HealthMonitoringSection Klasa
Niektóre informacje odnoszą się do produktu w wersji wstępnej, który może zostać znacząco zmodyfikowany przed wydaniem. Firma Microsoft nie udziela żadnych gwarancji, jawnych lub domniemanych, w odniesieniu do informacji podanych w tym miejscu.
Konfiguruje ASP.NET profilów określających sposób wysyłania zdarzeń monitorowania kondycji do dostawców zdarzeń. Klasa ta nie może być dziedziczona.
public ref class HealthMonitoringSection sealed : System::Configuration::ConfigurationSection
public sealed class HealthMonitoringSection : System.Configuration.ConfigurationSection
type HealthMonitoringSection = class
inherit ConfigurationSection
Public NotInheritable Class HealthMonitoringSection
Inherits ConfigurationSection
- Dziedziczenie
Poniższy fragment pliku konfiguracji pokazuje, jak określić klasę HealthMonitoringSection .
<add name="Critical Notification"
<add name="Notification"
<add name="Analysis"
<add name="Logging"
<add name="CriticalMailEventProvider"
type="System.Web.Management.SimpleMailWebEventProvider, System.Web, Version=%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%MICROSOFT_PUBLICKEY%"
from="sender address"
bodyFooter="Please investigate ASAP."
subjectPrefix="Action required."
bufferMode="Critical Notification"
<add name="EventLogProvider"
type="System.Web.Management.EventLogWebEventProvider, System.Web, Version=%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%MICROSOFT_PUBLICKEY%"
<add name="SqlWebEventProvider"
type="System.Web.Management.SqlWebEventProvider, System.Web, Version=%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%MICROSOFT_PUBLICKEY%"
<add name="WmiWebEventProvider"
type="System.Web.Management.WmiWebEventProvider, System.Web, Version=%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%MICROSOFT_PUBLICKEY%"
<add name="All Events"
type="System.Web.Management.WebBaseEvent, System.Web, Version=%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%MICROSOFT_PUBLICKEY%"
<add name="HeartBeats"
type="System.Web.Management.WebHeartbeatEvent, System.Web, Version=%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%MICROSOFT_PUBLICKEY%"
<add name="Application Lifetime Events"
type="System.Web.Management.WebApplicationLifetimeEvent, System.Web, Version=%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%MICROSOFT_PUBLICKEY%"
<add name="Request Processing Events"
type="System.Web.Management.WebRequestEvent, System.Web, Version=%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%MICROSOFT_PUBLICKEY%"
<add name="All Errors"
type="System.Web.Management.WebBaseErrorEvent, System.Web, Version=%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%MICROSOFT_PUBLICKEY%"
<add name="Infrastructure Errors"
type="System.Web.Management.WebErrorEvent, System.Web, Version=%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%MICROSOFT_PUBLICKEY%"
<add name="Request Processing Errors"
type="System.Web.Management.WebRequestErrorEvent, System.Web, Version=%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%MICROSOFT_PUBLICKEY%"
<add name="All Audits"
type="System.Web.Management.WebAuditEvent, System.Web, Version=%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%MICROSOFT_PUBLICKEY%"
<add name="Failure Audits"
type="System.Web.Management.WebFailureAuditEvent, System.Web, Version=%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%MICROSOFT_PUBLICKEY%"
<add name="Success Audits"
type="System.Web.Management.WebSuccessAuditEvent, System.Web, Version=%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%MICROSOFT_PUBLICKEY%"
<add name="Default"
<add name="Critical"
<add name="All Errors Default"
eventName="All Errors"
<add name="All Audits Default"
eventName="All Audits"
<add name="Failure Audits Default"
eventName="Failure Audits"
<add name="Request Processing Errors"
eventName="Request Processing Errors"
<add name="Infrastructure Notifications"
eventName="Infrastructure Errors"
W poniższym przykładzie kodu pokazano, jak używać HealthMonitoringSection klasy.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web.Configuration;
namespace Samples.Aspnet.SystemWebConfiguration
// Accesses the
// System.Web.Configuration.HealthMonitoringSection members
// selected by the user.
class UsingHealthMonitoringSection
public static void Main()
// Process the
// System.Web.Configuration.HealthMonitoringSectionobject.
// Get the Web application configuration.
System.Configuration.Configuration configuration = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration("/aspnet");
// Get the section.
System.Web.Configuration.HealthMonitoringSection healthMonitoringSection = (System.Web.Configuration.HealthMonitoringSection) configuration.GetSection("system.web/healthmonitoring");
// Get the current Enabled property value.
