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DataLakeFileUploadOptions Class


Optional parameters for uploading to a Data Lake file.

public class DataLakeFileUploadOptions
type DataLakeFileUploadOptions = class
Public Class DataLakeFileUploadOptions





Azure Storage Events allow applications to receive notifications when files change. When Azure Storage Events are enabled, a file changed event is raised. This event has a property indicating whether this is the final change to distinguish the difference between an intermediate flush to a file stream and the final close of a file stream. The close query parameter is valid only when the action is "flush" and change notifications are enabled. If the value of close is "true" and the flush operation completes successfully, the service raises a file change notification with a property indicating that this is the final update (the file stream has been closed). If "false" a change notification is raised indicating the file has changed. The default is false. This query parameter is set to true by the Hadoop ABFS driver to indicate that the file stream has been closed.


Optional DataLakeRequestConditions to apply to the request.


Optional encryption context that can be set the file. Encryption context is file metadata that is not encrypted when stored on the file. The primary application of this field is to store non-encrypted data that can be used to derive the customer-provided key for a file. Not applicable for directories.


Optional standard HTTP header properties that can be set for the file.


Optional custom metadata to set for this file.


Optional and only valid if Hierarchical Namespace is enabled for the account. Sets POSIX access permissions for the file owner, the file owning group, and others. Each class may be granted read, write, or execute permission. The sticky bit is also supported. Both symbolic (rwxrw-rw-) and 4-digit octal notation (e.g. 0766) are supported.


Optional IProgress<T> to provide progress updates about data transfers.


Optional StorageTransferOptions to configure parallel transfer behavior.


Optional override settings for this client's TransferValidation settings.


Optional and only valid if Hierarchical Namespace is enabled for the account. When creating a file or directory and the parent folder does not have a default ACL, the umask restricts the permissions of the file or directory to be created. The resulting permission is given by p bitwise-and ^u, where p is the permission and u is the umask. For example, if p is 0777 and u is 0057, then the resulting permission is 0720. The default permission is 0777 for a directory and 0666 for a file. The default umask is 0027. The umask must be specified in 4-digit octal notation (e.g. 0766).

Applies to