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TechNet Guru Contributions - March 2014



March's competition has now closed.

April's competition page is here!!

If you contribute any new code, or solutions to problems in the following categories, please add your content (that you write for a Forum or Blog) to TechNet Wiki, and then add a link to your TechNet Wiki article below, to let us know.  This is a TechNet Wiki awards program, so we only want WIKI LINKS for articles created in MARCH, not old external forum or gallery links. If you have already made a contribution  on the forums or gallery, simply copy it into the wiki and reference the original article, like shown here.

One winner in each category will be selected each month for glory and adoration by the MSDN/TechNet Ninjas and community as a whole. This includes a dedicated blog post in the Wiki Ninjas blog, a tweet from the Wiki Ninjas Twitter account, an announcement on your forum, and other acknowledgement from the community. 

Winners will be voted on by five judges. The judges consist of 3 TechNet Wiki Community Council members and 2 Microsoft Employee SMEs (Subject Matter Experts -usually the people making the technologies). The judges will be looking for articles that are thorough, technically accurate, visually clear (images might help, but aren't necessary), and well written. (Any community member can help with the "technically accurate" part by reviewing the articles below and either fixing inaccuracies in the article or commenting  on them--asking questions or suggesting fixes.)

The articles must be written in March 2014 and must be in English. However, the original blog or forum content can be from before March. Make sure you aren't taking credit for someone else's content (you have to be the author of the original content and of the Wiki article). The categories listed are targeted to the most popular forums/technologies and ones that we are able to support. We will add more categories as we go (please don't add more categories, instead, leave a comment at the bottom to suggest a new category).

How to Enter

1) Create a new TechNet article YOU CAN COPY YOUR CONTRIBUTION FROM MSDN/TECHNET FORUMS OVER TO TECHNET WIKI (IN MARCH) TO QUALIFY FOR THESE AWARDS. You can also create a new article not related to your forums contributions. 

A) Log into TechNet/MSDN with your Microsoft credentials

B) Add your content as an article to TechNet Wiki: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/add.aspx

If you are copying and pasting your MSDN/TechNet forum solutions over to TechNet Wiki, please give some introduction to the problem, make sure your steps are clear, and then link to the original forum post. You can also paste in your blog posts (rather than forum content).

2) Tell us about it To add a link to your article:

A) Log into TechNet with your Microsoft credentials

B) Click the "Edit" tab, above this article title, and copy in the URL  to your TechNet Wiki article into the appropriate section.


Add Your Contributions for March in the Sections Below...

NOTE: These MUST be TechNet Wiki articles, and they MUST be written in March 2014.


The TechNet Guru competition is announced in the forums, links are listed below.

Post a link to the TechNet Wiki page of your BizTalk contribution here:

Forefront Identity Manager

The TechNet Guru competition is announced in the forums links available below.

Post a link to the TechNet Wiki page of your FIM contribution here:

 SharePoint 2010 / 2013

The TechNet Guru competition is announced in the forums, links are listed below.

Post a link to the TechNet Wiki page of SharePoint contribution here

 Small Basic

The TechNet Guru competition is announced in the forums, links are listed below.

Post a link to the TechNet Wiki page of your Small Basic contribution here:

SQL BI and Power BI

The TechNet Guru competition is announced in the forums, links are listed below.

Post a link to the TechNet Wiki page of your BI contribution here:

SQL Server General and Database Engine

The TechNet Guru competition is announced in the forums, links are listed below. 

Post a link to the** TechNet Wiki page** of your SQL Server contribution here:

System Center

The TechNet Guru competition is announced in the forums, links are listed below.

Post a link to the** TechNet Wiki page** of your System Center contribution here:


The TechNet Guru competition is announced in the forums, links are listed below.

Post a link to the TechNet Wiki page of your T-SQL contribution here:

Visual Basic

The TechNet Guru competition is announced in the forums, links are listed below.

Post a link to the TechNet Wiki page of your VB contribution here:

Visual C#

The TechNet Guru competition is announced in the forums, links are listed below.

Post a link to the TechNet Wiki page of your C# contribution here:

Windows Phone and Windows Store Apps

The TechNet Guru competition is announced in the forums, links are listed below.

Post a link to the TechNet Wiki page of your Windows Phone contribution here:

Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)

The TechNet Guru competition is announced in the forums, links are listed below.

Post a link to the TechNet Wiki page of your WPF contribution here:

Windows Server

The TechNet Guru competition is announced in the forums, links are listed below.

Post a link to the TechNet Wiki page of your contribution here:

Wiki and Portals

This new category is for new articles ABOUT TechNet Wiki itself, or portal pages (lists of links)

The TechNet Guru competition is announced in the forums, links are listed below.

Post a link to the TechNet Wiki page of your contribution here:

See Also

This Month's Forum Announcements





























