
Grow Your Practice and Increase Profitability with Azure Data Services + SQL Server 2017

According to 451 Research's Total Data Market Monitor service, the total data market is expected to grow from just under $70billion in revenue in 2015 to $132 billion in 2020.  We expect the continued and expanded focus on big data – structured and unstructured – will help drive market growth, contributing to a CAGR of 14% from 2015 to 2020.

Microsoft is uniquely positioned in the market with category-leading capabilities, both on-premises and in the cloud, to deliver tremendous business value for your customers. Partners have a significant opportunity to invest in building and growing their Data and AI practices to help their customers understand the art of the possible and delivering solutions that support current market trends. 

This 9 part webinar series will help you:  build and grow your practice, develop a go to market strategy with assets and increase your technical knowledge. 

Register Today – Series Kicked off on January 24, 2018! View on demand and also our upcoming ML and AI series next week.

If you would like to get a jump start, prior to the webinars, here are some great resources: 

By attending all these sessions, you will learn how to unlock your portion of $132 billion opportunity!


Your TS2 team