다음을 통해 공유

Promise.done method

Allows you to specify the work to be done on the fulfillment of the promised value, the error handling to be performed if the promise fails to fulfill a value, and the handling of progress notifications along the way. After the handlers have finished executing, this function throws any error that would have been returned from then as a promise in the error state.

For more information about the differences between then and done, see the following topics:


promise.done(onComplete, onError, onProgress);


  • onComplete
    Type: function

    The function to be called if the promise is fulfilled successfully with a value. The fulfilled value is passed as the single argument. If the value is null, the fulfilled value is returned. The value returned from the function becomes the fulfilled value of the promise returned by then. If an exception is thrown while executing the function, the promise returned by then moves into the error state.

  • onError
    Type: Function

    The function to be called if the promise is fulfilled with an error. The error is passed as the single argument. If it is null, the error is forwarded. The value returned from the function is the fulfilled value of the promise returned by then.

  • onProgress
    Type: Function

    The function to be called if the promise reports progress. Data about the progress is passed as the single argument. Promises are not required to support progress.

Return value

This method does not return a value.


Minimum WinJS version

WinJS 1.0



See also