Boolean enabledValue = healthMonitoringSection.Enabled;
// Set the Enabled property to false.
healthMonitoringSection.Enabled = false;
// Get the current HeartBeatInterval property value.
TimeSpan heartBeatIntervalValue = healthMonitoringSection.HeartbeatInterval;
// Set the HeartBeatInterval property to
// TimeSpan.Parse("00:10:00").
healthMonitoringSection.HeartbeatInterval = TimeSpan.Parse("00:10:00");
// Add a BufferModeSettings object to the BufferModes collection property.
BufferModeSettings bufferModeSetting = new BufferModeSettings("Error Log",
1024, 256, 512, new TimeSpan(0, 30, 0), new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0), 2);
bufferModeSetting.Name = "Operations Notification";
bufferModeSetting.MaxBufferSize = 128;
bufferModeSetting.MaxBufferThreads = 1;
bufferModeSetting.MaxFlushSize = 24;
bufferModeSetting.RegularFlushInterval = TimeSpan.MaxValue;
bufferModeSetting.UrgentFlushInterval = TimeSpan.Parse("00:01:00");
bufferModeSetting.UrgentFlushThreshold = 1;
// Add a BufferModeSettings object to the BufferModes collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.BufferModes.Add(new BufferModeSettings("Error Log",
1024, 256, 512, new TimeSpan(0, 30, 0), new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0), 2));
// Display contents of the BufferModes collection property
Console.WriteLine("BufferModes Collection contains {0} values:",
// Display all elements.
for (System.Int32 i = 0; i < healthMonitoringSection.BufferModes.Count; i++)
bufferModeSetting = healthMonitoringSection.BufferModes[i];
string name = bufferModeSetting.Name;
int maxBufferSize = bufferModeSetting.MaxBufferSize;
int maxBufferThreads = bufferModeSetting.MaxBufferThreads;
int maxFlushSize = bufferModeSetting.MaxFlushSize;
TimeSpan regularFlushInterval = bufferModeSetting.RegularFlushInterval;
TimeSpan urgentFlushInterval = bufferModeSetting.UrgentFlushInterval;
int urgentFlushThreshold = bufferModeSetting.UrgentFlushThreshold;
string item = "Name='" + name + "', MaxBufferSize = '" + maxBufferSize +
"', MaxBufferThreads = '" + maxBufferThreads +
"', MaxFlushSize = '" + maxFlushSize +
"', RegularFlushInterval = '" + regularFlushInterval +
"', UrgentFlushInterval = '" + urgentFlushInterval +
"', UrgentFlushThreshold = '" + urgentFlushThreshold + "'";
Console.WriteLine(" Item {0}: {1}", i, item);
// Get a named BufferMode
bufferModeSetting = healthMonitoringSection.BufferModes["Error Log"];
// Remove a BufferModeSettings object from the BufferModes collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.BufferModes.Remove("Error Log");
// Clear all BufferModeSettings object from the BufferModes collection property.
// Add a EventMappingsSettings object to the EventMappings collection property.
EventMappingSettings eventMappingSetting = new EventMappingSettings(
"Failure Audits", "System.Web.Management.WebAuditEvent, System.Web");
eventMappingSetting.Name = "All Errors";
eventMappingSetting.Type =
"System.Web.Management.WebErrorEvent, System.Web";
eventMappingSetting.StartEventCode = 0;
eventMappingSetting.EndEventCode = 4096;
// Add an EventMappingsSettings object to the EventMappings collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings.Add(new EventMappingSettings(
"Failure Audits", "System.Web.Management.WebAuditEvent, System.Web"));
// Add an EventMappingsSettings object to the EventMappings collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings.Add(new EventMappingSettings(
"Success Audits", "System.Web.Management.WebAuditEvent, System.Web",
512, Int32.MaxValue));
// Insert an EventMappingsSettings object into the EventMappings collection property.
new EventMappingSettings("HeartBeats", "", 1, 2));
// Display contents of the EventMappings collection property
"EventMappings Collection contains {0} values:", healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings.Count);
// Display all elements.
for (System.Int32 i = 0; i < healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings.Count; i++)
eventMappingSetting = healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings[i];
string name = eventMappingSetting.Name;
string type = eventMappingSetting.Type;
int startCd = eventMappingSetting.StartEventCode;
int endCd = eventMappingSetting.EndEventCode;
string item = "Name='" + name + "', Type='" + type +
"', StartEventCode = '" + startCd.ToString() +
"', EndEventCode = '" + endCd.ToString() + "'";
Console.WriteLine(" Item {0}: {1}", i, item);
// See if the EventMappings collection property contains the event 'HeartBeats'.
