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Oodrive Sign (Preview)

Connect and consume Oodrive sign's service through your workflows.

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Service Class Regions
Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions except the following:
     -   Azure Government regions
     -   Azure China regions
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Automate Premium All Power Automate regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Apps Premium All Power Apps regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Name Oodrive Sign
URL https://www.oodrive.com/products/oodrive-sign/
Email support-sign@oodrive.com
Connector Metadata
Publisher Oodrive Sign
Website https://www.oodrive.com/products/oodrive-sign/
Privacy policy https://www.oodrive.com/privacy-policy/
Categories IT Operations;Productivity

Oodrive Sign's connector allows you to automate task and easily manage your processes about the electronic signature ecosystem. Automated workflow can be design to, for example, create new contract by a template, add recipients automatically and send the contract for signature. You can also manage all your bundles, recipients, key parameters and more. It offers to the customers the possibility to reduce time used to make manual actions after all the process of signature. All the feature available in the web application can be reproduce in Power Automate using the connector.


You need an account with a paid plan on Oodrive Sign's service.

How to get credentials

You also need to get your API token, that can be ask to the support service or it can be retrieved in your welcoming e-mail which has been sent to your mailbox when you applied to Sign's service.

Note: If you are a employee, you can get the token by contacting your IT service.

Get started with your connector

To start using the connector, first you need to open Power Automate with your Power Platform account.

Note: you'll need to be premium on Power Automate in order to use the connector.

Follow this steps to create a new workflow and use our connector:

  1. In your Power Automate environment, click on the "create" tab.
  2. Choose "Automated cloud Flow" or "Instant cloud flow", as you need.
  3. Give a name to your new workflow, and select a trigger that fit your needs. You can use one of Oodrive Sign's.
  4. Start using the connector by adding an action from it, simply by searching for "Oodrive Sign" in the catalog.
  5. The first time that you add an action or a trigger from our connector, Power Automate will ask you to connect to your environment : this is there that you'll use the API Token provided by us.
  6. Then, click on connect : everything is done, you can use as many actions from the connector that you want.

Known issues and limitations

For issues with Oodrive Sign, please contact the support service.

Common errors and remedies


Generally, when you receive an error 404 with Oodrive Sign's, it says you that the ressource you're trying to find doesn't exist on your environment. Typically, it can be an error in the ID provided for a specific contract or a specific recipient, that doesn't exist. To resolve the issue, try to use your action with a known ID of the ressource you're trying to get.


The HTTP error 501 indicates that Oodrive Sign's service didn't recognize well your demand, or that you passed a wrong type of data to the service. Try to investigate, by reading Sign's documentation, on the data you pass to your action or trigger.


1. How can I upload a document to a specific contract ?

Using the action "Upload a document and attach it to a contract", you can easily upload a pdf file that is remotely saved.

The first step requires to get the content of the file that you want to upload. You can get it by using many connectors. For example, file content can be retrieved by using "Get file content" action of the SharePoint connector.

  1. Get the content of the file that you want to upload as document for a specific contract. In this example, we use the action "Get file content" of the SharePoint Online connector.
  2. Then, add a new "compose" action. Use the output body of the action "Get file content" as input for the compose one.
  3. Add the action called "Upload a document and add it to a contract" from the Oodrive Sign connector.
    • In the input "Contract ID", specify the ID of the contract for which you want your document to be attached.
    • In the input "Files", insert the output of the previous "Compose" action
    • In the input "Files (file name)", insert a name for the document that will be uploaded.
  4. You're done uploading the document !

2. Can I see all the contracts inside my environment ?

If your token is an "administrator" token, yes. Otherwise, you'll only view contract that you've access normally.

3. I have a suggestion for the connector. Where can I submit it ?

You can submit any suggestions about the connector by contacting the support service. We will be really thankful to your contribution !

Creating a connection

The connector supports the following authentication types:

Default Parameters for creating connection. All regions Not shareable


Applicable: All regions

Parameters for creating connection.

This is not shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly.

Name Type Description Required
API Key securestring The API Key for this api True

Throttling Limits

Name Calls Renewal Period
API calls per connection 100 60 seconds


Add a contract to a bundle

Add an existing contract to an existing Bundle.

Add a recipient to a contract

Attach an existing recipient to the contract.

Create a Bundle

Create a new Bundle with at least one existing contract.

Create a contract

Create a new contract in the environment.

