
Mark Deakin


Getting the small screen on the big screen

Over the last few months I have been playing about with a few small gadgets, in particular the type...

Date: 06/16/2014

'Windows' where you don't expect

At the minute there is a lot of news about the 'internet of things' from Nest to Google...

Date: 03/20/2014

Is there space for the 8 inch tablet?

How we got here There was a time when a Windows Personal Computer was exactly that, a box sitting...

Date: 01/10/2014

Xbox One

Just in case you didn't hear, the Xbox One was launched last Friday and I managed to pre-order one....

Date: 11/26/2013

Accessing my 'Big Data' with PowerQuery and PowerMap

One of the great things about Office 2013 is that it includes something called 'Self-service...

Date: 11/07/2013

Common misconceptions about Office 365 (as discovered at IPExpo)

Last week I spent a few days at IPExpo talking to partners big and small about Office 365 and I...

Date: 10/22/2013

Home is where the heart is

Over the last six years, a lot has happened in my life and it's taught me a 3 simple things. 1. True...

Date: 10/07/2013

Windows 8.1 - One month on

After installing Windows 8.1 in July and with the impending final release in of the final code in...

Date: 08/06/2013

Patterns start to Surface

Back in October I bought the Microsoft Surface RT and popped the iPad on ebay. 7 months later I...

Date: 06/03/2013

Wedding OneNote Wonder

With the recentish announcement of Google Keep (https://drive.google.com/keep/), the note taking...

Date: 05/02/2013

"Dont know what you've got 'til it's gone"

Although a fleeting visit (unless Nokia want to furnish the Vodafone UK Microsoft Partner Manager...

Date: 03/14/2013

Three Screens? Does it matter?

A while back I decided to set my lock screen on my Lumia 800 (with the WP 7.8 update) to the Bing...

Date: 03/07/2013

iPad vs Surface - Over before it started

As a quick recap, after three years of purchasing iOS devices, cracks started to form in my Apple...

Date: 01/31/2013

Nokia Lumia 920 - In Summary

I wasn't sure how to best summarise my time with the Nokia Lumia 920. Do I compare it to an iPhone?...

Date: 01/25/2013

Nokia Lumia 920 - And the rest

Well, as you can tell, I kind of lost track of time and missed a few blog posts. To help with Google...

Date: 01/23/2013

Nokia Lumia 920 Day 7 - Kids corner

Kids corner is new to Windows Phone 8 and therefore new to the Nokia 920. What a genius thing it is...

Date: 01/15/2013

Nokia Lumia 920 Day 4 and 5 - Something for the weekend

This weekend we had friends over. I took this as an opportunity to get someone else to take a look...

Date: 01/13/2013

Nokia Lumia 920 Day 3 - Application availability

Having had the Nokia 920 for a few days now, I thought I would take a look at the application...

Date: 01/11/2013

Nokia Lumia 920 Day 2 - Listening to music

If found myself travelling into London on the train today so I thought I would review the Lumia...

Date: 01/10/2013

Nokia Lumia 920 Day 1 - First impressions count

Thanks to the people @nokia_connects, I have the opportunity to trial a Nokia Lumia 920 for two...

Date: 01/09/2013

And along came a Nokia phone

After getting an iPhone5, I had an opportunity to use a Windows Phone (a Lumia 800). Having used iOS...

Date: 01/08/2013

iPhone 5. A few small things made a big difference. And not in a good way.

When I got my iPhone 5, as before, I looked forward to the arrival and excitedly unwrapped the...

Date: 01/07/2013

Seeds of doubt

After leaving Microsoft, like others, I went straight to the ‘dark side’ and got myself...

Date: 01/04/2013

Back to school

Back in 2008 I met Ilona, my girlfriend, who has given me a different perspective on life in a...

Date: 02/01/2011

Back once again

I must start by thanking Mark Summerson as the catalyst to start writing my blog again. I have been...

Date: 01/31/2011

Two months on

It seems like a lifetime,  but its only been two months since I joined Vodafone and a lot has...

Date: 11/27/2009

Tweet and Post on the move!

For the 6 months or so, I have been training to run the New York Marathon for Yorkshire Cancer...

Date: 10/27/2009

One way to use your free texts

As you would expect, I look out for Vodafone related stuff on the web and one of my friends on...

Date: 10/27/2009

Farewell? Maybe not!

Yes, its been a while since I have posted. I have moved onto Twitter as my means to communicate out...

Date: 09/29/2009

Small organisations can have save money now!

One of the reasons why smaller organisation don't have access to the latest and greatest cost saving...

Date: 04/27/2009

RichCopy – Is it the new sliced bread?

I would like to announce the best thing since sliced bread …. RichCopy ! This tool has been...

Date: 03/24/2009

OCS R2 Tips of The Day by Brett

This has been working its way round the ‘Twittersphere’ so I thought I would post it on my blog too....

Date: 03/23/2009

IE8 and the history of the internet

IE8 is available from today,  I have been running it for quite sometime in both Vista and...

Date: 03/19/2009

30 days of Twitter

It’s been about a month since my blog post on ‘To Tweet or Not to Tweet’. I have done over 100+...

Date: 03/09/2009

Microsoft Vision 2019

Once every so often,  Microsoft has a think about what the company will be doing in the future...

Date: 03/03/2009

Spending Microsoft’s money

One of the great things about blogs,  Twitter,  Facebook and other similar networks is if...

Date: 02/18/2009

Microsoft’s Guide to Valentines Day

It’s almost Feb 14th,  the card shops are getting ready for an onslaught of customers and the...

Date: 02/12/2009

To tweet or not to tweet … that is the question

I like to think I am still able to keep up to date with what the ‘tech cool’ are up to and Twitter...

Date: 02/10/2009

Technology playing its part in history – Part 2

I made a post recently on how technology was playing a part in the Inauguration in a way that I...

Date: 01/29/2009

Look what happens when marketing is not restricted to using normal ‘media’

One great to convey/share information is in a video,  people seem to remember things better...

Date: 01/28/2009

Technology playing its part in history

As I type out this posting,  I have the CNN website open with the live video stream of the...

Date: 01/20/2009
