

For the latest version of Commerce Server 2007 Help, see the Microsoft Web site.

Use the RequiredOrderInitCy pipeline component to initialize the order ID, totals, and subtotals in an order form.

For more information, see Currency Enhancements.

Intended use: Order Processing pipeline, Order Initialization stage.

Configuration Values


Values Read

The RequiredOrderInitCy pipeline component reads the following values from the indicated dictionaries.






The ID of the order.



The quantity of an item.

Values Written

The RequiredOrderInitCy pipeline component writes the following values to the Order dictionary.




The ID of the order.


The total price of all the items, after all the discounts have been applied.


The number of items that have not been discounted.


Sum of all item level discounts apply to this line item.


The sum of all order level subtotal discounts applied to this line item.


A SimpleList of dictionaries where each dictionary contains information about an item level discount that was applied to the line item. The order of the list is significant and represents the order in which the discounts were applied to this line item.

The dictionary contains the following elements for each discount:

  • discount_id: Campaign item ID (VT_I4)

  • discount_priority: Discount priority (rank) (VT_I4)

  • discount_timestamp: Last-modified timestamp of the discount (VT_DATE)

  • cy_discount_amount: How much was actually taken off the item (VT_CY)

  • discount_type: 1=Currency Value; 2=Percentage (VT_I4)

  • cy_discount_value: Currency value or percentage value (VT_CY)

  • discount_name: Discount name (VT_BSTR)


A SimpleList of dictionaries where each dictionary contains information about an order level discount that was applied to the order. The order of the list is significant and represents the order in which the discounts were applied to this order.

The dictionary contains the following elements for each discount:

  • discount_id: Campaign item ID (VT_I4)

  • discount_priority: Discount priority (rank) (VT_I4)

  • discount_timestamp: Last-modified timestamp of the discount (VT_DATE)

  • cy_discount_amount: How much was actually taken off the item (VT_CY)

  • discount_type: 1=Currency Value; 2=Percentage (VT_I4)

  • cy_discount_value: Currency value or percentage value (VT_CY)

discount_name: Discount name (VT_BSTR)


The RequiredOrderInitCy pipeline component deletes this key.


The RequiredOrderInitCy pipeline component deletes this key.


The total cost of the order. The RequiredOrderInitCy pipeline component deletes this key.


The subtotal of all items in the items list. The RequiredOrderInitCy pipeline component deletes this key.


The total cost of shipping all items in the order. The RequiredOrderInitCy pipeline component deletes this key.


The total tax for the order. The RequiredOrderInitCy pipeline component deletes this key.


The total handling cost for the order. The RequiredOrderInitCy pipeline component deletes this key.


The RequiredOrderInitCy pipeline component deletes this key.


The RequiredOrderInitCy pipeline component deletes this key.


First, the RequiredOrderInitCy pipeline component makes sure that the order_id key has a value. If it does not, the RequiredOrderInitCy pipeline component generates a unique order ID and assigns it to this key.

Next, to guarantee order integrity, the component initializes the following keys by assigning NULL to them:

  • _cy_total_total

  • _cy_oadjust_subtotal

  • _cy_shipping_total

  • _cy_tax_total

  • _cy_handling_total

  • _cy_tax_included

  • _payment_auth_code

Finally, for each item in the items collection, the RequiredOrderInitCy pipeline component copies the value that is stored in the quantity key to the value of the _n_unadjustedkey to initialize the undiscounted quantity of the item, and initializes the _oadjust_adjustedprice (the total cost of the item) key to zero (0).

See Also

Other Resources

Pipeline Component Reference