Console.WriteLine("EventMappings contains 'HeartBeats': {0}.",
// Get the index of the 'HeartBeats' event in the EventMappings collection property.
Console.WriteLine("EventMappings index for 'HeartBeats': {0}.",
// Get a named EventMappings
eventMappingSetting = healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings["HeartBeats"];
// Remove an EventMappingsSettings object from the EventMappings collection property.
// Remove an EventMappingsSettings object from the EventMappings collection property.
// Clear all EventMappingsSettings object from the EventMappings collection property.
// Add a ProfileSettings object to the Profiles collection property.
ProfileSettings profileSetting = new ProfileSettings("Default");
profileSetting.Name = "Custom";
profileSetting.MaxLimit = Int32.MaxValue;
profileSetting.MinInstances = 1;
profileSetting.MinInterval = TimeSpan.Parse("00:01:00");
profileSetting.Custom = "MyEvaluators.MyCustomeEvaluator, MyCustom.dll";
// Add a ProfileSettings object to the Profiles collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Profiles.Add(new ProfileSettings("Default"));
// Add a ProfileSettings object to the Profiles collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Profiles.Add(new ProfileSettings("Critical",
1, 1024, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 00)));
// Add a ProfileSettings object to the Profiles collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Profiles.Add(new ProfileSettings("Targeted",
1, Int32.MaxValue, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10),
"MyEvaluators.MyTargetedEvaluator, MyCustom.dll"));
// Insert an ProfileSettings object into the Profiles collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Profiles.Insert(1, new ProfileSettings("Default2"));
// Display contents of the Profiles collection property
"Profiles Collection contains {0} values:",
// Display all elements.
for (System.Int32 i = 0; i < healthMonitoringSection.Profiles.Count; i++)
profileSetting = healthMonitoringSection.Profiles[i];
string name = profileSetting.Name;
int minInstances = profileSetting.MinInstances;
int maxLimit = profileSetting.MaxLimit;
TimeSpan minInterval = profileSetting.MinInterval;
string custom = profileSetting.Custom;
string item = "Name='" + name +
"', MinInstances = '" + minInstances + "', MaxLimit = '" + maxLimit +
"', MinInterval = '" + minInterval + "', Custom = '" + custom + "'";
Console.WriteLine(" Item {0}: {1}", i, item);
// See if the ProfileSettings collection property contains the event 'Default'.
Console.WriteLine("Profiles contains 'Default': {0}.",
// Get the index of the 'Default' ProfileSettings in the Profiles collection property.
Console.WriteLine("Profiles index for 'Default': {0}.",
// Get a named ProfileSettings
profileSetting = healthMonitoringSection.Profiles["Default"];
// Remove a ProfileSettings object from the Profiles collection property.
// Remove a ProfileSettings object from the Profiles collection property.
// Clear all ProfileSettings object from the Profiles collection property.
// Display contents of the Providers collection property
Console.WriteLine("Providers Collection contains {0} values:",
// Display all elements.
for (System.Int32 i = 0; i < healthMonitoringSection.Providers.Count; i++)
System.Configuration.ProviderSettings provider =
Console.WriteLine(" Item {0}: Name = '{1}' Type = '{2}'", i,
provider.Name, provider.Type);
// Add a RuleSettings object to the Rules collection property.
RuleSettings ruleSetting = new RuleSettings("All Errors Default",
"All Errors", "EventLogProvider");
ruleSetting.Name = "All Errors Custom";
ruleSetting.EventName = "All Errors";
ruleSetting.Provider = "EventLogProvider";
ruleSetting.Profile = "Custom";
ruleSetting.MaxLimit = Int32.MaxValue;
ruleSetting.MinInstances = 1;
ruleSetting.MinInterval = TimeSpan.Parse("00:00:30");
ruleSetting.Custom = "MyEvaluators.MyCustomeEvaluator2, MyCustom.dll";
// Add a RuleSettings object to the Rules collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Add(new RuleSettings("All Errors Default",
"All Errors", "EventLogProvider"));
// Add a RuleSettings object to the Rules collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Add(new RuleSettings("Failure Audits Default",
"Failure Audits", "EventLogProvider", "Default", 1, Int32.MaxValue,
new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0)));
// Add a RuleSettings object to the Rules collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Add(new RuleSettings("Failure Audits Custom",
"Failure Audits", "EventLogProvider", "Custom", 1, Int32.MaxValue,
new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0), "MyEvaluators.MyCustomeEvaluator2, MyCustom.dll"));
// Insert an RuleSettings object into the Rules collection property.
