
サンプル: ユーザーにロールがあるかどうかを判断する方法

このサンプル コードは、Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement 用です。 「ユーザーとロールに関する作業」からサンプル全体をダウンロードします。


サンプル プロジェクトをダウンロードし、サンプル プロジェクトで使用されている NuGet パッケージを復元するには、インターネット接続が必要です。


ここに提供されているサンプル コードを実行するための要件については、「Customer Engagement Web サービスを使用した単純なプログラムの実行」と「Dataverse サンプルの実行方法」を参照してください。


このサンプルは、Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (on-premises) のユーザーが特定のロールに関連付けられているかどうかを確認する方法を示します。 これは IOrganizationService.RetrieveMultiple メソッドとクエリを使用して実行されます。 最初に、サンプルの主要セクションだけを示すスニペットが表示され、その後に、サンプル コード全体が続きます。 ユーザーを作成するため、このサンプルは設置型環境でのみ実行可能なことに注意してください。 ただし、ユーザーのロールを取得したことを示すサンプルの一部は、すべての環境で機能します。


            // Connect to the Organization service. 
            // The using statement assures that the service proxy will be properly disposed.
            using (_serviceProxy = new OrganizationServiceProxy(serverConfig.OrganizationUri, serverConfig.HomeRealmUri,serverConfig.Credentials, serverConfig.DeviceCredentials))


                // Retrieve a user.
                SystemUser user = _serviceProxy.Retrieve(SystemUser.EntityLogicalName,
                    _userId, new ColumnSet(new String [] {"systemuserid", "firstname", "lastname"})).ToEntity<SystemUser>();

                if (user != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("{1} {0} user account is retrieved.", user.LastName, user.FirstName);
                    // Find a role.
                    QueryExpression query = new QueryExpression
                        EntityName = Role.EntityLogicalName,
                        ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("roleid"),
                        Criteria = new FilterExpression
                            Conditions =

                                new ConditionExpression
                                    AttributeName = "name",
                                    Operator = ConditionOperator.Equal,
                                    Values = {_givenRole}

                    // Get the role.
                    EntityCollection givenRoles = _serviceProxy.RetrieveMultiple(query);

                    if (givenRoles.Entities.Count > 0)
                        Role givenRole = givenRoles.Entities[0].ToEntity<Role>();

                        Console.WriteLine("Role {0} is retrieved.", _givenRole);

                        Console.WriteLine("Checking association between user and role.");
                        // Establish a SystemUser link for a query.
                        LinkEntity systemUserLink = new LinkEntity()
                            LinkFromEntityName = SystemUserRoles.EntityLogicalName,
                            LinkFromAttributeName = "systemuserid",
                            LinkToEntityName = SystemUser.EntityLogicalName,
                            LinkToAttributeName = "systemuserid",
                            LinkCriteria =
                                Conditions =
                                    new ConditionExpression(
                                        "systemuserid", ConditionOperator.Equal, user.Id)

                        // Build the query.
                        QueryExpression linkQuery = new QueryExpression()
                            EntityName = Role.EntityLogicalName,
                            ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("roleid"),
                            LinkEntities =
                                new LinkEntity()
                                    LinkFromEntityName = Role.EntityLogicalName,
                                    LinkFromAttributeName = "roleid",
                                    LinkToEntityName = SystemUserRoles.EntityLogicalName,
                                    LinkToAttributeName = "roleid",
                                    LinkEntities = {systemUserLink}
                            Criteria =
                                Conditions =
                                    new ConditionExpression("roleid", ConditionOperator.Equal, givenRole.Id)
                        // Retrieve matching roles.
                        EntityCollection matchEntities = _serviceProxy.RetrieveMultiple(linkQuery);

                        // if an entity is returned then the user is a member
                        // of the role
                        Boolean isUserInRole = (matchEntities.Entities.Count > 0);

                            Console.WriteLine("User do not belong to the role.");
                            Console.WriteLine("User belong to this role.");


サンプル コードの完了

using System;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.ServiceModel.Description;

// These namespaces are found in the Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.dll assembly
// located in the SDK\bin folder of the SDK download.
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client;
using Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages;

namespace Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Samples
    /// <summary>
    /// Demonstrates how to check a role association with the system user.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// At run-time, you will be given the option to revert the role 
    /// association created by this program.</remarks>
    public class DoesUserBelongToRole
        #region Class Level Members

        // Define the IDs needed for this sample.
        private Guid _userId;
        private OrganizationServiceProxy _serviceProxy;
        private String _givenRole = "salesperson";
        #endregion Class Level Members

        #region How To Sample Code
        /// <summary>
        /// This method first connects to the Organization service. Afterwards,
        /// creates/retrieve a system user,
        /// retrieve a system user to check if it is associate with the salesperson role. 
        /// Note: Creating a user is only supported
        /// in on-premises/active directory environment.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serverConfig">Contains server connection information.</param>
        /// <param name="promptforDelete">When True, the user will be prompted to delete all
        /// created entities.</param>
        public void Run(ServerConnection.Configuration serverConfig, bool promptforDelete)
                // Connect to the Organization service. 
                // The using statement assures that the service proxy will be properly disposed.
                using (_serviceProxy = new OrganizationServiceProxy(serverConfig.OrganizationUri, serverConfig.HomeRealmUri,serverConfig.Credentials, serverConfig.DeviceCredentials))


