다음을 통해 공유

방법: 서비스 엔드포인트에서 메타데이터 내보내기

이 항목에서는 서비스 엔드포인트로부터 메타데이터를 내보내는 방법에 대해 설명합니다.

서비스 엔드포인트에서 메타데이터를 내보내려면

  1. 새 Visual Studio Console App Project를 만듭니다. 다음 단계에 표시된 코드를 생성된 Program.cs 파일의 main() 메서드에 추가합니다.

  2. WsdlExporter을 만듭니다.

    WsdlExporter exporter = new WsdlExporter();
    Dim exporter As New WsdlExporter()
  3. PolicyVersion 속성을 PolicyVersion 열거형의 값 중 하나로 설정합니다. 샘플에서는 값을 WS-Policy 1.5에 해당되는 Policy15로 설정합니다.

    exporter.PolicyVersion = PolicyVersion.Policy15;
    exporter.PolicyVersion = PolicyVersion.Policy15
  4. ServiceEndpoint 개체의 배열을 만듭니다.

    ServiceEndpoint [] myServiceEndpoints = new ServiceEndpoint[2];
    ContractDescription myDescription = new ContractDescription ("myContract");
    myServiceEndpoints[0] = new ServiceEndpoint(myDescription,new BasicHttpBinding(),new EndpointAddress("http://localhost/myservice"));
    myServiceEndpoints[1] = new ServiceEndpoint(myDescription,new BasicHttpBinding(),new EndpointAddress("http://localhost/myservice"));
    Dim myServiceEndpoints() As ServiceEndpoint = New ServiceEndpoint(1) {}
    Dim myDescription As New ContractDescription("myContract")
    myServiceEndpoints(0) = New ServiceEndpoint(myDescription, New BasicHttpBinding(), New EndpointAddress("http://localhost/myservice"))
    myServiceEndpoints(1) = New ServiceEndpoint(myDescription, New BasicHttpBinding(), New EndpointAddress("http://localhost/myservice"))
  5. 각 서비스 엔드포인트의 메타데이터를 내보냅니다.

    // Export all endpoints for each endpoint in collection.
    foreach (ServiceEndpoint endpoint in myServiceEndpoints)
    'Export all endpoints for each endpoint in collection.
    For Each endpoint As ServiceEndpoint In myServiceEndpoints
  6. 내보내기 프로세스 중에 오류가 발생하지 않았는지 확인하고 메타데이터를 검색합니다.

    // If there are no errors, get the documents.
    MetadataSet metadataDocs = null;
    if (exporter.Errors.Count != 0)
        metadataDocs = exporter.GetGeneratedMetadata();
    'If there are no errors, get the documents.
    Dim metadataDocs As MetadataSet
    metadataDocs = Nothing
    If (exporter.Errors.Count = 0) Then
        metadataDocs = exporter.GetGeneratedMetadata()
    End If
  7. 이제 WriteTo(XmlWriter) 메서드를 호출하여 파일에 쓰는 등의 방식으로 메타데이터를 사용할 수 있습니다.


다음은 이 예제에 해당되는 전체 코드 목록입니다.

using System;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.ServiceModel.Description;

namespace WsdlExporterSample
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            WsdlExporter exporter = new WsdlExporter();
            exporter.PolicyVersion = PolicyVersion.Policy15;

            ServiceEndpoint [] myServiceEndpoints = new ServiceEndpoint[2];
            ContractDescription myDescription = new ContractDescription ("myContract");
            myServiceEndpoints[0] = new ServiceEndpoint(myDescription,new BasicHttpBinding(),new EndpointAddress("http://localhost/myservice"));
            myServiceEndpoints[1] = new ServiceEndpoint(myDescription,new BasicHttpBinding(),new EndpointAddress("http://localhost/myservice"));

            // Export all endpoints for each endpoint in collection.
            foreach (ServiceEndpoint endpoint in myServiceEndpoints)
            // If there are no errors, get the documents.
            MetadataSet metadataDocs = null;
            if (exporter.Errors.Count != 0)
                metadataDocs = exporter.GetGeneratedMetadata();
Imports System.ServiceModel
Imports System.ServiceModel.Description

Module Module1

    Sub Main()
        Dim exporter As New WsdlExporter()
        exporter.PolicyVersion = PolicyVersion.Policy15

        Dim myServiceEndpoints() As ServiceEndpoint = New ServiceEndpoint(1) {}
        Dim myDescription As New ContractDescription("myContract")
        myServiceEndpoints(0) = New ServiceEndpoint(myDescription, New BasicHttpBinding(), New EndpointAddress("http://localhost/myservice"))
        myServiceEndpoints(1) = New ServiceEndpoint(myDescription, New BasicHttpBinding(), New EndpointAddress("http://localhost/myservice"))

        'Export all endpoints for each endpoint in collection.
        For Each endpoint As ServiceEndpoint In myServiceEndpoints

        'If there are no errors, get the documents.
        Dim metadataDocs As MetadataSet
        metadataDocs = Nothing

        If (exporter.Errors.Count = 0) Then
            metadataDocs = exporter.GetGeneratedMetadata()
        End If
    End Sub

End Module

코드 컴파일

Program.cs를 컴파일할 때에는 System.ServiceModel.dll을 참조하세요.

참고 항목