Create contract and send it for signature

All in one operation. Create contract, add recipients, documents, and send it for signature to recipients.

Delete a recipient for contract

Delete a recipient from a contract, by his recipient for contract ID. More information in the documentation.

Download a contract's proof file

Download the proof file of the contract.

Download a contract's signed document

Retrieve a pdf file from the contract's signed document.

Download the contract's documents

Retrieve a PDF file that contains all the documents from a contract.

Get a contract's status

Check a specific contract's status.

Get a list of all contracts

Retrieve all contracts from the associated license.

Get a specific contract

Retrieve metadata of a specific contract.

Get a specific recipient

Retrieve a specific recipient in the saved list of recipients of the current environment.

Get signatures of a contract

List all the signatures informations from a specific contract.

List a bundle's contracts

Retrieve all contracts from a specific bundle.

List a contract's recipients

Retrieve all recipients for a specific contract.

List all perimeters

Retrieve all perimeters associated to the connected environment.

List all recipients

Retrieve all the recipients associated to the current license.

List contract's documents

Retrieve all documents bound to a contract.

Resend notification email to a recipient

Send a notification email to a specific recipient for contract.

Resend the notification email to all recipients

Send a notification email to all the recipients of a specific contract.

Send a bundle for signature

Send a bundle for signature.

Send a contract to be signed

Send a specific contract and all his documents to be signed by recipients.

Stop a bundle transaction

Stop a bundle transaction.

Stop a contract's transaction

Stop the contract's transaction so you can modify contract documents and/or signatories.

Upload a document and attach it to a contract

Upload a document to the environment and attach it to a specific contract.

Upload an attachment and add it to a contract

Upload a new attachment to the environment and attach it to a specific contract.

Validate a contract

Validate (countersign) a contract.

Validate contracts in a bundle

Counter-sign (validate) all contract in a bundle.

Withdraw a bundle

Withdraw all contract in a bundle.

Withdraw a contract

Set the status of the contract to ABANDONED, even if the contract was sent for signature.

Add a contract to a bundle

Add an existing contract to an existing Bundle.


Name Key Required Type Description
Bundle ID
id True string

ID of the Bundle to add contract.

Contract ID
contract_id integer

ID of the contract to add to the bundle.


Add a recipient to a contract

Attach an existing recipient to the contract.


Name Key Required Type Description
Contract ID
id True string

ID of the contract to attach recipient.

Recipient ID
recipient_id integer

ID of the recipient to attach to the contract.

Signature mode
signature_mode integer

Mode of signature. See documentation for further informations.

Message title
message_title string

Title of the message to send by e-mail if there will be one.

Message content
message_body string

Body of the message to send by e-mail if there will be one.

rank integer

Place of the recipient in the signature process. Rank and Smartrole are mutually exclusive. Choose only one of them or not at all.

Smart role name
smartrole string

Smart role to give to the recipient. See documentation for further informations.

Transport mode
transport_mode integer

Transport mode of the signature. See documentation for further informations.


Create a Bundle

Create a new Bundle with at least one existing contract.


Name Key Required Type Description
Contract ID
contract_id integer

The bundle first contract's ID.

Same signatories
same_signatories boolean

Set to false if contracts in the bundle do not have the same set of signatories.


Create a contract

Create a new contract in the environment.


Name Key Required Type Description
Name of the contract
name string

Name of the newly created contract (Required).

Contract Definition ID
contract_definition_id integer

ID of the contract definition. Refer to your licence's API variable. Default to PDF AdHoc template.

Vendor email
vendor_email string

Email of the licence owner.

Date of creation
date integer

Date of the contract. Default to Date.Now(). Must be in milliseconds.

Message title
message_title string

Object of the email sent. Leave empty for a default title.

Message body
message_body string

Body of the email sent. Leave empty for a default message.

Keep on move
keep_on_move boolean

Activate or not off-line signature on mobile device

Auto close
auto_close integer

Specify if countersignature is performed without human intervention.

sequential boolean

Specify if sequential or not.

Customer number
customer_number string

For legacy mobile applications compatibility only.

List of perimeter
perimeters array of string
Element definition ID
element_definition_id integer

Definition ID of the element.

value string

Value of the element option.

Property ID
id integer

ID of the custom property.

Property Key
key string

Key of the custom property.

Property Placeholder
placeholder string

Label shown to the recipient when invited to fill in the property.

Property Value
value string

Value of the custom property.

