

Loads a program into the upper memory area (UMA). Loading a program into the UMA leaves more room in conventional memory for other programs. Use the systemroot\System32\Config.nt file, or the equivalent startup file specified in a program's program information file (PIF), to specify the programs to load high.


loadhigh [Drive**:**][Path] FileName [parameters]


[ Drive : ][ Path ] FileName   : Specifies the location and name of the program you want to load. Filename is required.

parameters   : Specifies any command line information required by the program.

/? : Displays help at the command prompt.


  • Windows XP does not use this command. It is accepted only for compatibility with MS-DOS files. 

  • To use the loadhigh command, you must include the dos=umb command in your Config.nt or equivalent startup file. For more information about the dos=umb command, see dos in Related Topics.

  • Before you can load a program into the upper memory area, you must install the Himem.sys extended memory manager. Use the device command in your Config.nt or equivalent startup file to install Himem.sys.

  • If you use the loadhigh command to load a program, Windows XP attempts to load it into the UMA. If there is insufficient space in the UMA, the program is loaded into conventional memory; the memory area used is not indicated.

  • The most convenient way to use the loadhigh command is to include it in your Autoexec.nt or equivalent startup file.


To load a driver into the high memory area (HMA), include the following line in your Autoexec.nt or equivalent startup file:

lh %systemroot% \system32\dosx

Formatting legend




Information that the user must supply


Elements that the user must type exactly as shown

Ellipsis (...)

Parameter that can be repeated several times in a command line

Between brackets ([])

Optional items

Between braces ({}); choices separated by pipe (|). Example: {even|odd}

Set of choices from which the user must choose only one

Courier font

Code or program output



Command-line reference A-Z