
CredentialCache.GetCredential メソッド

指定した URI と認証の種類に関連付けられた NetworkCredential インスタンスを返します。

Public Overridable Function GetCredential( _
   ByVal uriPrefix As Uri, _   ByVal authType As String _) As NetworkCredential Implements ICredentials.GetCredential
public virtual NetworkCredential GetCredential(UriuriPrefix,stringauthType);
public: virtual NetworkCredential* GetCredential(Uri* uriPrefix,String* authType);
public function GetCredential(
   uriPrefix : Uri,authType : String) : NetworkCredential;


  • uriPrefix
    資格情報によってアクセスが許可されるリソースの URI プリフィックスを指定する Uri
  • authType
    uriPrefix で指定されたリソースが使用する認証方式。


NetworkCredential 。または、キャッシュに一致する資格情報がない場合は null 参照 (Visual Basic では Nothing) 。




GetCredential メソッドは、 CredentialCache を検索し、指定した URI と認証の種類の NetworkCredential インスタンスを返します。 CredentialCache に一致する NetworkCredential インスタンスがない場合は、 null 参照 (Visual Basic では Nothing) が返されます。

GetCredential は、キャッシュ内の一致する最も長い URI プリフィックスを使用して、認証の種類に対して返す資格情報のセットを決定します。例を次の表に示します。

URI プリフィックス 一致
https://www.contoso.com/portal/news.htm 特定の Web ページ news.htm の要求。
https://www.contoso.com/portal/ ページ news.htm を除く、 portal パスのすべての内容に対する要求。
https://www.contoso.com/ portal パスを除く、 www.contoso.com のすべてのリソースに対する要求。


[Visual Basic, C#, C++] GetCredential メソッドを使用して、指定した URI および認証の種類に関連付けられている NetworkCredential インスタンスを返す例を次に示します。

Public Shared Sub GetPage(url As String, userName As String, password As String, domainName As String)
        Dim myCredentialCache As New CredentialCache()
        ' Dummy names used as credentials    
        myCredentialCache.Add(New Uri("https://microsoft.com/"), "Basic", New NetworkCredential("user1", "passwd1", "domain1"))
        myCredentialCache.Add(New Uri("https://msdn.com/"), "Basic", New NetworkCredential("user2", "passwd2", "domain2"))
        myCredentialCache.Add(New Uri(url), "Basic", New NetworkCredential(userName, password, domainName))
        ' Creates a webrequest with the specified url. 
        Dim myWebRequest As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create(url) 
        ' Call 'GetCredential' to obtain the credentials specific to our Uri.
        Dim myCredential As NetworkCredential = myCredentialCache.GetCredential(New Uri(url), "Basic")
        myWebRequest.Credentials = myCredential 'Associating only our credentials            
        ' Sends the request and waits for response.
        Dim myWebResponse As WebResponse = myWebRequest.GetResponse() 
        ' Process response here.
        Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Cr + "Response Received.")
    Catch e As WebException
        If Not (e.Response Is Nothing) Then
            Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Lf + ControlChars.Cr + "Failed to obtain a response. The following error occured : {0}", CType(e.Response, HttpWebResponse).StatusDescription)
            Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Lf + ControlChars.Cr + "Failed to obtain a response. The following error occured : {0}", e.Status)
        End If
    Catch e As Exception
        Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Cr + "The following exception was raised : {0}", e.Message)
    End Try
End Sub 'GetPage

Public Shared Sub Display(credential As NetworkCredential)
    Console.WriteLine("The credentials are: ")
Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Cr + "Username : {0} ,Password : {1} ,Domain : {2}", credential.UserName, credential.Password, credential.Domain)
End Sub 'Display

public static void GetPage(string url,string userName,string password,string domainName)
        CredentialCache myCredentialCache = new CredentialCache();
        // Dummy names used as credentials.    
        myCredentialCache.Add(new Uri("https://microsoft.com/"),"Basic", new NetworkCredential("user1","passwd1","domain1"));
        myCredentialCache.Add(new Uri("https://msdn.com/"),"Basic", new NetworkCredential("user2","passwd2","domain2"));
        myCredentialCache.Add(new Uri(url),"Basic", new NetworkCredential(userName,password,domainName));
        // Create a webrequest with the specified url.
     WebRequest myWebRequest = WebRequest.Create(url);  
        // Call 'GetCredential' to obtain the credentials specific to our Uri.
        NetworkCredential myCredential = myCredentialCache.GetCredential(new Uri(url),"Basic");
     // Associating only our credentials.        
        myWebRequest.Credentials = myCredential;    
        // Sends the request and waits for response.
     WebResponse myWebResponse = myWebRequest.GetResponse(); 
        // Process response here.
     Console.WriteLine("\nResponse Received.");
    catch(WebException e) 
        if (e.Response != null)
            Console.WriteLine("\r\nFailed to obtain a response. The following error occured : {0}",((HttpWebResponse)(e.Response)).StatusDescription); 
            Console.WriteLine("\r\nFailed to obtain a response. The following error occured : {0}",e.Status); 
    catch(Exception e)
        Console.WriteLine("\nThe following exception was raised : {0}",e.Message);
  public static void Display(NetworkCredential credential)
Console.WriteLine("\nThe credentials are:");
Console.WriteLine("\nUsername : {0} ,Password : {1} ,Domain : {2}",credential.UserName,credential.Password,credential.Domain);


void Display(NetworkCredential* credential)
   Console::WriteLine(S"\nThe credentials are:");
   Console::WriteLine(S"\nUsername : {0} , Password : {1} , Domain : {2}", 
      credential->UserName, credential->Password, credential->Domain);

void GetPage(String* url, String* userName, String* password, String* domainName)
      CredentialCache* myCredentialCache = new CredentialCache();
      // Dummy names used as credentials.
      myCredentialCache->Add(new Uri(S"https://microsoft.com/"),
         S"Basic", new NetworkCredential(S"user1", S"passwd1", S"domain1"));
      myCredentialCache->Add(new Uri(S"https://msdn.com/"), S"Basic",
         new NetworkCredential(S"user2", S"passwd2", S"domain2"));
      myCredentialCache->Add(new Uri(url), S"Basic", new NetworkCredential(userName, password, domainName));
      // Create a webrequest with the specified url.
      WebRequest* myWebRequest = WebRequest::Create(url);
      // Call 'GetCredential' to obtain the credentials specific to our Uri.
      NetworkCredential* myCredential = myCredentialCache->GetCredential(new Uri(url), S"Basic");
      // Associating only our credentials.
      myWebRequest->Credentials = myCredential;
      // Sends the request and waits for response.
      WebResponse* myWebResponse = myWebRequest->GetResponse();

      // Process response here.

      Console::WriteLine(S"\nResponse Received.");
   catch (WebException* e)
      if (e->Response != 0)
         Console::WriteLine(S"\r\nFailed to obtain a response. The following error occured : {0}",
         Console::WriteLine(S"\r\nFailed to obtain a response. The following error occured : {0}",
         __box( e->Status));
   catch (Exception* e)
      Console::WriteLine(S"\nThe following exception was raised : {0}", e->Message);

[JScript] JScript のサンプルはありません。Visual Basic、C#、および C++ のサンプルを表示するには、このページの左上隅にある言語のフィルタ ボタン 言語のフィルタ をクリックします。


プラットフォーム: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 ファミリ, Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) Standard


CredentialCache クラス | CredentialCache メンバ | System.Net 名前空間