
All About Interop

Connecting .NET to just about anything else

Some uses of the Ionic DotNetZip library

ASP.NET App that compresses a file as it is...

Author: cheeso Date: 05/30/2008

DotNetZip, open source library for .ZIP files, revs to v1.4

I have updated DotNetZip, the open source Zip Library for .NET, to v1.4. Find it at...

Author: cheeso Date: 05/30/2008

Emacs regex to grok csc compilation errors

People have asked about this. This is the regular expression I use to allow emacs' next-error...

Author: cheeso Date: 05/22/2008

Interesting - CacheMan for .NET

A distributed object cache (distributed hashtable) for .NET...

Author: cheeso Date: 04/25/2008

C# Code Completion in emacs - CSDE now has a CsdeShell

I've been fiddling some more with C# code completion in emacs. I wrote a csde-shell.el that is the...

Author: cheeso Date: 04/22/2008

C# Code Completion in emacs - getting beanshell equivalent in CSDE

The beanshell is something that, I think, was specially engineered to support the JDE, and...

Author: cheeso Date: 04/21/2008

Powershell script to batch-update AssemblyInfo.cs with new Version

I wrote this script to update all the AssemblyInfo.cs files in a Visual Studio solution, to have the...

Author: cheeso Date: 04/21/2008

MSBuild script for compiling each .cs file into an EXE

I previously wrote about using MSBuild to build all .cs files in a directory into a single exe....

Author: cheeso Date: 04/16/2008

I have a dream! C# Code Completion in Emacs (csense, dabbrev, etc)

No good options here. I know, dabbrev does some neat things. But it pales in comparison to real code...

Author: cheeso Date: 04/15/2008

C# snippets for yasnippet.el (Emacs snippets)

Some nice person built yasnippet.el, a snippet package for emacs. You type 2 or 3 letters, then hit...

Author: cheeso Date: 04/15/2008

Dino's .emacs file

[I'm going to try to keep this up to date, because I periodically change tweak and improve flymake...

Author: cheeso Date: 04/14/2008

Making Hideshow.el work with Csharp-mode.el and region/endregion

The default hideshow.el stuff in emacs doesn't "do" region/endregion, which is commonly seen in C#...

Author: cheeso Date: 04/14/2008

WPF invokes Powershell.exe as an inferior shell

I wrote this up as an example of how to run powershell.exe as an inferior shell from within a WPF...

Author: cheeso Date: 04/11/2008

CopySourceAsHTML in Emacs? Htmlize.el

There's a nice add-in for Visual Studio called CopySourceAsHTML (for VS2005, VS2008), which I have...

Author: cheeso Date: 04/11/2008

PowerShell in Emacs, proof!

Here's the proof that you can run powershell as a shell in Emacs. Grab the download from yesterday...

Author: cheeso Date: 04/11/2008

Run PowerShell as a shell within Emacs

I saw a couple people asking about running powershell as an inferior shell within emacs. Here's what...

Author: cheeso Date: 04/10/2008

MSBuild script for compiling all .cs files into a single assembly (DLL or EXE)

I love Visual Studio, but sometimes I build code using no graphical IDE - just the .NET Framework...

Author: cheeso Date: 04/08/2008

Whatever happened to WSRP? (psst: I'll give you a hint, it rhymes with BEST, and you can do it on a mattress)

Remember when the Java vendors used to advocate WSRP as a way to accomplish Interop? I never thought...

Author: cheeso Date: 04/03/2008

Varying Content-Type according to the URL in a WCF REST Service

My buddy Justin wrote about how to set the Content-Type headers in a WebGet method in a WCF REST...

Author: cheeso Date: 04/03/2008

Why choose WCF for REST?

Chuck, in a comment on a previous post, posed this question: Why choose WCF for a REST app? Here it...

Author: cheeso Date: 04/02/2008

MySpace, and Content-Type Negotiation in REST using WCF

Hah! followup on a hot topic. I posted earlier on content-type negotiation in REST with WCF. My...

