
BlobOutput Interface



public interface BlobOutput
implements java.lang.annotation.Annotation

Place this on a parameter whose value would be written to a blob. The parameter type should be OutputBinding, where T could be one of:

  • Any native Java types such as int, String, byte[]
  • Any POJO type

The following example shows blob input and output bindings in a Java function. The function makes a copy of a text blob. The function is triggered by a queue message that contains the name of the blob to copy. The new blob is named {originalblobname}-Copy.

@BlobOutput(name = "target", path = "samples-workitems/{queueTrigger}-Copy")
 public String blobCopy(
    @QueueTrigger(name = "filename",
                   queueName = "myqueue-items") String filename,
    @BlobInput(name = "source",
                path = "samples-workitems/{queueTrigger}") String content
 ) {
     return content;

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
abstract java.lang.String connection()

Defines the app setting name that contains the Azure Storage connection string.

abstract java.lang.String dataType()

Defines how Functions runtime should treat the parameter value.

abstract java.lang.String name()

The variable name used in function.json.

abstract java.lang.String path()

Defines the path of the blob to which to write.

Method Details


public abstract String connection()

Defines the app setting name that contains the Azure Storage connection string.


The app setting name of the connection string.


public abstract String dataType()

Defines how Functions runtime should treat the parameter value. Possible values are:

  • "" or string: treat it as a string whose value is serialized from the parameter
  • binary: treat it as a binary data whose value comes from for example OutputBinding<byte[]>


The dataType which will be used by the Functions runtime.


public abstract String name()

The variable name used in function.json.


The variable name used in function.json.


public abstract String path()

Defines the path of the blob to which to write.


The blob path string.

Applies to