ExcelScript.SearchDirection enum
* This script searches for the next instance of the text "TK" on the current worksheet.
* It then selects that cell and removes "TK" and all formatting from the cell.
function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {
// Get the used range on the current worksheet.
let range = workbook.getActiveWorksheet().getUsedRange();
// Get the next cell that contains "TK".
let tkCell = range.find("TK", {
completeMatch: true, /* Don't match if the cell text only contains "TK" as part of another string. */
matchCase: false,
searchDirection: ExcelScript.SearchDirection.forward /* Start at the beginning of the range and go to later columns and rows. */
// Set focus on the found cell.
// Remove the "TK" text value from the cell, as well as any formatting that may have been added.
backwards | 逆順で検索します。 |
forward | 順方向に検索します。 |
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Office Scripts