new RuleSettings("All Errors Default2",
"All Errors", "EventLogProvider"));
// Display contents of the Rules collection property
"Rules Collection contains {0} values:", healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Count);
// Display all elements.
for (System.Int32 i = 0; i < healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Count; i++)
ruleSetting = healthMonitoringSection.Rules[i];
string name = ruleSetting.Name;
string eventName = ruleSetting.EventName;
string provider = ruleSetting.Provider;
string profile = ruleSetting.Profile;
int minInstances = ruleSetting.MinInstances;
int maxLimit = ruleSetting.MaxLimit;
TimeSpan minInterval = ruleSetting.MinInterval;
string custom = ruleSetting.Custom;
string item = "Name='" + name + "', EventName='" + eventName +
"', Provider = '" + provider + "', Profile = '" + profile +
"', MinInstances = '" + minInstances + "', MaxLimit = '" + maxLimit +
"', MinInterval = '" + minInterval + "', Custom = '" + custom + "'";
Console.WriteLine(" Item {0}: {1}", i, item);
// See if the Rules collection property contains the RuleSettings 'All Errors Default'.
Console.WriteLine("EventMappings contains 'All Errors Default': {0}.",
healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Contains("All Errors Default"));
// Get the index of the 'All Errors Default' RuleSettings in the Rules collection property.
Console.WriteLine("EventMappings index for 'All Errors Default': {0}.",
healthMonitoringSection.Rules.IndexOf("All Errors Default"));
// Get a named RuleSettings
ruleSetting = healthMonitoringSection.Rules["All Errors Default"];
// Remove a RuleSettings object from the Rules collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Remove("All Errors Default");
// Remove a RuleSettings object from the Rules collection property.
// Clear all RuleSettings object from the Rules collection property.
// Update if not locked.
if (!healthMonitoringSection.SectionInformation.IsLocked)
Console.WriteLine("** Configuration updated.");
Console.WriteLine("** Could not update, section is locked.");
catch (System.ArgumentException e)
// Unknown error.
"A invalid argument exception detected in UsingHealthMonitoringSection Main.");
Console.WriteLine("Check your command line for errors.");
} // UsingHealthMonitoringSection class end.
} // Samples.Aspnet.SystemWebConfiguration namespace end.
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Specialized
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Imports System.Configuration
Imports System.Web.Configuration
Namespace Samples.Aspnet.SystemWebConfiguration
' Accesses the
' System.Web.Configuration.HealthMonitoringSection members
' selected by the user.
Class UsingHealthMonitoringSection
Public Shared Sub Main()
' Process the
' System.Web.Configuration.HealthMonitoringSectionobject.
' Get the Web application configuration.
Dim configuration As System.Configuration.Configuration = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration("/aspnet")
' Get the section.
Dim healthMonitoringSection As System.Web.Configuration.HealthMonitoringSection = CType(configuration.GetSection("system.web/healthmonitoring"), System.Web.Configuration.HealthMonitoringSection)
' Get the current Enabled property value.
Dim enabledValue As Boolean = healthMonitoringSection.Enabled
' Set the Enabled property to False.
healthMonitoringSection.Enabled = False
' Get the current HeartBeatInterval property value.
Dim heartBeatIntervalValue As TimeSpan = healthMonitoringSection.HeartbeatInterval
' Set the HeartBeatInterval property to
' TimeSpan.Parse("00:10:00").
healthMonitoringSection.HeartbeatInterval = TimeSpan.Parse("00:10:00")
' Add a BufferModeSettings object to the BufferModes collection property.
