Defining UDT Tables and Columns
Once the assembly containing the user-defined type (UDT) definition has been registered in a SQL Server database, it can be used in a column definition.
There is no special syntax for creating a UDT column in a table. You can use the name of the UDT in a column definition as though it were one of the intrinsic SQL Server data types. The following CREATE TABLE Transact-SQL statement creates a table named Points, with a column named ID, which is defined as an int identity column and \ the primary key for the table. The second column is named PointValue, with a data type of Point. The schema name used in this example is dbo. Note that you must have the necessary permissions to specify a schema name. If you omit the schema name, the default schema for the database user is used.
(ID int IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY, PointValue Point)
There are two options for indexing a UDT column:
Index the full value. In this case, if the UDT is binary ordered, you can create an index over the entire UDT column by using the CREATE INDEX Transact-SQL statement.
Index UDT expressions. You can create indexes on persisted computed columns over UDT expressions. The UDT expression can be a field, method or property of a UDT. The expression has to be deterministic and must not perform data access.
For more information, see "CLR User-Defined Types" and "CREATE INDEX (Transact-SQL)" in SQL Server 2005 Books Online.