

Microsoft Education in Virginia

Information and updates for Microsoft Education customers in VA

Microsoft Education Tech Upstate New York

Feed with information relevant to Microsoft Solutions within Education in Upstate NY USA. Intended to be an easily consumable stream of relevent technical information and news.

Microsoft Education Technology New England

Feed with information relevant to using Microsoft software within education specifically within the New England geography. Intended to be an easily consumable stream of relevant technical information and news.

Microsoft Empower Programme

Searching for the Next Generation ISV's

Microsoft En Español

En nuestro idioma, las historias de nuestras personas, servicios y productos.

Microsoft Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Team Blog

Learn about the Enterprise Content Management features in SharePoint and Office 2010 and engage with the people who build and deliver the products.

Microsoft Enterprise Mobility Suite Tips

Enterprise Mobility -- by Pieter Wigleven (Technical Solution Professional MSFT)

Microsoft Enterprise Project Management Content Publishing News

Microsoft Enterprise Search Blog

Microsoft ERP @ Russia (RUmicrosoftERP)

Microsoft Dynamics AX and Microsoft Dynamics NAV official Russian blog, driven by Vladimir Egorov and the team

The Microsoft Excel Support Team Blog

Microsoft Exchange pour Tous V2 - Microsoft Exchange made simple

Nouveautés, principes, évolution, trucs et astuces - News, principles, evolution, tips and tricks

Microsoft Exchange Server Tips & Tricks

Microsoft Faculty Connection

Microsoft Federal Platform Tech Talk

A forum for our Microsoft Federal Platforms group to share information about Microsoft technology and how it can apply to Federal platforms.

Microsoft Fix it BLOG

Automated solutions that are easy, intuitive, and available when and where you need them. Browse for solutions or sign in and post a comment.

Microsoft for Developers - Roman Zdebskiy

Technology news, technical overviews

Microsoft for Startups Australia

Accelerating Success for Today's most Promising Startups! Feel free to reach us here - msft4startupsau@microsoft.com

Microsoft Forefront Server Protection Blog

The official blog of the Forefront Server Protection product team.

Microsoft für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen

Themen rund um den Einsatz von IT in kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen

Microsoft Graph blog

The official blog of the Microsoft Graph API

Microsoft GTSC Romania - Enterprise Platforms Support

Microsoft GTSC Bucharest / Covering topics such as: Windows Server, Failover Clustering, Performance, Printing, Core OS, AD, Deployment, WSUS, SCOM/SCCM

Microsoft Gulf Technical Community

The communication portal for the Gulf technical audience

Microsoft Güvenlik Çözümleri

Microsoft Güvenlik Çözümleri Üzerine Makaleler

Microsoft Help Blog

Microsoft Help and Support Blog

Microsoft Higher Education - Mid-Atlantic

Microsoft technical information and updates for the Higher Education Community in Virginia, Maryland, DC, and the Carolinas. (Use the Search box to find specific posts quickly)

Hosted by Kevin Dean

Microsoft Hong Kong

The Microsoft HPC & Batch Team Blog

The blog for the Big Compute team in Microsoft Azure, working on HPC & Batch services and technologies

Microsoft í skólum

Hagnýt notkun

Microsoft i utdanningen

Jobb smartere – studer smartere.

Microsoft Imagine Blog

The Microsoft India Blog

The Microsoft India Blog

Tech thoughts and disruptive new technologies

Microsoft India Platforms Support

Microsoft Indic Language Input Tool Blog

Microsoft InfoPath 2010

The official blog of the Microsoft InfoPath product team

Microsoft InfoPath Bloggers

Microsoft IOT(物聯網)解決方案與.NET Micro Framework / .NET Gadgeteer 中文學習入口

網路上關於微軟技術的資訊實在是汗牛充棟,錦上添花不是我的風格,班門弄斧更是貽笑大方。所以在這裡談談微軟的IOT solution以及.NET的小老弟 - .NET Micro Framework

Microsoft Ireland Blog

Microsoft İş Platformu Hakkında Tüm Yenilikler

BT Uzmanları, yöneticileri ve iş kolu yöneticileri, Microsoft İş Platformu teknoloji ve çözüm haberlerine ulaşabilirler

Microsoft IT ConfigMgr 2007 Blog

Microsoft IT's System Center Configuration Manager 2007 Blog with focus on Network Access Protection, Internet Based Client Management, Application Virtualization and Software Update Management.

Microsoft IT's Cloud Management Services Playbook

Microsoft Japan Data Platform Tech Sales Team Blog

SQL Server, Power BI, Azure を中心に、 マイクロソフトが提供するデータプラットフォーム製品群に関する情報をいち早く提供致します

Microsoft Japan IIS / Azure Bot Service Support Team

Microsoft Japan ISV Evangelism Team

Technical Announcement, Knowledge, and Insights for ISVs in Japan

Microsoft Japan Startup Team

Microsoft Japan Startup Teamより、マイクロソフトの起業支援プログラム「Microsoft BizSpark」や「スタートアップ」に関する情報を発信します。

Microsoft Japan Tech Summit 2016


Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server Team Blog

Announcement and Discussions related to the Microsoft JDBC driver for SQL Server

Microsoft Knowledge Network Team Blog

Microsoft KOREA Developer Support

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