                    // Retrieve a user.
                    SystemUser user = _serviceProxy.Retrieve(SystemUser.EntityLogicalName,
                        _userId, new ColumnSet(new String [] {"systemuserid", "firstname", "lastname"})).ToEntity<SystemUser>();

                    if (user != null)
                        Console.WriteLine("{1} {0} user account is retrieved.", user.LastName, user.FirstName);
                        // Find a role.
                        QueryExpression query = new QueryExpression
                            EntityName = Role.EntityLogicalName,
                            ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("roleid"),
                            Criteria = new FilterExpression
                                Conditions =
                                    new ConditionExpression
                                        AttributeName = "name",
                                        Operator = ConditionOperator.Equal,
                                        Values = {_givenRole}

                        // Get the role.
                        EntityCollection givenRoles = _serviceProxy.RetrieveMultiple(query);

                        if (givenRoles.Entities.Count > 0)
                            Role givenRole = givenRoles.Entities[0].ToEntity<Role>();

                            Console.WriteLine("Role {0} is retrieved.", _givenRole);

                            Console.WriteLine("Checking association between user and role.");
                            // Establish a SystemUser link for a query.
                            LinkEntity systemUserLink = new LinkEntity()
                                LinkFromEntityName = SystemUserRoles.EntityLogicalName,
                                LinkFromAttributeName = "systemuserid",
                                LinkToEntityName = SystemUser.EntityLogicalName,
                                LinkToAttributeName = "systemuserid",
                                LinkCriteria =
                                    Conditions =
                                        new ConditionExpression(
                                            "systemuserid", ConditionOperator.Equal, user.Id)

                            // Build the query.
                            QueryExpression linkQuery = new QueryExpression()
                                EntityName = Role.EntityLogicalName,
                                ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("roleid"),
                                LinkEntities =
                                    new LinkEntity()
                                        LinkFromEntityName = Role.EntityLogicalName,
                                        LinkFromAttributeName = "roleid",
                                        LinkToEntityName = SystemUserRoles.EntityLogicalName,
                                        LinkToAttributeName = "roleid",
                                        LinkEntities = {systemUserLink}
                                Criteria =
                                    Conditions =
                                        new ConditionExpression("roleid", ConditionOperator.Equal, givenRole.Id)
                            // Retrieve matching roles.
                            EntityCollection matchEntities = _serviceProxy.RetrieveMultiple(linkQuery);

                            // if an entity is returned then the user is a member
                            // of the role
                            Boolean isUserInRole = (matchEntities.Entities.Count > 0);

                                Console.WriteLine("User do not belong to the role.");
                                Console.WriteLine("User belong to this role.");

            // Catch any service fault exceptions that Microsoft Dynamics CRM throws.
            catch (FaultException<Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault>)
                // You can handle an exception here or pass it back to the calling method.

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates any entity records that this sample requires.
        /// </summary>
        public void CreateRequiredRecords()
            // For this sample, all required entities are created in the Run() method.
            // Create/Retrieve a user.
            _userId = SystemUserProvider.RetrieveAUserWithoutAnyRoleAssigned(_serviceProxy);

            if (_userId != Guid.Empty)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} user retrieved.", _userId);

        #endregion How To Sample Code

        #region Main method

        /// <summary>
        /// Standard Main() method used by most SDK samples.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        static public void Main(string[] args)
                // Obtain the target organization's Web address and client logon 
                // credentials from the user.
                ServerConnection serverConnect = new ServerConnection();
                ServerConnection.Configuration config = serverConnect.GetServerConfiguration();

                DoesUserBelongToRole app = new DoesUserBelongToRole();
                app.Run(config, true);
            catch (FaultException<Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault> ex)
                Console.WriteLine("The application terminated with an error.");
                Console.WriteLine("Timestamp: {0}", ex.Detail.Timestamp);
                Console.WriteLine("Code: {0}", ex.Detail.ErrorCode);
                Console.WriteLine("Message: {0}", ex.Detail.Message);
                Console.WriteLine("Trace: {0}", ex.Detail.TraceText);
                Console.WriteLine("Inner Fault: {0}",
                    null == ex.Detail.InnerFault ? "No Inner Fault" : "Has Inner Fault");
            catch (System.TimeoutException ex)
                Console.WriteLine("The application terminated with an error.");
                Console.WriteLine("Message: {0}", ex.Message);
                Console.WriteLine("Stack Trace: {0}", ex.StackTrace);
                Console.WriteLine("Inner Fault: {0}",
                    null == ex.InnerException.Message ? "No Inner Fault" : ex.InnerException.Message);
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("The application terminated with an error.");

                // Display the details of the inner exception.
                if (ex.InnerException != null)

                    FaultException<Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault> fe = ex.InnerException
                        as FaultException<Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault>;
                    if (fe != null)
                        Console.WriteLine("Timestamp: {0}", fe.Detail.Timestamp);
                        Console.WriteLine("Code: {0}", fe.Detail.ErrorCode);
                        Console.WriteLine("Message: {0}", fe.Detail.Message);
                        Console.WriteLine("Trace: {0}", fe.Detail.TraceText);
                        Console.WriteLine("Inner Fault: {0}",
                            null == fe.Detail.InnerFault ? "No Inner Fault" : "Has Inner Fault");
            // Additional exceptions to catch: SecurityTokenValidationException, ExpiredSecurityTokenException,
            // SecurityAccessDeniedException, MessageSecurityException, and SecurityNegotiationException.
                Console.WriteLine("Press <Enter> to exit.");
        #endregion Main method


特権およびロール エンティティ
サンプル: ユーザーのロールを削除する