Extended Stored Procedures Programmer's Reference
중요: |
Microsoft SQL Server의 이후 버전에서는 이 기능이 제거됩니다. 새 개발 작업에서는 이 기능을 사용하지 말고, 현재 이 기능을 사용하는 응용 프로그램은 가능한 한 빨리 수정하십시오. Use CLR integration instead. |
The Microsoft Extended Stored Procedure API, previously part of Open Data Services, provides a server-based application programming interface (API) for extending Microsoft SQL Server functionality. The API consists of C and C++ functions and macros used to build applications.
With the emergence of newer and more powerful technologies such as CLR integration, the need for extended stored procedures has largely been replaced.
보안 정보: |
You should thoroughly review the source code of extended stored procedures, and you should test the compiled DLLs before you install them on a production server. For information about security review and testing, see this Microsoft Web site. |