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Troubleshoot accelerated database recovery

Applies to: SQL Server 2019 (15.x) and later versions Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed Instance SQL database in Microsoft Fabric

This article helps diagnose issues with accelerated database recovery (ADR) in SQL Server 2019 (15.x) and later, Azure SQL Managed Instance, Azure SQL Database, and SQL database in Microsoft Fabric.

Examine the size of the PVS

Use the sys.dm_tran_persistent_version_store_stats DMV to identify if the persistent version store (PVS) size is larger than expected.

The following sample query shows the information about the current PVS size, the cleanup processes, and other details:

SELECT  DB_NAME(pvss.database_id) AS database_name,
        pvss.persistent_version_store_size_kb / 1024. / 1024 AS persistent_version_store_size_gb,
        100 * pvss.persistent_version_store_size_kb / df.total_db_size_kb AS pvs_pct_of_database_size,
        df.total_db_size_kb/ 1024. / 1024 AS total_db_size_gb,
        pvss.online_index_version_store_size_kb / 1024. / 1024 AS online_index_version_store_size_gb,
        dt.database_transaction_begin_time AS oldest_transaction_begin_time,
        asdt.session_id AS active_transaction_session_id,
        asdt.elapsed_time_seconds AS active_transaction_elapsed_time_seconds,
FROM sys.dm_tran_persistent_version_store_stats AS pvss
            SELECT SUM(size * 8.) AS total_db_size_kb
            FROM sys.database_files
            WHERE state = 0
                  type = 0
            ) AS df
LEFT JOIN sys.dm_tran_database_transactions AS dt
ON pvss.oldest_active_transaction_id = dt.transaction_id
   pvss.database_id = dt.database_id
LEFT JOIN sys.dm_tran_active_snapshot_database_transactions AS asdt
ON pvss.min_transaction_timestamp = asdt.transaction_sequence_num
   pvss.online_index_min_transaction_timestamp = asdt.transaction_sequence_num
WHERE pvss.database_id = DB_ID();

Check the pvs_pct_of_database_size column to see the size of the PVS relative to the total database size. Note any difference from the typical PVS size compared to baselines seen during other periods of application activity. PVS is considered large if it's significantly larger than the baseline or if it's close to 50% of the database size. Use the following troubleshooting steps to find the reason for large PVS size.

If the PVS size is larger than expected, check for:

Check for long-running active transactions

Long-running active transactions can prevent PVS cleanup in databases that have ADR enabled. Check the start time of the oldest active transaction using the oldest_transaction_begin_time column. For more information about long-running transactions, use the following sample query. You can set thresholds for transaction duration and the amount of generated transaction log:

DECLARE @LongTxThreshold int = 1800;  /* The number of seconds to use as a duration threshold for long-running transactions */
DECLARE @LongTransactionLogBytes bigint = 1073741824; /* The number of bytes to use as a log amount threshold for long-running transactions */

SELECT  dbtr.database_id,
        CASE WHEN GETDATE() >= DATEADD(second, @longTxThreshold, tr.transaction_begin_time) THEN 'DurationThresholdExceeded' 
                WHEN dbtr.database_transaction_log_bytes_used >= @LongTransactionLogBytes THEN 'LogThresholdExceeded' 
                ELSE 'Unknown'
        END AS Reason
FROM sys.dm_tran_active_transactions AS tr
INNER JOIN sys.dm_tran_session_transactions AS transess
ON tr.transaction_id = transess.transaction_id
INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_sessions AS sess
ON transess.session_id = sess.session_id
INNER JOIN sys.dm_tran_database_transactions AS dbtr
ON tr.transaction_id = dbtr.transaction_id
INNER JOIN sys.dm_tran_active_transactions AS atr
ON atr.transaction_id = transess.transaction_id
WHERE GETDATE() >= DATEADD(second, @LongTxThreshold, tr.transaction_begin_time)
        dbtr.database_transaction_log_bytes_used >= @LongTransactionLogBytes;

With the sessions identified, consider killing the session, if allowed. Review the application to determine the nature of the problematic active transactions to avoid the problem in the future.

For more information on troubleshooting long-running queries, see:

Check for long-running active snapshot scans

Long-running active snapshot scans can prevent PVS cleanup in databases that have ADR enabled. Statements using READ COMMITTED snapshot isolation (RCSI) or SNAPSHOT isolation levels receive instance-level timestamps. A snapshot scan uses the timestamp to decide version row visibility for the RCSI or SNAPSHOT transaction. Every statement using RCSI has its own timestamp, whereas SNAPSHOT isolation has a transaction-level timestamp.

