
LoadController members

Contains the throttle configuration settings for different scopes.

The LoadController type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method ContainsThrottleRule Indicates whether a throttling rule exists for the given ThrottleScope and ThrottleType objects.
Public method Dispose Disposes the resources used by the LoadController.
Protected method Finalize This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public method GetThrottleRuleDefault Gets the throttling rule default value for the given ThrottleScope and ThrottleType objects.
Public method GetThrottleRuleMax Gets the throttling rule maximum value for the given ThrottleScope and ThrottleType objects.
Public method IsThrottleRuleEnabled Determines whether the throttling rule is enabled.
Public method OverrideThrottleRuleDefault Overrides the throttling rule default value for the given ThrottleScope and ThrottleType objects.
Public method Stop Prevents the timer job from automatically updating throttling rules.


See also


LoadController class

Microsoft.SharePoint.BusinessData.SystemSpecific namespace