ClrAssemblyFileCollection 멤버
Contains a collection of ClrAssemblyFile objects. This class cannot be inherited.
ClrAssemblyFileCollection 형식은 다음 멤버를 노출합니다.
이름 | 설명 | |
Add | Adds a ClrAssemblyFile to the end of the collection. | |
AddRange | Adds the elements of an ICollection to the end of the collection. | |
Clear | Removes all elements from the collection. | |
Contains | Indicates whether the collection contains a specified ClrAssemblyFile. | |
CopyTo | Copies the entire collection to a compatible one-dimensional Array, starting at the specified index of the target array. | |
Equals | (Object에서 상속됩니다.) | |
Finalize | (Object에서 상속됩니다.) | |
GetHashCode | (Object에서 상속됩니다.) | |
GetType | (Object에서 상속됩니다.) | |
IndexOf | Gets the index of a specified ClrAssemblyFile. | |
Insert | Inserts a ClrAssemblyFile into the collection at the specified index. | |
MemberwiseClone | (Object에서 상속됩니다.) | |
Remove | Removes the specified ClrAssemblyFile from the collection. | |
RemoveAt | Removes the ClrAssemblyFile at the specified index from the collection. | |
ToString | (Object에서 상속됩니다.) |
맨 위로 이동
이름 | 설명 | |
Count | Gets the number of ClrAssemblyFile objects contained in the collection. | |
Item | Gets or sets the ClrAssemblyFile at the specified index from the collection. |
맨 위로 이동
명시적 인터페이스 구현
맨 위로 이동