Dim bufferModeSetting As BufferModeSettings = new BufferModeSettings("Error Log", _
1024, 256, 512, new TimeSpan(0, 30, 0), new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0), 2)
bufferModeSetting.Name = "Operations Notification"
bufferModeSetting.MaxBufferSize = 128
bufferModeSetting.MaxBufferThreads = 1
bufferModeSetting.MaxFlushSize = 24
bufferModeSetting.RegularFlushInterval = TimeSpan.MaxValue
bufferModeSetting.UrgentFlushInterval = TimeSpan.Parse("00:01:00")
bufferModeSetting.UrgentFlushThreshold = 1
' Add a BufferModeSettings object to the BufferModes collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.BufferModes.Add(new BufferModeSettings("Error Log", _
1024, 256, 512, new TimeSpan(0, 30, 0), new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0), 2))
' Display contents of the BufferModes collection property
Console.WriteLine("BufferModes Collection contains {0} values:", _
' Display all elements.
For i As System.Int32 = 0 To healthMonitoringSection.BufferModes.Count - 1
bufferModeSetting = healthMonitoringSection.BufferModes(i)
Dim name As String = bufferModeSetting.Name
Dim maxBufferSize As Integer = bufferModeSetting.MaxBufferSize
Dim maxBufferThreads As Integer = bufferModeSetting.MaxBufferThreads
Dim maxFlushSize As Integer = bufferModeSetting.MaxFlushSize
Dim regularFlushInterval As TimeSpan = bufferModeSetting.RegularFlushInterval
Dim urgentFlushInterval As TimeSpan = bufferModeSetting.UrgentFlushInterval
Dim urgentFlushThreshold As Integer = bufferModeSetting.UrgentFlushThreshold
Dim item As String = "Name='" & name & "', MaxBufferSize = '" & maxBufferSize & _
"', MaxBufferThreads = '" & maxBufferThreads & _
"', MaxFlushSize = '" & maxFlushSize & _
"', RegularFlushInterval = '" & regularFlushInterval.ToString() & _
"', UrgentFlushInterval = '" & urgentFlushInterval.ToString() & _
"', UrgentFlushThreshold = '" & urgentFlushThreshold & "'"
Console.WriteLine(" Item {0}: {1}", i, item)
' Get a named BufferMode
bufferModeSetting = healthMonitoringSection.BufferModes("Error Log")
' Remove a BufferModeSettings object from the BufferModes collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.BufferModes.Remove("Error Log")
' Clear all BufferModeSettings object from the BufferModes collection property.
' Add a EventMappingsSettings object to the EventMappings collection property.
Dim eventMappingSetting As EventMappingSettings = New EventMappingSettings( _
"Failure Audits", "System.Web.Management.WebAuditEvent, System.Web")
eventMappingSetting.Name = "All Errors"
eventMappingSetting.Type = _
"System.Web.Management.WebErrorEvent, System.Web"
eventMappingSetting.StartEventCode = 0
eventMappingSetting.EndEventCode = 4096
' Add an EventMappingsSettings object to the EventMappings collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings.Add(new EventMappingSettings( _
"Failure Audits", "System.Web.Management.WebAuditEvent, System.Web"))
' Add an EventMappingsSettings object to the EventMappings collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings.Add(new EventMappingSettings( _
"Success Audits", "System.Web.Management.WebAuditEvent, System.Web", _
512, Int32.MaxValue))
' Insert an EventMappingsSettings object into the EventMappings collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings.Insert(1, _
new EventMappingSettings("HeartBeats", "", 1, 2))
' Display contents of the EventMappings collection property
Console.WriteLine( _
"EventMappings Collection contains {0} values:", healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings.Count)
' Display all elements.
For i As System.Int32 = 0 To healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings.Count - 1
eventMappingSetting = healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings(i)
Dim name As String = eventMappingSetting.Name
Dim type As String = eventMappingSetting.Type
Dim startCd As Integer = eventMappingSetting.StartEventCode
Dim endCd As Integer = eventMappingSetting.EndEventCode
Dim item As String = "Name='" & name & "', Type='" & type & _
"', StartEventCode = '" & startCd.ToString() & _
"', EndEventCode = '" & endCd.ToString() & "'"
Console.WriteLine(" Item {0}: {1}", i, item)
' See if the EventMappings collection property contains the event 'HeartBeats'.
Console.WriteLine("EventMappings contains 'HeartBeats': {0}.", _
' Get the index of the 'HeartBeats' event in the EventMappings collection property.
Console.WriteLine("EventMappings index for 'HeartBeats': {0}.", _
' Get a named EventMappings
eventMappingSetting = healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings("HeartBeats")
' Remove an EventMappingsSettings object from the EventMappings collection property.
' Remove an EventMappingsSettings object from the EventMappings collection property.
' Clear all EventMappingsSettings object from the EventMappings collection property.
' Add a ProfileSettings object to the Profiles collection property.