Property Contract ID
contract_id integer

ID of the contract associated to this custom property.

Property Is Required
to_fill_by_user boolean

Specify if user need to fill property or not.

Property Type
field_type string

Specify the type of the custom property. More informations in the documentation.

Property Choices
input_filter string

List of possible choice for the property.

Property Is Used By Contract
used_by_contract boolean

Set to true if the information must appear on the contract document.

Property Is Required
required boolean

Specify if property is required or not.



Create contract and send it for signature

All in one operation. Create contract, add recipients, documents, and send it for signature to recipients.


Name Key Required Type Description
Contract ID
contract_id integer

The ID of the contract.

Creation Date
date integer

Date at which the contract has been created.

Vendor E-mail Address
vendor_email string

E-mail address of the Oodrive's license owner.

Contract Definition ID
contract_definition_id integer

ID of the contract definition used for this contract.

Message Subject
message_title string

E-mail subject when sent for signature.

Message Body
message_body string

E-mail body when sent for signature.

Contract Name
name True string

Contract's main document name.

Offline Signature Activated
keep_on_move boolean

Determine if the offline signature on mobile device is activated.

Contract Closed Date
closed_date integer

Date of closure of the contract, if there are any.

Contract Canceled Reason
canceled_reason string

Reason of the cancel, if there are any.

Auto-close Enabled
auto_close integer

Specify if the contract will be countersigned automatically or need a human intervention.

Is Deleted
deleted integer

Specify if the contract has been deleted or not.

Perimeter Key
Perimeters string

Key of the perimeter.

Option ID
id integer

ID of the contract's option.

Contract ID
contract_id integer

ID of the contract bound to this option.

Element Definition ID
element_definition_id integer

ID of the element definition of the option.

Sync Timer
sync_timer integer

Timer that is used for synchronization issue.

Option Value
value string

Value of the option.

Last modification place
last_modification_place string

Indicates where the last modification took place.

Option Control
control string

Control field.

Property ID
id integer

ID of the custom property.

Property Key
key string

Key of the custom property.

Property Placeholder
placeholder string

Label shown to the recipient when invited to fill in the property.

Property Value
value string

Value of the custom property.

Property Contract ID
contract_id integer

ID of the contract associated to this custom property.

Property Is Required
to_fill_by_user boolean

Specify if user need to fill property or not.

Property Type
field_type string

Specify the type of the custom property. More informations in the documentation.

Property Choices
input_filter string

List of possible choice for the property.

Property Is Used By Contract
used_by_contract boolean

Set to true if the information must appear on the contract document.

Property Is Required
required boolean

Specify if property is required or not.

Signature Mode
signature_mode integer
firstname string
lastname string
email string
cell_phone string
pdfparts string
appendixparts string


Name Path Type Description
recipients array of Recipient
recipientForcontract array of ContractRecipient
contract Contract
pdfparts array of object

Array of PDF bound to the contract.

pdfparts.id integer

ID of the PDF.

PDF Rank
pdfparts.rank integer

Rank of the PDF.

Has SmartFields
pdfparts.has_smart_field boolean

Specify if there is smart fields in the contract.

PDF Size
pdfparts.size integer

Size of the document.

File name
pdfparts.filename string

Name of the pdf.

appendixparts array of object
appendixparts.id integer

Delete a recipient for contract

Delete a recipient from a contract, by his recipient for contract ID. More information in the documentation.


Name Key Required Type Description
Recipient for contract ID
cfc_id True string

ID of the recipient for contract object to delete.


Name Path Type Description
succeed boolean

Specify if it was removed successfully.

Download a contract's proof file

Download the proof file of the contract.


Name Key Required Type Description
Contract ID
id True string

ID of the contract to download the proof file.

Output file name
filename string

Name of the file which will be downloaded.



Download a contract's signed document

Retrieve a pdf file from the contract's signed document.


Name Key Required Type Description
Contract ID
id True integer

ID of the contract which contains documents.

File name
filename string

The name that you want to give to the downloaded document.


Binary content of the pdf file.

Document Binary

Download the contract's documents

Retrieve a PDF file that contains all the documents from a contract.


Name Key Required Type Description
Contract ID
id True string

ID of the contract to retrieve the pdf file.

Output file name
filename string

Name of the file which will be downloaded.


PDF Document Binary

Get a contract's status

Check a specific contract's status.


