다음을 통해 공유

CodeIndex Command


This article applies to Visual Studio 2015. If you're looking for the latest Visual Studio documentation, see Visual Studio documentation. We recommend upgrading to the latest version of Visual Studio. Download it here

Use the CodeIndex command to manage code indexing on Team Foundation Server. For example, you might want to reset the index to fix CodeLens information, or turn off indexing to investigate server performance issues.

Required Permissions

To use the CodeIndex command, you must be a member of the Team Foundation Administrators security group. See Permission reference for Team Foundation Server.


Even if you log on with administrative credentials, you must open an elevated Command Prompt window to run this command. You must also run this command from the application tier for Team Foundation.


TFSConfig CodeIndex /indexingStatus | /setIndexing:[ on | off | keepupOnly ] | /ignoreList:[ add | remove | removeAll | view ] ServerPath | /listLargeFiles [/fileCount:FileCount] [/minSize:MinSize] | /reindexAll | /destroyCodeIndex [/noPrompt] | /temporaryDataSizeLimit:[ view | <SizeInGBs> | disable ] | /indexHistoryPeriod:[ view | all | <NumberOfMonths> ] [/collectionName:CollectionName | /collectionId:CollectionId]


Argument Description
CollectionName Specifies the name of the team project collection. If the name has spaces, enclose the name with quotation marks, for example, "Fabrikam Web Site".
CollectionId Specifies the identification number of the team project collection.
ServerPath Specifies the path to a code file.
Option Description
/indexingStatus Show the status and configuration of the code indexing service.
/setIndexing:[ on | off | keepupOnly ] - on: Start indexing all changesets.
- off: Stop indexing all changesets.
- keepupOnly: Stop indexing previously created changesets and start indexing new changesets only.
/ignoreList:[ add | remove | removeAll | view ] ServerPath

You can use the wildcard character (*) at the start, end, or both ends of the server path.
Specifies a list of code files and their paths that you don't want indexed.

- add: Add the file that you don't want indexed to the ignored file list.
- remove: Remove the file that you want indexed from the ignored file list.
- removeAll: Clear the ignored file list and start indexing all files.
- view: See all the files that aren't being indexed.
/listLargeFiles [/fileCount: FileCount /minSize: MinSize] Shows the specified number of files that exceeds the specified size in KB. You can then use the /ignoreList option to exclude these files from indexing.
/reindexAll Clear previously indexed data and restart indexing.
/destroyCodeIndex [/noPrompt] Delete the code index and remove all indexed data. Does not require confirmation if you use the /noPrompt option.
/temporaryDataSizeLimit:[ view | <SizeInGBs> | disable ] Control how much temporary data that CodeLens creates when processing changesets. The default limit is 2 GB.

- view: Show the current size limit.
- SizeInGBs: Change the size limit.
- disable: Remove the size limit.

This limit is checked before CodeLens processes a new changeset. If temporary data exceeds this limit, CodeLens will pause processing past changesets, not new ones. CodeLens will restart processing after the data is cleaned up and falls below this limit. Cleanup runs automatically once a day. This means temporary data might exceed this limit until cleanup starts running.
/indexHistoryPeriod:[ view | all | <NumberOfMonths> ] Control how long to index your change history. This affects how much history CodeLens shows you. The default limit is 12 months. This means CodeLens shows your change history from the last 12 months only.

- view: Show the current number of months.
- all: Index all change history.
- NumberOfMonths: Change the number of months used to index change history.
/collectionName: CollectionName Specifies the name of the team project collection on which to run the CodeIndex command. Required if you don't use /CollectionId.
/collectionId: CollectionId Specifies the identification number of the team project collection on which to run the CodeIndex command. Required if you don't use /CollectionName.



The example companies, organizations, products, domain names, email addresses, logos, people, places, and events depicted herein are fictitious. No association with any real company, organization, product, domain name, email address, logo, person, places, or events is intended or should be inferred.

To see the code indexing status and configuration:

TFSConfig CodeIndex /indexingStatus /collectionName:"Fabrikam Web Site"

To start indexing all changesets:

TFSConfig CodeIndex /setIndexing:on /collectionName:"Fabrikam Web Site"

To stop indexing previously created changesets and start indexing new changesets only:

TFSConfig CodeIndex /setIndexing:keepupOnly /collectionName:"Fabrikam Web Site"

To find up to 50 files that are larger than 10 KB:

TFSConfig CodeIndex /listLargeFiles /fileCount:50 /minSize:10 /collectionName:"Fabrikam Web Site"

To exclude a specific file from indexing and add it to the ignored file list:

TFSConfig CodeIndex /ignoreList:add "$/Fabrikam Web Site/Catalog.cs" /collectionName:"Fabrikam Web Site"

To see all the files that aren't indexed:

TFSConfig CodeIndex /ignoreList:view

To clear previously indexed data and restart indexing:

TFSConfig CodeIndex /reindexAll /collectionName:"Fabrikam Web Site"

To save all changeset history:

TFSConfig CodeIndex /indexHistoryPeriod:all /collectionName:"Fabrikam Web Site"

To remove the size limit on CodeLens temporary data and continue indexing regardless of temporary data size:

TFSConfig CodeIndex /temporaryDataSizeLimit:disable /collectionName:"Fabrikam Web Site"

To delete the code index with confirmation:

TFSConfig CodeIndex /destroyCodeIndex /collectionName:"Fabrikam Web Site"

See Also

Managing server configuration with TFSConfig Command-line tools for TFS