WVDConnections 테이블에 대한 쿼리
Azure Portal에서 이러한 쿼리를 사용하는 방법에 대한 자세한 내용은 Log Analytics 자습서를 참조하세요. REST API는 쿼리를 참조 하세요.
연결 오류
모든 사용자에 대한 자세한 정보와 함께 각 연결 시도에 대한 연결 검사점 및 오류를 나열합니다.
//You can also uncomment the where clause to filter to a specific user if you are troubleshooting an issue.
//| where UserName == "upn.here@contoso.com"
| project-away TenantId,SourceSystem
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *), StartTime = min(iff(State=='Started', TimeGenerated , datetime(null) )), ConnectTime = min(iff(State=='Connected', TimeGenerated , datetime(null) )) by CorrelationId
| join kind=leftouter
|summarize Errors=make_list(pack('Code', Code, 'CodeSymbolic', CodeSymbolic, 'Time', TimeGenerated, 'Message', Message ,'ServiceError', ServiceError, 'Source', Source)) by CorrelationId
) on CorrelationId
| join kind=leftouter
| summarize Checkpoints=make_list(pack('Time', TimeGenerated, 'Name', Name, 'Parameters', Parameters, 'Source', Source)) by CorrelationId
| mv-apply Checkpoints on
order by todatetime(Checkpoints['Time']) asc
| summarize Checkpoints=make_list(Checkpoints)
) on CorrelationId
| project-away CorrelationId1, CorrelationId2
| order by TimeGenerated desc
세션 기간
각 사용자 연결의 기간 및 연결 유형을 나열합니다.
// The "State" field provides information on the connection stage of an actitivity.
// The delta between "Connected" and "Completed" provides the connection duration.
| where State == "Connected"
| project CorrelationId , UserName, ConnectionType , StartTime=TimeGenerated
| join kind=inner
| where State == "Completed"
| project EndTime=TimeGenerated, CorrelationId
) on CorrelationId
| project Duration = EndTime - StartTime, ConnectionType, UserName
| sort by Duration desc
평균 연결 기간별 상위 10명의 사용자
평균 연결 기간이 가장 긴 10명의 사용자를 나열합니다.
// Connection activities have 3 states, this query demonstrates how to calculate the connection duration.
| where State == "Connected"
| project CorrelationId, UserName, ConnectionType, StartTime=TimeGenerated
| join kind=inner
| where State == "Completed"
| project EndTime=TimeGenerated, CorrelationId
) on CorrelationId
| project Duration = EndTime - StartTime, ConnectionType, UserName
| summarize AVGDuration=avg(Duration) by UserName
| sort by AVGDuration desc
| limit 10
상위 10명의 가장 활성 사용자
총 연결 기간별로 상위 10명의 사용자를 나열합니다.
// The connection duration is the delta between "Connected" and "Completed" state.
| where State == "Connected"
| project CorrelationId , UserName, ConnectionType , StartTime=TimeGenerated
| join kind=inner
| where State == "Completed"
| project EndTime=TimeGenerated, CorrelationId
) on CorrelationId
| extend SessionDuration = EndTime - StartTime
| summarize TotalConnectionTime = sum(SessionDuration) by UserName, ConnectionType
| top 10 by TotalConnectionTime desc
hostpool별 평균 연결 기간
평균 연결 기간별로 호스트 풀의 순위를 지정합니다.
// Characterize the usage pattern of all hostpools in the current Log Analytics scope
| where State == "Connected"
| project ResourceAlias, CorrelationId, StartTime=TimeGenerated, _ResourceId
| join kind = leftouter
| where State == "Completed"
| project EndTime=TimeGenerated, CorrelationId
) on CorrelationId
// If connection hasn't completed yet, it is still running so the end time can be assumed to be now (duration so far)
| project Duration = coalesce(EndTime, now()) - StartTime, _ResourceId
| summarize AvgDuration=avg(Duration) by _ResourceId
| parse _ResourceId with "/subscriptions/" subscription "/resourcegroups/" ResourceGroup "/providers/microsoft.desktopvirtualization/hostpools/" HostPool
| project ResourceGroup, HostPool, AvgDuration
| sort by AvgDuration desc
사용자 수별 클라이언트 쪽 운영 체제 정보
배포에 연결하는 클라이언트 디바이스에서 사용되는 운영 체제의 가로 막대형 차트를 생성합니다.
// Use this query to understand which OS version users have installed on the devices they are connecting from.
| summarize UserCount=dcount(UserName) by ClientOS
| sort by UserCount desc
| render barchart
Azure Virtual Desktop 클라이언트 사용량 정보
배포에 연결하는 사용자가 사용하는 클라이언트 유형 및 버전 목록입니다.
| summarize UserCount=dcount(UserName) by ClientType, ClientVersion
| sort by ClientVersion, ClientType, UserCount desc
평균 세션 로그온 시간
호스트 풀 및 세션 상태별 평균 세션 로그온 시간을 나열합니다.
| where TimeGenerated > ago(24h)
| where State == "Started"
| project CorrelationId , UserName, ConnectionType , StartTime=TimeGenerated, _ResourceId
| join kind=inner
| where State == "Connected"
| project ConnectTime=TimeGenerated, CorrelationId
) on CorrelationId
| join kind=inner
| where Name =~ "LoadBalancedNewConnection"
| extend LoadBalanceOutcome=tostring(parse_json(Parameters).LoadBalanceOutcome)
) on CorrelationId
| project Duration = ConnectTime - StartTime, _ResourceId, Session=case(LoadBalanceOutcome in ("Active", "Disconnected"), "ExistingSession", LoadBalanceOutcome == "Pending", "Creating", LoadBalanceOutcome)
// Exclude connections that are happening while another connection kicked off the session creation, since results will be inconclusive
| where Session != "Creating"
| summarize AvgDuration=avg(Duration) by _ResourceId, Session
| parse _ResourceId with "/subscriptions/" subscription "/resourcegroups/" ResourceGroup "/providers/microsoft.desktopvirtualization/hostpools/" HostPool
| project ResourceGroup, HostPool, Session, AvgDuration
| sort by AvgDuration desc