .NET Framework 3.5 from Microsoft Download Center https://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/default.aspx

, and get Vulcan from https://vulcan.codeplex.com/Release/ProjectReleases.aspx?ReleaseId=25666

Vulcan binaries can be unzipped to any folder you like, just make sure to add its path to your system’s PATH variable, so that you can type “Vulcan” from command line to run it conveniently.

The MSBuild tool of Microsoft Visual Studio is a powerful tool to build large scale applications. Since Vulcan does support MSBuild, it’s suggested to install it to enjoy the convenience. It’s not required to learn Vulcan.

OK, once you get all the above done, type “Vulcan” from command line, if you see the following information, then it’s all set.

__VULCAN MAIN:Notification: VulcanRuntime: Welcome to Vulcan Version 2.2.3356.28949

VULCAN [filename] [-t targetpath] [-r root=path] [-i includefile1] [includefile2] [...] [includefileN]

    filename          Specifies the XML file to be processed.
    -t                Specifies the target path for the generated packages and files.
    -r root=path      Specifies the root path. For example:
                      -r detego=c:\detego
                      sets the 'Detego' root to c:\detego
    -i includefiles   The XML files need to be included to process the source XML file.
                      It's suggested to use '-r' on command line and <Using/> in XML instead.