Dim profileSetting As ProfileSettings = New ProfileSettings("Default")
profileSetting.Name = "Custom"
profileSetting.MaxLimit = Int32.MaxValue
profileSetting.MinInstances = 1
profileSetting.MinInterval = TimeSpan.Parse("00:01:00")
profileSetting.Custom = "MyEvaluators.MyCustomeEvaluator, MyCustom.dll"
' Add a ProfileSettings object to the Profiles collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Profiles.Add(new ProfileSettings("Default"))
' Add a ProfileSettings object to the Profiles collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Profiles.Add(new ProfileSettings("Critical", _
1, 1024, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 00)))
' Add a ProfileSettings object to the Profiles collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Profiles.Add(new ProfileSettings("Targeted", _
1, Int32.MaxValue, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10), _
"MyEvaluators.MyTargetedEvaluator, MyCustom.dll"))
' Insert an ProfileSettings object into the Profiles collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Profiles.Insert(1, new ProfileSettings("Default2"))
' Display contents of the Profiles collection property
Console.WriteLine( _
"Profiles Collection contains {0} values:", _
' Display all elements.
For i As System.Int32 = 0 To healthMonitoringSection.Profiles.Count - 1
profileSetting = healthMonitoringSection.Profiles(i)
Dim name As String = profileSetting.Name
Dim minInstances As Integer = profileSetting.MinInstances
Dim maxLimit As Integer = profileSetting.MaxLimit
Dim minInterval As TimeSpan = profileSetting.MinInterval
Dim custom As String = profileSetting.Custom
Dim item As String = "Name='" & name & _
"', MinInstances = '" & minInstances & "', MaxLimit = '" & maxLimit & _
"', MinInterval = '" & minInterval.ToString() & "', Custom = '" & custom & "'"
Console.WriteLine(" Item {0}: {1}", i, item)
' See if the ProfileSettings collection property contains the event 'Default'.
Console.WriteLine("Profiles contains 'Default': {0}.", _
' Get the index of the 'Default' ProfileSettings in the Profiles collection property.
Console.WriteLine("Profiles index for 'Default': {0}.", _
' Get a named ProfileSettings
profileSetting = healthMonitoringSection.Profiles("Default")
' Remove a ProfileSettings object from the Profiles collection property.
' Remove a ProfileSettings object from the Profiles collection property.
' Clear all ProfileSettings object from the Profiles collection property.
' Display contents of the Providers collection property
Console.WriteLine("Providers Collection contains {0} values:", _
' Display all elements.
For i As System.Int32 = 0 To healthMonitoringSection.Providers.Count - 1
Dim providerStg As System.Configuration.ProviderSettings = _
Console.WriteLine(" Item {0}: Name = '{1}' Type = '{2}'", i, _
providerStg.Name, providerStg.Type)
' Add a RuleSettings object to the Rules collection property.
Dim ruleSetting As RuleSettings = new RuleSettings("All Errors Default", _
"All Errors", "EventLogProvider")
ruleSetting.Name = "All Errors Custom"
ruleSetting.EventName = "All Errors"
ruleSetting.Provider = "EventLogProvider"
ruleSetting.Profile = "Custom"
ruleSetting.MaxLimit = Int32.MaxValue
ruleSetting.MinInstances = 1
ruleSetting.MinInterval = TimeSpan.Parse("00:00:30")
ruleSetting.Custom = "MyEvaluators.MyCustomeEvaluator2, MyCustom.dll"
' Add a RuleSettings object to the Rules collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Add(new RuleSettings("All Errors Default", _
"All Errors", "EventLogProvider"))
' Add a RuleSettings object to the Rules collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Add(new RuleSettings("Failure Audits Default", _
"Failure Audits", "EventLogProvider", "Default", 1, Int32.MaxValue, _
new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0)))
' Add a RuleSettings object to the Rules collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Add(new RuleSettings("Failure Audits Custom", _
"Failure Audits", "EventLogProvider", "Custom", 1, Int32.MaxValue, _
new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0), "MyEvaluators.MyCustomeEvaluator2, MyCustom.dll"))
' Insert an RuleSettings object into the Rules collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Insert(1, _
new RuleSettings("All Errors Default2", _
"All Errors", "EventLogProvider"))
' Display contents of the Rules collection property
Console.WriteLine( _
"Rules Collection contains {0} values:", healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Count)
' Display all elements.
