

.drop table extent tags

Applies to: ✅ Azure Data Explorer

Drops specific extent tags from all or specific extents a table. The command runs in the context of a specific database.


Data shards are called extents, and all commands use "extent" or "extents" as a synonym. For more information on extents, see Extents (Data Shards) Overview.

There are two ways to specify which tags should be removed from which extents:

  • Explicitly specify the tags that should be removed from all extents in the specified table.
  • Provide a query whose results specify the extent IDs in the table, and for each extent - the tags that should be removed.


You must have at least Table Admin permissions for all involved source and destination tables.


.drop [async] table TableName extent tags (Tag [, ...]) with ( extentCreatedOnFrom = FromDate , extentCreatedOnTo = ToDate)

.drop [async] table TableName extent tags with ( extentCreatedOnFrom = FromDate , extentCreatedOnTo = ToDate) <| Query

Learn more about syntax conventions.


Name Type Required Description
async string If specified, the operation executes asynchronously.
TableName string ✔️ The name of the table for which to drop the extent tags.
Tag string ✔️ The names of the extent tags to drop.
FromDate datetime The start date range.
ToDate datetime The end date range.
Query string ✔️ A Kusto Query Language (KQL) query that returns the extent tags to be dropped. See Specify extents with a query.


For better performance, set extentCreatedOnFrom and extentCreatedOnTo parameters to the smallest possible range.


All extents must be in the context database, and must belong to the same table.


An Operation ID (GUID) is returned.


Specify extents with a query

The extents and the tags to drop are specified using a Kusto query. It returns a record set with a column called "ExtentId" and a column called "Tags".


When using the Kusto .NET client library, the following methods will generate the required command:

  • CslCommandGenerator.GenerateExtentTagsDropByRegexCommand(string tableName, string regex)
  • CslCommandGenerator.GenerateExtentTagsDropBySubstringCommand(string tableName, string substring)

Return output

Output parameter Type Description
OriginalExtentId string A unique identifier (GUID) for the original extent whose tags have been modified. The extent is dropped as part of the operation.
ResultExtentId string A unique identifier (GUID) for the result extent that has modified tags. The extent is created and added as part of the operation. Upon failure - "Failed".
ResultExtentTags string The collection of tags that the result extent is tagged with, if any remain, or "null" in case the operation fails.
Details string Includes the failure details if the operation fails.


Drop one tag

Drop the drop-by:Partition000 tag from any extent in table that is tagged with it:

.drop extent tags from table MyOtherTable ('drop-by:Partition000')

Drop several tags

Drop the tags drop-by:20230312104500, a random tag, and drop-by:20230312 from any extent in table that is tagged with either of them:

.drop table [My Table] extent tags ('drop-by:20230312104500','a random tag','drop-by:20230312') with (extentCreatedOnFrom=datetime(2023-03-10), extentCreatedOnTo=datetime(2023-03-12))

Drop all drop-by tags in a specified creation time range

Drop all drop-by tags from extents in table MyTable in a specified creation time range:

.drop table MyTable extent tags with (extentCreatedOnFrom=datetime(2023-03-10), extentCreatedOnTo=datetime(2023-03-12)) <| 
  .show table MyTable extents 
  | where isnotempty(Tags)
  | extend Tags = split(Tags, '\r\n') 
  | mv-expand Tags to typeof(string)
  | where Tags startswith 'drop-by'

Drop all tags matching specific regex

Drop all tags matching regex drop-by:StreamCreationTime_20160915(\d{6}) from extents in table MyTable:

.drop table MyTable extent tags with (extentCreatedOnFrom=datetime(2023-03-10), extentCreatedOnTo=datetime(2023-03-12)) <| 
  .show table MyTable extents 
  | where isnotempty(Tags)
  | extend Tags = split(Tags, '\r\n')
  | mv-expand Tags to typeof(string)
  | where Tags matches regex @"drop-by:StreamCreationTime_20160915(\d{6})"

Sample output

OriginalExtentId ResultExtentId ResultExtentTags Details
e133f050-a1e2-4dad-8552-1f5cf47cab69 0d96ab2d-9dd2-4d2c-a45e-b24c65aa6687 Partition001
cdbeb35b-87ea-499f-b545-defbae091b57 a90a303c-8a14-4207-8f35-d8ea94ca45be
4fcb4598-9a31-4614-903c-0c67c286da8c 97aafea1-59ff-4312-b06b-08f42187872f Partition001 Partition002
2dfdef64-62a3-4950-a130-96b5b1083b5a 0fb7f3da-5e28-4f09-a000-e62eb41592df