
UpsertMultipleRequest Class


Contains the data to create or update multiple records of the same type in a single request.

public sealed class UpsertMultipleRequest : Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationRequest
type UpsertMultipleRequest = class
    inherit OrganizationRequest
Public NotInheritable Class UpsertMultipleRequest
Inherits OrganizationRequest


The following example shows how to use the UpsertMultiple message. For this sample to work correctly, you must be connected to the server to get an IOrganizationService instance.

This static UpsertMultipleExample method depends on a samples_bankaccounttable that has a string column named samples_accountname configured as an alternate key. It also has a string column named samples_description. This code uses the Entity constructor that sets the keyName and keyValue to specify the alternate key value.

/// <summary>
/// Demonstrates using UpsertMultiple with alternate key values
/// </summary>
/// <param name="service">The authenticated IOrganizationService instance</param>
static void UpsertMultipleExample(IOrganizationService service)
      var tableLogicalName = "samples_bankaccount";
      // samples_accountname string column is configued as an alternate key
      // for the samples_bankaccount table
      var altKeyColumnLogicalName = "samples_accountname";

      // Create one record to update with upsert
      service.Create(new Entity(tableLogicalName)
         Attributes =
            {altKeyColumnLogicalName, "Record For Update"},
            {"samples_description","A record to update using Upsert" }

      // Using the Entity constructor to specify alternate key
      Entity toUpdate = new(
            entityName: tableLogicalName,
            keyName: altKeyColumnLogicalName,
            // Same alternate key value as created record.
            keyValue: "Record For Update");
      toUpdate["samples_description"] = "Updated using Upsert";

      Entity toCreate = new(
         entityName: tableLogicalName,
         keyName: altKeyColumnLogicalName,
         keyValue: "Record For Create");
      toCreate["samples_description"] = "A record to create using Upsert";

      // Add the records to a collection
      EntityCollection records = new()
         EntityName = tableLogicalName,
         Entities = { toUpdate, toCreate }

      // Send the request
      UpsertMultipleRequest request = new()
         Targets = records

      var response = (UpsertMultipleResponse)service.Execute(request);

      // Process the responses:
      foreach (UpsertResponse item in response.Results)
         Console.WriteLine($"Record {(item.RecordCreated ? "Created" : "Updated")}");


Record Updated
Record Created

For sample code on GitHub, see the UpsertMultiple project in the Bulk Operations Sample solution.



Pass an instance of this class to the Execute(OrganizationRequest) method, which returns an instance of the UpsertMultipleResponse class.

Privileges and Access Rights

To perform this action, the caller must have privileges on the table for the Entity set to the Targets property. Generally, callers must have Read and Write privileges for the table. Learn more about how to verify access in code

Notes for Callers

For more information, see:

Supported tables

UpsertMultiple is available for any table that supports CreateMultiple and UpdateMultiple messages. Learn how to check availablity for the CreateMultiple and UpdateMultiple messages.



Initializes a new instance of the UpsertMultipleRequest class.



Gets or sets the structure that contains extra data. Optional.

(Inherited from OrganizationRequest)

Gets or sets the indexer for the Parameters collection.

(Inherited from OrganizationRequest)

Gets or sets the collection of parameters for the request. Required, but is supplied by derived classes.

(Inherited from OrganizationRequest)

Gets or sets the ID of the request. Optional.

(Inherited from OrganizationRequest)

Gets or sets the name of the request. Required, but is supplied by derived classes.

(Inherited from OrganizationRequest)

Gets or sets the collection of entities representing records to create or update.

Applies to