

For compliance with accessibility requirements, Microsoft Message Analyzer includes several keyboard shortcut commands that users can apply along with their mouse equivalents, as described in the table that follows:

Table 3. Accessibility Requirements

Task Topic References Keyboard Shortcut Mouse Equivalent
Start the configuration for a new session. Starting a Message Analyzer Session Ctrl+N Click New Session in the Message Analyzer File menu or on the Start Page.
Stop a running Live Trace Session See Managing Session Stop, Pause, Resume, and Restart Shift + F5 Click the Stop button on the global Message Analyzer toolbar.
Restart a stopped Live Trace Session See Managing Session Stop, Pause, Resume, and Restart F5 Click the Restart button on the global Message Analyzer toolbar.
Display the Open dialog to select an input trace file containing data to load into Message Analyzer. Performing Data Retrieval Ctrl+O Click the Open item in the Message Analyzer File menu or click the Open button on the global Message Analyzer toolbar.
Trigger a PowerShell cmdlet action in automation scenarios. Automating Tracing Functions with PowerShell Ctrl+Key None
Save changes to a trace file. Saving Message Data Ctrl+S Click the Save item in the Message Analyzer File menu, or click the Save button on the global Message Analyzer toolbar.
Save a trace file. Saving Message Data Ctrl+Shift+ S Click the Save As item in the Message Analyzer File menu.
Open the Go To Message dialog. Using the Go To Message Feature Ctrl+G Click the Go To Message icon on the Analysis Grid viewer toolbar to open the Go To Message dialog.
Open the Find Message filtering interface. Using the Find Message Feature Ctrl + F Click the Find Message button on the Analysis Grid viewer toolbar.
Apply a view Filter to a set of trace results. Applying and Managing Filters Ctrl+Enter while the cursor is in the Filter Expression text box. Click the Apply button on the appropriate Filter panel of the Filtering toolbar.
Remove a view Filter from a set of trace results. Applying and Managing Filters Ctrl+Shift+Enter while the cursor is in the Filter Expression text box. Click the Remove button on the appropriate Filter panel of the Filtering toolbar.
Open the New Viewer drop-down list Selecting a Session Data Viewer Ctrl + Shift + N Click the New Viewer drop-down list on the global Message Analyzer toolbar.
Select a group of messages in the Analysis Grid. Selecting Messages to Save Shift+Down Arrow Click a message in the Analysis Grid viewer and drag the mouse over the messages you want to select.
Display inline Details for an Analysis Grid message. Analysis Grid Viewer Ctrl+Enter Right-click a message in the Analysis Grid viewer and select Show Details from the context menu, or double-click the cubed icon next to the message number for which Details are required.
Select all hexadecimal values in the Message Data Tool Window. Message Data Tool Window Ctrl+A Manually select and drag the mouse over all hexadecimal values in the Message Data Tool Window.
Display alternate parsing options in the Options dialog. Setting Message Analyzer Global Options Ctrl+P Right-click a message in the Analysis Grid viewer and select Parse As... from the context menu.
Copy data for selected fields in the Message Details Tool Window. Common for most tools and windows. Message Details Tool Window Ctrl+C Select one or more fields in the Message Details Tool Window, right-click them, and then select the Copy Selected Rows menu item.
Copy a field name for a selected message in the Message Details Tool Window. Common for most tools and windows. Message Details Tool Window Ctrl+Alt+C Select a field in the Message Details Tool Window, right-click it, and then select the Copy 'Name' menu item.