
FQL 構文のリファレンス (ABNF)

最終更新日: 2010年4月30日

適用対象: SharePoint Server 2010

FAST クエリ言語 (FQL) 表現の構造は、拡張バッカスナウア記法 (ABNF) 構文に準拠し、以下のルールに適合します。

可読性のために、ルールでは不要な空白文字が FQL 表現内には存在しないと想定します。しかし、FQL では、カッコ、コンマ、演算子、キーワード、トークンの直前と直後に空白文字が入ることを許可しています。

ABNF では US-ASCII 以外のあらゆるエンコードを明示的にサポートしていませんが、quoted-string-value および unquoted-string-value データ型は、UTF-8 エンコードの幅広い文字値をサポートします。

fql-expression  = (operator-expression / paren-expression / token)

operator-expression = [in-expression] (and / andnot / any / or / rank
    / xrank / near / onear / not / equals / filter / starts-with
    / ends-with / count)

paren-expression = [in-expression] "(" fql-expression ")"

token = [in-expression] (datetime-token / float-token / int-token
    / phrase-token / range-token / string-token)

; Operator expressions
and = "and" "(" multiple-fql-params ")"
andnot = "andnot" "(" multiple-fql-params ")"
any = "any" "(" multiple-fql-params ")"
or = "or" "(" multiple-fql-params ")"

rank = "rank" "(" rank-param *("," rank-param) ")"
rank-param = token / fql-expression

xrank = "xrank" "(" xrank-param *("," xrank-param) ")"
xrank-param = ("boost" "=" integer-value)
    / ("boostall" "=" yesno-value)
    / fql-expression

near = "near" "(" near-param *("," near-param) ")"
near-param = ("N" "=" token-distance) / fql-expression

onear = "onear" "(" onear-param *("," onear-param) ")"
onear-param = ("N" "=" token-distance) / fql-expression

not = "not" "(" fql-expression ")"

count = ("count" "(" token
    1*("," (("from" "=" int-token) / ("to" "=" int-token))) ")")

equals = "equals" "("
    [in-expression] (string-token / phrase-token) ")"
starts-with = "starts-with" "("
    [in-expression] (string-token / phrase-token) ")"
ends-with = "ends-with" "("
    [in-expression] (string-token / phrase-token) ")"
filter = "filter" "(" fql-expression ")"

; Token operator expressions
phrase-token = "phrase" "(" phrase-token-param
    *("," phrase-token-param) ")"
phrase-token-param = ("weight" "=" unsigned-integer-value)
    / ("linguistics" "=" onoff-value)
    / ("wildcard" "=" onoff-value)
    / token

string-token = explicit-string-token / implicit-string-token
explicit-string-token = "string" "(" string-token-param
    *("," string-token-param) ")"
string-token-param = ("mode" "=" mode-value)
    / ("N" "=" token-distance)
    / ("weight" "=" integer-value)
    / ("minexpansion" "=" integer-value)
    / ("maxexpansion" "=" integer-value)
    / ("linguistics" "=" onoff-value)
    / ("wildcard" "=" onoff-value)
    / token
implicit-string-token = string-value

float-token = explicit-float-token / implicit-float-token
explicit-float-token = "float" "(" (float-value
    / (DQUOTE float-value DQUOTE)) ")"
implicit-float-token = *DIGIT "." 1*DIGIT

int-token = explicit-int-token / implicit-int-token
explicit-int-token = "int" "(" (integer-value
    / (DQUOTE integer-value DQUOTE)
    / (DQUOTE integer-value *(SP integer-value) DQUOTE ","
    / (numeric-or-mode "," DQUOTE 1*integer-value *(SP integer-value)
implicit-int-token = integer-value

datetime-token = explicit-datetime-token / implicit-datetime-token
explicit-datetime-token = "datetime" "(" (datetime-value
    / (DQUOTE datetime-value DQUOTE)) ")"
implicit-datetime-token = datetime-value

range-token = "range" "(" range-token-param *("," range-token-param)
range-token-param = ("from" "=" from-condition)
    / ("to" "=" to-condition)
    / range-limit
range-limit = datetime-token / float-token / int-token
    / "min" / "max"
from-condition = unquoted-from-condition
    / (DQUOTE unquoted-from-condition DQUOTE)
unquoted-from-condition = "GE" / "GT"
to-condition = unquoted-to-condition
    / (DQUOTE unquoted-to-condition DQUOTE)
unquoted-to-condition = "LE" / "LT"