Author: cheeso Date: 04/02/2008

Don't Believe Everything you Read on Wikipedia, especially about C# Anonymous Functions

I was reading Wikipedia the other day, and saw this: C# has partial anonymous function support...

Author: cheeso Date: 03/31/2008

Content-Type negotiation and REST (and how WCF fits in)

Just had a comment-exchange on my prior post on How to build a REST app in WCF. I thought I would...

Author: cheeso Date: 03/28/2008

Simple Auto Update, auto patch, for WPF Apps, without the Updater Block

I am writing some smaller WPF apps, and I want them to automatically update themselves, or...

Author: cheeso Date: 03/28/2008

Hanselman survey of web2.0 APIs for .NET

Hanselman does a whilrwind tour of the various popular web2.0 systems that have C# or .NET APIs. In...

Author: cheeso Date: 03/28/2008

Standalone JSON library in .NET on CodePlex

As you know, because you are such a FAITHFUL reader of this blog, there is new JSON support on WCF...

Author: cheeso Date: 03/26/2008

Google Social Graph API via C#

Here's something different for a blog that generally focuses on enterprisey technologies. A .NET guy...

Author: cheeso Date: 03/26/2008

The WCF Samples have been updated

The WCF samples published by Microsoft were updated in early March 2008. Download the samples here.

Author: cheeso Date: 03/24/2008

The WCF LOB Adapter SDK has been Updated

Get the update here.

Author: cheeso Date: 03/24/2008

Tilkov on doubting REST

Stefan Tilkov has written an article addressing doubts about REST, it's posted on InfoQ. He delivers...

Author: cheeso Date: 03/24/2008

Java/XML Binding Options? WebSphere prefers JAXB 2.0...

I'm looking to put together more Java and .NET interop samples. If any of you have any particular...

Author: cheeso Date: 03/24/2008

I updated the WCF Wikipedia page

Check it out. The prior version had a bunch of things that were unclear, inaccurate, incomplete, or...

Author: cheeso Date: 03/24/2008

.NET and Java Interop over Web services - using JMS!

Earlier this month, Syscon published an article that describes how to interconnect .NET and Java...

Author: cheeso Date: 03/21/2008

How to Build a REST app in .NET (with WCF)

My prior post talked about how NOT to write a REST app in .NET. I mentioned WCF as the preferred...

Author: cheeso Date: 03/20/2008

How to build a REST app in .NET (not)

This post by Jack Altiere describes how to build a REST API in .NET. This spurred a respose......

Author: cheeso Date: 03/18/2008

Get Smart on WCF

Joe Stagner posted a good list o links for learning WCF. A good first stop on your journey....

Author: cheeso Date: 03/17/2008

SAP Enterprise Services Explorer for .NET (Visual Studio) does WCF

via https://dedjo.blogspot.com/2008/03/localization-fix-for-sap-esa-explorer.html SAP just released a...

Author: cheeso Date: 03/17/2008

Microsoft article on how to use Virtual Earth from Java (JSP)

from the Virtual Earth blog. Will wonders never cease? If you are a Java programmer and want to use...

Author: cheeso Date: 03/14/2008

Sudoku Generator and Solver in C#

Seems like building a Sudoku application is almost a compulsory thing for programmers these days....

Author: cheeso Date: 03/14/2008

Novell and Microsoft offer Interop resources for Windows+Linux

https://www.moreinterop.com/collaboration/ Cheeso sez, check it out! You can get a 2GB USB Bracelet...

Author: cheeso Date: 03/05/2008

Ballmer says: Microsoft will focus more on Interop

Here's the news link. This is nice to see. Jason Matusow blogged this.

Author: cheeso Date: 03/04/2008

JNBridge Interview on Channel9

Kirk Evans of Microsoft interviewed Wayne Citrin of JNBridge, the Interop company. Check it out on...

Author: cheeso Date: 03/04/2008

Interop enables IT Agility (sell that Mainframe on ebay?)

Here's an interesting story! January 30, 2008 (Computerworld) An IBM zSeries mainframe that Palm...

Author: cheeso Date: 02/07/2008

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