Name Key Required Type Description
Contract ID
id True integer

ID of the contract to retrieve status.


Get a list of all contracts

Retrieve all contracts from the associated license.


Name Key Required Type Description
Size of the returned array
size integer

The maximum size of the returned array of contract.

Skip first n contracts
offset integer

The sequence number of contract that will be skipped.

Show contract properties
get_properties boolean

If true, contract properties will be listed in the response.

Show contract perimeters
get_perimeters boolean

If true, contract perimeters will be listed in the response.

Created before
before integer

Will list contract created before the given date.

Created after
after integer

Will list contract created after the given date.

Only with perimeter
perimeter string

List contracts only in a given perimeter.

Only with status
status array

Retrieve contract only with specified status.


Get a specific contract

Retrieve metadata of a specific contract.


Name Key Required Type Description
Contract ID
id True string

The contract ID to retrieve.



Get a specific recipient

Retrieve a specific recipient in the saved list of recipients of the current environment.


Name Key Required Type Description
Recipient ID
id True string

ID of the recipient to retrieve.



Get signatures of a contract

List all the signatures informations from a specific contract.


Name Key Required Type Description
Contract ID
id True string

ID of the contract to list all signatures.


List a bundle's contracts

Retrieve all contracts from a specific bundle.


Name Key Required Type Description
Bundle ID
id True string

ID of the bundle to retrieve contracts from.


List a contract's recipients

Retrieve all recipients for a specific contract.


Name Key Required Type Description
Contract ID
id True string

ID of the contract to retrieve all recipients.


List all perimeters

Retrieve all perimeters associated to the connected environment.


List all recipients

Retrieve all the recipients associated to the current license.


Name Key Required Type Description
size integer

Maximum size of the returned array.

offset integer

Sequence number of the first recipient listed.

perimeter string

Search only in the given perimeter.

Get Custom Props
get_custom_props boolean

List recipients custom properties (increases response time).

Get Perimeters
get_perimeters boolean

List recipient's perimeters in the responses (increases response time).

Filter lastname (contains)
name string

Filter on the lastname.

Filter email (contains)
email string

Filter on the email.


array of Recipient

List contract's documents

Retrieve all documents bound to a contract.


Name Key Required Type Description
Contract ID
id True string

ID of the contract to retrieve documents.


Resend notification email to a recipient

Send a notification email to a specific recipient for contract.


Name Key Required Type Description
Contract ID
id True string

ID of the contract to resend notification.

Recipient for Contract ID
cfc_id True string

ID of the recipient for contract object to send a notification.


Name Path Type Description
succeed boolean

Specify if the notification was successfully resend.

Resend the notification email to all recipients

Send a notification email to all the recipients of a specific contract.


Name Key Required Type Description
Contract ID
id True string

ID of the contract to resend notification.


Name Path Type Description
succeed boolean

Specify if the notification was successfully resend.

Send a bundle for signature

Send a bundle for signature.


Name Key Required Type Description
Bundle ID
id True string

ID of the bundle to send for signature.


Name Path Type Description
succeed boolean

Says if transaction has been sent or not.

Send a contract to be signed

Send a specific contract and all his documents to be signed by recipients.


Name Key Required Type Description
Contract ID
id True string

ID of the contract to send for signature.


Stop a bundle transaction

Stop a bundle transaction.


Name Key Required Type Description
Bundle ID
id True string

ID of the Bundle to stop transaction.

Force close
force boolean

Force transaction close, even if signatories have already signed.


Name Path Type Description
succeed boolean

Says bundle was successfully stopped.

Stop a contract's transaction

Stop the contract's transaction so you can modify contract documents and/or signatories.


Name Key Required Type Description
Contract ID
id True string

ID of the contract to stop.

force boolean

Force transaction close even if signatories have already signed.


Name Path Type Description
succeed boolean

Specify if the contract has been cancelled.

Upload a document and attach it to a contract

Upload a document to the environment and attach it to a specific contract.


Name Key Required Type Description
Contract ID
id True string

ID of the contract to attach a new document to.

file file

File binary to upload.


Upload an attachment and add it to a contract

Upload a new attachment to the environment and attach it to a specific contract.


Name Key Required Type Description
Contract ID
id True string

ID of the contract to add an attachment.

Contract definition ID
contract_definition_id integer

Contract definition ID defined in your environment. Default is pdfadhoc.

Option definition name
option_definition_name string

Definition name.

file array

Files to add as attachments


Validate a contract

Validate (countersign) a contract.


