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Sapling.ai (Independent Publisher) (Preview)

Sapling is building the AI assistant for business communication, one that helps teams communicate more efficiently and effectively with their clients, across diverse use cases.

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Service Class Regions
Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions except the following:
     -   Azure Government regions
     -   Azure China regions
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Automate Premium All Power Automate regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Power Apps Premium All Power Apps regions except the following:
     -   US Government (GCC)
     -   US Government (GCC High)
     -   China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Name Fördős András
Email fordosa90+ipc_sapling@gmail.com
Connector Metadata
Publisher Fördős András
Website https://sapling.ai/docs/
Privacy policy https://sapling.ai/privacy
Categories AI;Productivity

Creating a connection

The connector supports the following authentication types:

Default Parameters for creating connection. All regions Not shareable


Applicable: All regions

Parameters for creating connection.

This is not shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly.

Name Type Description Required
API Key securestring The API Key for this api True

Throttling Limits

Name Calls Renewal Period
API calls per connection 100 60 seconds



predictions of the next few characters or words given the current context in a particular editable.

Detect AI

The endpoint computes the likelihood a piece of text was AI generated.

Medical spellcheck

Use spellcheck only for medical terms.


Perform only requires spellcheck on your text instead of a full grammar edit.


Computes simple statistics for a given text document, like word and sentence counts and Flesch-Kincaid score.


predictions of the next few characters or words given the current context in a particular editable.


Name Key Required Type Description
query True string

Text that should be autocompleted.

Session ID
session_id True string

Unique name or UUID of document or portion of text that is being checked.


Name Path Type Description
hash string

Opaque ID of completion for use with accept event.

output string

Predicted completion. For example, for the query 'Hi, how are', the predicted completion should be 'you' (with a leading space).

query string

Actual query used to generate completion (may be a truncated version of request query).

Detect AI

The endpoint computes the likelihood a piece of text was AI generated.


Name Key Required Type Description
text True string

Text to run detection on. The limit is currently 8000 characters.

Sent scores
sent_scores boolean

Whether to return sentence scores. If speed is of the essence, you can disable this setting.


Name Path Type Description
hash string

Opaque ID of completion for use with accept event.

score float

Between 0 and 1, with 0 indicating the maximum confidence that the text is human-written.

Sentence scores
sentence_scores array of object

The per-sentence scores may not correlate with the overall score, as they're computed using different method.

sentence_scores.score float

Calculated score for sentence.

sentence_scores.sentence string

Sentence for which score is calculated.

text string

The full text, that is under analysis.

truncated boolean

Indication, whether response is truncated.

Medical spellcheck

Use spellcheck only for medical terms.


Name Key Required Type Description
text True string

Text to process for edits.

Minimum length
min_length True integer

Minimum character length of words to suggest corrections for. Setting this too low will result in much higher false positives.

Session ID
session_id True string

Unique name or UUID of document or portion of text that is being checked.

Multiple edits
multiple_edits boolean

If true, will return candidates field containing list of other potential corrections for each error.

Neural spellcheck
neural_spellcheck boolean

If true, endpoint backend will use more powerful neural (GPT-style) model to make spelling suggestions.

lang string

Language code of the text, for example 'en'.


Name Path Type Description
edits array of EditDef


Perform only requires spellcheck on your text instead of a full grammar edit.


Name Key Required Type Description
text True string

Text to process for edits.

Minimum length
min_length True integer

Minimum character length of words to suggest corrections for. Setting this too low will result in much higher false positives.

Session ID
session_id True string

Unique name or UUID of document or portion of text that is being checked.

Multiple edits
multiple_edits boolean

If true, will return candidates field containing list of other potential corrections for each error.

Neural spellcheck
neural_spellcheck boolean

If true, endpoint backend will use more powerful neural (GPT-style) model to make spelling suggestions.

lang string

Language code of the text, for example 'en'.


Name Path Type Description
edits array of EditDef


Computes simple statistics for a given text document, like word and sentence counts and Flesch-Kincaid score.


Name Key Required Type Description
text True string

Text to compute statistics for.

Session ID
session_id True string

Unique name or UUID of document or portion of text that is being processed.


Name Path Type Description
chars integer

Number of characters.

readability float

Flesch-Kincaid readability grade

Reading time (min)
reading_time_min integer

Readin time - minutes.

Reading time (sec)
reading_time_sec float

Reading time - seconds

sentences integer

Number of sentences.

words integer

Number of words.



Grammar, spelling, or stylistic edits for text, based on action chosen.

Name Path Type Description
end integer

Offset of edit end relative to sentence.

id string

Opaque edit id, used to give feedback.

replacement string

Suggested replacement.

sentence string

Unedited sentence.

Sentence start
sentence_start integer

Offset of sentence from start of text.

start integer

Offset of edit start relative to sentence.

Error type
error_type string

Error type, see 'Error Categories'.

General error type
general_error_type string

See 'Error Categories' on the website.