For i As System.Int32 = 0 To healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Count -1
ruleSetting = healthMonitoringSection.Rules(i)
Dim name As String = ruleSetting.Name
Dim eventName As String = ruleSetting.EventName
Dim provider As String = ruleSetting.Provider
Dim profile As String = ruleSetting.Profile
Dim minInstances As Integer = ruleSetting.MinInstances
Dim maxLimit As Integer = ruleSetting.MaxLimit
Dim minInterval As TimeSpan = ruleSetting.MinInterval
Dim custom As String = ruleSetting.Custom
Dim item As String = "Name='" & name & "', EventName='" & eventName & _
"', Provider = '" & provider & "', Profile = '" & profile & _
"', MinInstances = '" & minInstances & "', MaxLimit = '" & maxLimit & _
"', MinInterval = '" & minInterval.ToString() & "', Custom = '" & custom & "'"
Console.WriteLine(" Item {0}: {1}", i, item)
' See if the Rules collection property contains the RuleSettings 'All Errors Default'.
Console.WriteLine("EventMappings contains 'All Errors Default': {0}.", _
healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Contains("All Errors Default"))
' Get the index of the 'All Errors Default' RuleSettings in the Rules collection property.
Console.WriteLine("EventMappings index for 'All Errors Default': {0}.", _
healthMonitoringSection.Rules.IndexOf("All Errors Default"))
' Get a named RuleSettings
ruleSetting = healthMonitoringSection.Rules("All Errors Default")
' Remove a RuleSettings object from the Rules collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Remove("All Errors Default")
' Remove a RuleSettings object from the Rules collection property.
' Clear all RuleSettings object from the Rules collection property.
' Update if not locked.
If Not healthMonitoringSection.SectionInformation.IsLocked Then
Console.WriteLine("** Configuration updated.")
Console.WriteLine("** Could not update, section is locked.")
End If
Catch e As System.ArgumentException
' Unknown error.
Console.WriteLine( _
"A invalid argument exception detected in UsingHealthMonitoringSection Main.")
Console.WriteLine("Check your command line for errors.")
End Try
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace ' Samples.Aspnet.SystemWebConfiguration
Ta klasa odpowiada elementowi <healthMonitoring>
pliku konfiguracji.
Do wywołania zdarzenia wymagane jest średnie zaufanie lub wyższe.
HealthMonitoringSection() |
Inicjuje HealthMonitoringSection nowe wystąpienie klasy przy użyciu ustawień domyślnych. |
BufferModes |
Pobiera kolekcję obiektów, które określają ustawienia trybów buforu. |
CurrentConfiguration |
Pobiera odwołanie do wystąpienia najwyższego poziomu Configuration , które reprezentuje hierarchię konfiguracji, do którego należy bieżące ConfigurationElement wystąpienie. (Odziedziczone po ConfigurationElement) |
ElementInformation |
ElementInformation Pobiera obiekt, który zawiera niezstosowalne informacje i funkcje ConfigurationElement obiektu. (Odziedziczone po ConfigurationElement) |
ElementProperty |
ConfigurationElementProperty Pobiera obiekt reprezentujący ConfigurationElement sam obiekt. (Odziedziczone po ConfigurationElement) |
Enabled |
Pobiera lub ustawia wartość wskazującą, czy monitorowanie kondycji jest włączone. |
EvaluationContext |
ContextInformation Pobiera obiekt dla ConfigurationElement obiektu. (Odziedziczone po ConfigurationElement) |
EventMappings |
EventMappingSettingsCollection Pobiera kolekcję EventMappingSettings obiektów. |
HasContext |
Pobiera wartość wskazującą, czy CurrentConfiguration właściwość to |
HeartbeatInterval |
Pobiera lub ustawia interwał używany przez domenę aplikacji podczas zgłaszania WebHeartbeatEvent zdarzenia. |
Item[ConfigurationProperty] |
Pobiera lub ustawia właściwość lub atrybut tego elementu konfiguracji. (Odziedziczone po ConfigurationElement) |
Item[String] |
Pobiera lub ustawia właściwość, atrybut lub element podrzędny tego elementu konfiguracji. (Odziedziczone po ConfigurationElement) |
LockAllAttributesExcept |
