
Retrieving Message Data

This section provides conceptual details about the Message Analyzer Browse-Select-View (BSV) model and how you can employ its features for rapid and convenient management and processing of the target data that you will load into Message Analyzer through a Data Retrieval Session. It also describes the features that you can use to configure and run a Data Retrieval Session, along with various methods you can use to load saved data directly into Message Analyzer without additional configuration.

Go To Session Configuration
Go directly to an overview of Data Retrieval Session configuration workflow, filtering options, and other features that are available for configuring and starting a new Data Retrieval Session:
Configuring a Data Retrieval Session

What You Will Learn
In the topics of this section, you will learn how to accomplish the tasks indicated below.

Browse-Select-View Model — understand the BSV model and how to use it to configure a Data Retrieval Session.

Targeting Saved Data as an Input Source — read an introduction to starting, configuring, and optimizing a Data Retrieval Session that targets data from saved input files.

Configuring a Data Retrieval Session — examine a Data Retrieval Session configuration workflow example, filtering options, and the tasks you can perform when configuring a new Data Retrieval Session, such as:

  • Locating supported input file types and targeting the saved data they contain as input to Message Analyzer.

  • Decrypting data from saved traces.

  • Using filtering to select the type of data to retrieve from saved files.

  • Specifying a viewer in which to analyze the retrieved data.

  • Opening text logs and creating OPN configuration files for parsing custom text logs.

  • Handling cloud data as input to Message Analyzer from Azure storage tables or from Azure logs that are stored in binary large object (BLOB) containers.

  • Aggregating and merging multiple related log and trace files for cross-file data correlation and analysis.

  • Loading data from ETL files that contain WPP-generated events.

Performing Data Retrieval — use different methods to perform data retrieval.

Procedures: Using the Data Retrieval Features — perform example procedures that demonstrate the BSV model while encapsulating various aspects of data retrieval functionality.

More Information
To learn more about configuring session scenarios and reconfiguring an existing Data Retrieval Session, see the following topics:
Configuring Session Scenarios with Selected Data Sources
Editing Existing Sessions