Commerce Foundation PaymentMethod CommerceQuery
This Commerce Server 2009 operation is used to retrieve the list of payment methods that the server supports.
var queryPaymentMethod = new CommerceQuery<CommerceEntity>("PaymentMethod");
Parameters |
Description |
CommerceModelSearch |
Optionally, you can set the PaymentType field if you want to only obtain PaymentMethods of the specified type. If you do not set the PaymentType field, then the system returns all configured payment methods. |
Operation Sequence Component |
Description |
PaymentMethodQueryProcessor |
Retrieves the payment methods dataset from Commerce Server and adds the requested ones to the response. |
Property |
Description |
CommerceRequest.SearchCiteria.Model.PaymentType |
If this parameter is set, then payment methods matching this PaymentType are returned. If this parameter is not set, then all payment methods are returned. |
Returns a CommerceQueryOperationResponse containing entities matching the provided search criteria.
Returns a CommerceUpdateOperationResponse containing the number of items updated. If UpdateOptions.ReturnModel was specified in the request, the response will also contain the commerce entities that were updated.
Returns a CommerceCreateOperationResponse. If CreateOptions.ReturnModel was specified in the request, the response will contain the entity created.
Returns a CommerceDeleteOperationResponse. If DeleteOptions.ReturnDeletedCount was true in the request, the response will contain the number of entities deleted.
The CommerceResponse.CommerceEntities is zero or more matching PaymentMethod objects.
FaultException<GeneralOperationFault> - an unexpected error occurred while processing the request.