Name Key Required Type Description
Contract ID
id True string

ID of the contract to validate.

force boolean

Specify if the contract validation must be forced, even if some signatories have not signed yet.


Name Path Type Description
Validation Date
date string

Date of validation.

Transaction ID
id string

The certification authority's transaction ID.

Validate contracts in a bundle

Counter-sign (validate) all contract in a bundle.


Name Key Required Type Description
Bundle ID
id True string

ID of the bundle to validate all contract.

Force validation
force boolean

Force the contracts validation if some signatories have not signed yet (or have refused to sign).


Name Path Type Description
array of object
date string

Date of close state.

Contract ID
id string

ID of the contract stopped.

Withdraw a bundle

Withdraw all contract in a bundle.


Name Key Required Type Description
Bundle ID
id True string

ID of the bundle to withdraw all contract.


Name Path Type Description
succeed boolean

Says if bundle was withdrawn.

Withdraw a contract

Set the status of the contract to ABANDONED, even if the contract was sent for signature.


Name Key Required Type Description
Contract ID
id True string

ID of the contract to withdraw.

reason string

The reason of the withdraw.


Name Path Type Description
succeed boolean

Specify if the contract has been cancelled.


When a contract's status change

This operation is triggered whenever a contract's status has changed.

When a contract's status change

This operation is triggered whenever a contract's status has changed.


Name Key Required Type Description
description string


events array of string


contractDefinition array of integer


perimeter array of integer


concernedUserEmail string



Name Path Type Description
type string


contractId integer


timestamp integer


contractStatus string




Name Path Type Description


Name Path Type Description
Contract ID
contract_id integer

The ID of the contract.

Creation Date
date integer

Date at which the contract has been created.

Document Token
document_token string

Token of the contract's main document.

Vendor E-mail Address
vendor_email string

E-mail address of the Oodrive's license owner.

Is Closed
closed boolean

Specify if the contract is closed or not.

Contract Status
status string

Contract's current status.

Contract Definition ID
contract_definition_id integer

ID of the contract definition used for this contract.

Message Subject
message_title string

E-mail subject when sent for signature.

Message Body
message_body string

E-mail body when sent for signature.

Contract Name
name string

Contract's main document name.

Offline Signature Activated
keep_on_move boolean

Determine if the offline signature on mobile device is activated.

Contract Closed Date
closed_date integer

Date of closure of the contract, if there are any.

Contract Canceled Reason
canceled_reason string

Reason of the cancel, if there are any.

Contract Version Number
version_number integer

Version number of the contract.

Contract Size
size integer

Full size of the contract.

Auto-close Enabled
auto_close integer

Specify if the contract will be countersigned automatically or need a human intervention.

Is Deleted
deleted integer

Specify if the contract has been deleted or not.

perimeters array of ContractPerimeterKey

List of all perimeters of the contract (if queried).

options array of ContractOption

List of all specific options of the contract (if queried).

Custom properties
contract_properties array of ContractProperty

List of all optional contract properties (if queried).


Name Path Type Description
Option ID
id integer

ID of the contract's option.

Contract ID
contract_id integer

ID of the contract bound to this option.

Element Definition ID
element_definition_id integer

ID of the element definition of the option.

Sync Timer
sync_timer integer

Timer that is used for synchronization issue.

Option Value
value string

Value of the option.

Last modification place
last_modification_place string

Indicates where the last modification took place.

Option Control
control string

Control field.


Name Path Type Description
Property ID
id integer

ID of the custom property.

Property Key
key string

Key of the custom property.

Property Placeholder
placeholder string

Label shown to the recipient when invited to fill in the property.

Property Value
value string

Value of the custom property.

Property Contract ID
contract_id integer

ID of the contract associated to this custom property.

Property Is Required
to_fill_by_user boolean

Specify if user need to fill property or not.

Property Type
field_type string

Specify the type of the custom property. More informations in the documentation.

Property Choices
input_filter string

List of possible choice for the property.

Property Is Used By Contract
used_by_contract boolean

Set to true if the information must appear on the contract document.

Property Is Required
required boolean

Specify if property is required or not.


Key of the perimeter.

Key of the perimeter.

Perimeter Key


Name Path Type Description
Recipient for contract ID
recipient_for_contract_id integer

Unique identifier of the couple contract and recipient.

Recipient ID
recipient_id integer

ID of the recipient.