These instance-level transaction timestamps are used even in single-database transactions, because any transaction might prompt a cross-database transaction. Snapshot scans can, therefore, prevent PVS cleanup in any database on the same database engine instance. Similarly, when ADR isn't enabled, snapshot scans can prevent cleanup of the version store in tempdb. As a result, PVS might grow in size when long-running transactions that use SNAPSHOT or RCSI are present.

In the troubleshooting query at the beginning of this article, the pvs_off_row_page_skipped_min_useful_xts column shows the number of pages skipped for reclaim due to a long snapshot scan. If this column shows a larger value than normal, it means that a long snapshot scan is preventing PVS cleanup.

Use the following sample query to find the session with the long-running SNAPSHOT or RCSI transaction:

SELECT snap.transaction_id,
        GETUTCDATE() AS [now],
FROM sys.dm_tran_active_snapshot_database_transactions AS snap
INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_sessions AS session
ON snap.session_id = session.session_id
ORDER BY snap.transaction_sequence_num ASC;

To prevent PVS cleanup delays:

  • Consider killing the long active transaction session that is delaying PVS cleanup, if possible.
  • Tune long-running queries to reduce query duration.
  • Review the application to determine the nature of the problematic active snapshot scan. Consider a different isolation level, such as READ COMMITTED, instead of SNAPSHOT or RCSI for long-running queries that are delaying PVS cleanup. This problem occurs more frequently with the SNAPSHOT isolation level.
  • In Azure SQL Database elastic pools, consider moving databases that have long-running transactions using SNAPSHOT isolation or RCSI out of the elastic pool.

Check for long-running queries on secondary replicas

If the database has secondary replicas, check if the secondary low watermark is advancing.

Run following DMVs on the primary replica to identify long-running queries on the secondary replica that might be preventing PVS cleanup:

In the sys.dm_tran_persistent_version_store_stats DMV, the pvs_off_row_page_skipped_low_water_mark columns can also give an indication of a cleanup delay because of a long-running query on a secondary replica.

Connect to a secondary replica, find the session that is running the long query and consider killing the session, if allowed. The long-running query on the secondary replica can hold up PVS cleanup as well as preventing ghost cleanup.

Check for large number of aborted transactions

If none of the previous scenarios apply to your workloads, then it's likely the cleanup is held due to a large number of aborted transactions. Check aborted_version_cleaner_last_start_time and aborted_version_cleaner_last_end_time columns to see if the last aborted transaction cleanup has completed. The oldest_aborted_transaction_id should be moving higher after the aborted transaction cleanup completes. If the oldest_aborted_transaction_id is much lower than oldest_active_transaction_id, and current_abort_transaction_count has a greater value, there's likely an old aborted transaction preventing PVS cleanup.

To address a large number of aborted transactions, consider the following:

  • If possible, stop the workload to let the version cleaner make progress.
  • Optimize the workload to reduce object-level locks.
  • Review the application to identify the high transaction abort rate issue. The aborts might come from a high rate of deadlocks, duplicate keys, constraint violations, or query timeouts.
  • If using SQL Server, disable ADR as an emergency-only step to control PVS size. See Disable ADR.
  • If the aborted transaction cleanup hasn't recently completed successfully, check the error log for messages reporting VersionCleaner issues.
  • If PVS size isn't reduced as expected even after a cleanup has completed, check the pvs_off_row_page_skipped_oldest_aborted_xdesid column. Large values indicate space is still being used by row versions from aborted transactions.

Start PVS cleanup process manually

If you have a workload with a high volume of DML statements (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, MERGE), such as high-volume OLTP, it might require a period of rest/recovery for the PVS cleanup process to reclaim space.

To activate the PVS cleanup process manually between workloads or during maintenance windows, use the system stored procedure sys.sp_persistent_version_cleanup.

For example:

EXEC sys.sp_persistent_version_cleanup [WideWorldImporters];

Capture cleanup failures

Beginning with SQL Server 2022 (16.x), PVS cleanup behavior is recorded in the error log. Typically this results in a new log event recorded every 10 minutes. Cleanup statistics are also reported by the tx_mtvc2_sweep_stats extended event.