이 모듈에는 DSC 리소스를 사용하도록 설계된 cmdlet이 포함되어 있습니다. PSDesiredStateConfiguration v1.1은 Windows PowerShell 5.1과 함께 제공되는 DSC 버전입니다.
Disable-DscDebug |
Stops debugging of DSC resources. |
Enable-DscDebug |
Starts debugging of all DSC resources. |
Get-DscConfiguration |
Gets the current configuration of the nodes. |
Get-DscConfigurationStatus |
Retrieves data about completed configuration runs. |
Get-DscLocalConfigurationManager |
Gets Local Configuration Manager (LCM) settings and states for the node. |
Get-DscResource |
Gets Desired State Configuration (DSC) resources present on the computer. |
Invoke-DscResource |
Runs a method of a specified DSC resource. |
New-DscChecksum |
Creates checksum files for DSC documents and DSC resources. |
Publish-DscConfiguration |
Publishes a DSC configuration to a set of computers. |
Remove-DscConfigurationDocument |
Removes a configuration document from the DSC configuration store. |
Restore-DscConfiguration |
Reapplies the previous configuration for the node. |
Set-DscLocalConfigurationManager |
Applies Local Configuration Manager (LCM) settings to nodes. |
Start-DscConfiguration |
Applies configuration to nodes. |
Stop-DscConfiguration |
Stops a configuration job that is running. |
Test-DscConfiguration |
Tests whether the actual configuration on the nodes matches the desired configuration. |
Update-DscConfiguration |
Checks the pull server for an updated configuration and applies it. |