; Data types
string-value = quoted-string-value / unquoted-string-value

; <quoted-string-value> can contain any characters
; (including wide characters) that are not control
; characters, except for double quotation marks.
quoted-string-value = DQUOTE 1*(quoted-escaped-character
    / %x20-21 / %x23-ffffffff) DQUOTE
quoted-escaped-character =
    / quoted-escaped-newline
    / quoted-escaped-carriage-return
    / quoted-escaped-tab
    / quoted-escaped-backspace
    / quoted-escaped-form-feed
    / quoted-escaped-double-quote
    / quoted-escaped-single-quote

quoted-escaped-backslash = "\\"
quoted-escaped-newline = "\n"
quoted-escaped-carriage-return = "\r"
quoted-escaped-tab = "\t"
quoted-escaped-backspace = "\b"
quoted-escaped-form-feed = "\f"
quoted-escaped-double-quote = "\" DQUOTE
quoted-escaped-single-quote = "'"

; <unquoted-string-value> can contain any characters (including wide
; characters) that are not control characters, except for spaces,
; commas, double quotation marks, parentheses,colons, and equals
; signs.
unquoted-string-value =
    1*(%x21 / %x23-27 / %x2a-2b / %x2d-39 / %x3b-3c / %x3e-ffffffff)
integer-value = ["-" / "+"] 1*DIGIT
unsigned-integer-value = 1*DIGIT
float-value = ["-" / "+"] (*DIGIT "." 1*DIGIT) / 1*DIGIT

datetime-value = year "-" month "-" day
    ["T" hour ":" minute ":" second ["Z"]]
year = 4*DIGIT            ; four-digit or longer year (0000-infinity)
month = ("0" DIGIT)       ; two-digit month (00-09)
    / ("1" %x30-32)       ; two-digit month (10-12)
day = (%x30-32 DIGIT)     ; two-digit day (00-29)
    / ("3" %x30-31)       ; two-digit day (30-31)
hour = (%x30-31 DIGIT)    ; two-digit hour (00-19)
    / ("2" %x30-33)       ; two-digit hour (20-23)
minute = (%x30-35 DIGIT)  ; two-digit minute (00-59)
second = (%x30-35 DIGIT)  ; two-digit second (00-59)

yesno-value = quoted-yesno-value / unquoted-yesno-value
quoted-yesno-value = DQUOTE unquoted-yesno-value DQUOTE
unquoted-yesno-value = "YES" / "NO"

onoff-value = quoted-onoff-value / unquoted-onoff-value
quoted-onoff-value = DQUOTE unquoted-onoff-value DQUOTE
unquoted-onoff-value = "ON" / "OFF"

; <mode-value> must be inside double quotation marks.
mode-value = DQUOTE ("PHRASE" / "AND" / "OR" / "ANY" / "NEAR"

; General syntax elements
in-expression = ((internal-property-name / property-name) ":")
    / (DQUOTE (internal-property-name / property-name) DQUOTE ":")
numeric-or-mode = "mode" "=" DQUOTE "OR" DQUOTE
token-distance = unsigned-integer-value
internal-property-name = property-name "." property-name
property-name = 1*(ALPHA / DIGIT)
multiple-fql-params = fql-expression 1*("," fql-expression)



FAST 検索クエリ統合の概要

FAST クエリ言語 (FQL) 構文のリファレンス

FQL プロパティの指定

FQL トークン式

FAST クエリ言語 (FQL) の演算子

FQL 簡単なクエリ言語