Contract ID
contract_id integer

ID of the contract.

Signature status
signature_status string

Status of the sign mark.

Signature date
signature_date integer

Timestamp of the date of the sign mark.

Signature mode
signature_mode integer

Sign mark mode.

Message title
message_title string

Title of the message.

Message content
message_body string

Body of the message.

rank integer

Rank in the sign process.

Smart role
smartrole string

Smart Role associated to the recipient.

Transport mode
transport_mode integer

Transport mode.

Signature ID
signature_id string

ID of the signature from the recipient.


Name Path Type Description
Document ID
id integer

ID of the document.

rank integer

Place in the list of document.

Has SmartField
has_smart_field boolean

Specify if the document has SmartFields.

Document Size
size integer

Size of the document in bytes.

Document Name
filename string

Name of the document.


Name Path Type Description
Contract Transaction ID
transaction_id string

Specify the transaction ID bound to the contract.

Is Closed
is_closed boolean

Specify if the contract is closed.

Contract Name
contract_name string

Name of the contract.

Contract Status
status string

Specify the status of the contract.


Name Path Type Description
Perimeter ID
id integer

ID of the perimeter.

Perimeter key
key string

Key of the perimeter (used by contracts).

description string

Description of the perimeter.


Name Path Type Description
Recipient for contract ID
recipient_for_contract_id integer

ID of the object that bound the contract and the recipient.

Recipient ID
recipient_id integer

ID of the signature's recipient.

Signature Status
signature_status string

Status of the signature.

Signature date
signature_date integer

Date of the last changes of the signature.

Signature mode
signature_mode integer

Mode of the signature.

Message title
message_title string

Title of the message bound to the contract's signature.

Message content
message_body string

Body of the message bound to the contract's signature.

rank integer

Rank of the signature's recipient in the contract process.

Smart role name
smartrole string

Role of the signature's recipient in the contract.

Transport mode
transport_mode integer

Transport mode of the contract bound to the signature.

Signature ID
signature_id string

ID of the signature.

Has Refusal
has_refusal boolean

Specify if the recipient did refuse the contract.

Last refusal date
last_refusal_date integer

Specify the date of refusal.

Last refusal message
last_refusal_message string

Specify the refusal message.


Name Path Type Description
Contract ID
id integer

ID of the contract.

Contract Name
name string

Name of the contract.

Contract definition type
contract_definition_type string

Type of definition of the contract.

Contract definition ID
contract_definition_id integer

ID of the contract's definition.

Company name
company_name string

Name of the company bound to the contract.


Name Path Type Description
Recipient ID
id integer

ID of the recipient.

civility string

Civility of the recipient

First Name
firstname string

Firstname of the recipient.

Last Name
lastname string

Lastname of the recipient.

Main address
address_1 string

Main postal address of the recipient.

Postal Code
postal_code string

Postal code of the recipient.

city string

City of the recipient.

Mobile Phone number
cell_phone string

Mobile Phone number of the recipient.

Mail address
email string

Mail address of the recipient.

country string

Country of the recipient.

Secondary Address
address_2 string

Secondary postal address of the recipient.

Company Name
company_name string

Company name of the recipient.

Phone number
phone string

Phone number of the recipient.

Job Title
job_title string

Job title of the recipient.

birthdate integer

Birth date (timestamp) of the recipient.

Birth place
birthplace string

Birth place of the recipient.

custom_properties array of RecipientProperty
perimeters array of string


Name Path Type Description
Property ID
id integer

ID of the property.

Property key
key string

Key of the property.

Property value
value string

Value of the property.

Contractor ID
contractor_id integer

ID of the contractor.

Synchronization timer
sync_timer integer

Timer of the last synchronization.

Last modification place
last_modification_place string

Location of the last modification.


Name Path Type Description
Appendix ID
id integer

ID of the Appendix.

Appendix Name
filename string

Name of the Appendix.

Appendix option ID
option_id integer

Option ID for the Appendix

Appendix Content-Type
content_type string

Content-Type of the Appendix (image/jpeg for example).


Name Path Type Description
Bundle ID
id integer

ID of the Bundle.

Author ID
actor_id integer

ID of the creator of the Bundle.

First Contract ID
contract_id integer

ID of the first contract of the created Bundle.

Bundle Status
status integer

Status of the bundle.

Bundle Master
master integer

Master of the bundle.


This is the basic data type 'file'.