Choose the permission or permissions marked as least privileged for this API. Use a higher privileged permission or permissions only if your app requires it. For details about delegated and application permissions, see Permission types. To learn more about these permissions, see the permissions reference.
Permission type
Least privileged permissions
Higher privileged permissions
Delegated (work or school account)
Not available.
Delegated (personal Microsoft account)
Not supported.
Not supported.
Not available.
To use application permission for this API, tenant administrators must create an application access policy and grant it to a user. Granting an application access policy to the user authorizes the app configured in the policy to fetch online meetings and/or online meeting artifacts on behalf of that user (with the user ID specified in the request path). For more information, see Allow applications to access online meetings on behalf of a user.
HTTP request
To get an attendance report by ID with delegated (/me) and app (/users/{userId}) permission:
GET /me/onlineMeetings/{meetingId}/attendanceReports/{reportId}
GET /users/{userId}/onlineMeetings/{meetingId}/attendanceReports/{reportId}
To get an attendance report for a webinar session by ID with delegated and app permission:
GET /solutions/virtualEvents/webinars/{webinarId}/sessions/{sessionId}/attendanceReports/{reportId}
The attendanceRecords property provides participant data. It is a navigation property that isn't returned by default. To retrieve attendanceRecords, use the List attendance records API. To retrieve attendanceRecords in line, use the $expand=attendanceRecords query option, as shown in example 1.
// Code snippets are only available for the latest version. Current version is 5.x
// To initialize your graphClient, see
var result = await graphClient.Me.OnlineMeetings["{onlineMeeting-id}"].AttendanceReports["{meetingAttendanceReport-id}"].GetAsync((requestConfiguration) =>
requestConfiguration.QueryParameters.Expand = new string []{ "attendanceRecords" };
// Code snippets are only available for the latest major version. Current major version is $v1.*
// Dependencies
import (
msgraphsdk ""
graphusers ""
requestParameters := &graphusers.OnlineMeetingsItemAttendanceReportsItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters{
Expand: [] string {"attendanceRecords"},
configuration := &graphusers.OnlineMeetingsItemAttendanceReportsItemRequestBuilderGetRequestConfiguration{
QueryParameters: requestParameters,
// To initialize your graphClient, see
attendanceReports, err := graphClient.Me().OnlineMeetings().ByOnlineMeetingId("onlineMeeting-id").AttendanceReports().ByMeetingAttendanceReportId("meetingAttendanceReport-id").Get(context.Background(), configuration)
// Code snippets are only available for the latest version. Current version is 6.x
GraphServiceClient graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(requestAdapter);
MeetingAttendanceReport result ="{onlineMeeting-id}").attendanceReports().byMeetingAttendanceReportId("{meetingAttendanceReport-id}").get(requestConfiguration -> {
requestConfiguration.queryParameters.expand = new String []{"attendanceRecords"};
Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.CloudCommunications
# A UPN can also be used as -UserId.
Get-MgUserOnlineMeetingAttendanceReport -UserId $userId -OnlineMeetingId $onlineMeetingId -MeetingAttendanceReportId $meetingAttendanceReportId -ExpandProperty "attendanceRecords"
# Code snippets are only available for the latest version. Current version is 1.x
from msgraph import GraphServiceClient
from msgraph.generated.users.item.online_meetings.item.attendance_reports.item.meeting_attendance_report_item_request_builder import MeetingAttendanceReportItemRequestBuilder
from kiota_abstractions.base_request_configuration import RequestConfiguration
# To initialize your graph_client, see
query_params = MeetingAttendanceReportItemRequestBuilder.MeetingAttendanceReportItemRequestBuilderGetQueryParameters(
expand = ["attendanceRecords"],
request_configuration = RequestConfiguration(
query_parameters = query_params,
result = await'onlineMeeting-id').attendance_reports.by_meeting_attendance_report_id('meetingAttendanceReport-id').get(request_configuration = request_configuration)
Example 2: Get the attendance report for a webinar session by ID
The following example shows how to get the attendance report for a webinar session based on its id.
The attendanceRecords property provides participant data. It is a navigation property that isn't returned by default. To retrieve attendanceRecords, use the List attendance records API. Alternatively to retrieve attendanceRecords in line, use the $expand=attendanceRecords query option, as shown in example 1.
// Code snippets are only available for the latest version. Current version is 5.x
// To initialize your graphClient, see
var result = await graphClient.Solutions.VirtualEvents.Webinars["{virtualEventWebinar-id}"].Sessions["{virtualEventSession-id}"].AttendanceReports["{meetingAttendanceReport-id}"].GetAsync();
// Code snippets are only available for the latest major version. Current major version is $v1.*
// Dependencies
import (
msgraphsdk ""
// To initialize your graphClient, see
attendanceReports, err := graphClient.Solutions().VirtualEvents().Webinars().ByVirtualEventWebinarId("virtualEventWebinar-id").Sessions().ByVirtualEventSessionId("virtualEventSession-id").AttendanceReports().ByMeetingAttendanceReportId("meetingAttendanceReport-id").Get(context.Background(), nil)
// Code snippets are only available for the latest version. Current version is 6.x
GraphServiceClient graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(requestAdapter);
MeetingAttendanceReport result ="{virtualEventWebinar-id}").sessions().byVirtualEventSessionId("{virtualEventSession-id}").attendanceReports().byMeetingAttendanceReportId("{meetingAttendanceReport-id}").get();
# Code snippets are only available for the latest version. Current version is 1.x
from msgraph import GraphServiceClient
# To initialize your graph_client, see
result = await'virtualEventWebinar-id').sessions.by_virtual_event_session_id('virtualEventSession-id').attendance_reports.by_meeting_attendance_report_id('meetingAttendanceReport-id').get()