Pobiera kolekcję zablokowanych atrybutów. (Odziedziczone po ConfigurationElement) |
LockAllElementsExcept |
Pobiera kolekcję zablokowanych elementów. (Odziedziczone po ConfigurationElement) |
LockAttributes |
Pobiera kolekcję zablokowanych atrybutów. (Odziedziczone po ConfigurationElement) |
LockElements |
Pobiera kolekcję zablokowanych elementów. (Odziedziczone po ConfigurationElement) |
LockItem |
Pobiera lub ustawia wartość wskazującą, czy element jest zablokowany. (Odziedziczone po ConfigurationElement) |
Profiles |
ProfileSettingsCollection Pobiera kolekcję ProfileSettings obiektów. |
Properties |
Pobiera kolekcję właściwości. (Odziedziczone po ConfigurationElement) |
Providers |
ProviderSettingsCollection Pobiera kolekcję ProviderSettings obiektów. |
Rules |
RuleSettingsCollection Pobiera kolekcję RuleSettings obiektów. |
SectionInformation |
SectionInformation Pobiera obiekt, który zawiera niezstosowalne informacje i funkcje ConfigurationSection obiektu. (Odziedziczone po ConfigurationSection) |
DeserializeElement(XmlReader, Boolean) |
Odczytuje kod XML z pliku konfiguracji. (Odziedziczone po ConfigurationElement) |
DeserializeSection(XmlReader) |
Odczytuje kod XML z pliku konfiguracji. (Odziedziczone po ConfigurationSection) |
Equals(Object) |
Porównuje bieżące ConfigurationElement wystąpienie z określonym obiektem. (Odziedziczone po ConfigurationElement) |
GetHashCode() |
Pobiera unikatową wartość reprezentującą bieżące ConfigurationElement wystąpienie. (Odziedziczone po ConfigurationElement) |
GetRuntimeObject() |
Zwraca obiekt niestandardowy po przesłonięciu w klasie pochodnej. (Odziedziczone po ConfigurationSection) |
GetTransformedAssemblyString(String) |
Zwraca przekształconą wersję określonej nazwy zestawu. (Odziedziczone po ConfigurationElement) |
GetTransformedTypeString(String) |
Zwraca przekształconą wersję określonej nazwy typu. (Odziedziczone po ConfigurationElement) |
GetType() |
Type Pobiera bieżące wystąpienie. (Odziedziczone po Object) |
Init() |
ConfigurationElement Ustawia obiekt na stan początkowy. (Odziedziczone po ConfigurationElement) |
InitializeDefault() |
Służy do inicjowania domyślnego zestawu wartości dla ConfigurationElement obiektu. (Odziedziczone po ConfigurationElement) |
IsModified() |
Wskazuje, czy ten element konfiguracji został zmodyfikowany od czasu ostatniego zapisania lub załadowania podczas implementacji w klasie pochodnej. (Odziedziczone po ConfigurationSection) |
IsReadOnly() |
Pobiera wartość wskazującą, czy ConfigurationElement obiekt jest tylko do odczytu. (Odziedziczone po ConfigurationElement) |
ListErrors(IList) |
Dodaje błędy nieprawidłowej właściwości w tym ConfigurationElement obiekcie i we wszystkich podelementach do przekazanej listy. (Odziedziczone po ConfigurationElement) |
MemberwiseClone() |
Tworzy płytkią kopię bieżącego Objectelementu . (Odziedziczone po Object) |
OnDeserializeUnrecognizedAttribute(String, String) |
Pobiera wartość wskazującą, czy podczas deserializacji napotkano nieznany atrybut. (Odziedziczone po ConfigurationElement) |
OnDeserializeUnrecognizedElement(String, XmlReader) |
Pobiera wartość wskazującą, czy podczas deserializacji napotkano nieznany element. (Odziedziczone po ConfigurationElement) |
OnRequiredPropertyNotFound(String) |
Zgłasza wyjątek, gdy nie znaleziono wymaganej właściwości. (Odziedziczone po ConfigurationElement) |
PostDeserialize() |
Wywoływana po deserializacji. (Odziedziczone po ConfigurationElement) |
PreSerialize(XmlWriter) |
Wywoływane przed serializacji. (Odziedziczone po ConfigurationElement) |
Reset(ConfigurationElement) |
Resetuje stan ConfigurationElement wewnętrzny obiektu, w tym blokady i kolekcje właściwości. (Odziedziczone po ConfigurationElement) |
ResetModified() |
Resetuje wartość IsModified() metody w |
SerializeElement(XmlWriter, Boolean) |
Zapisuje zawartość tego elementu konfiguracji do pliku konfiguracji po zaimplementowaniu w klasie pochodnej. (Odziedziczone po ConfigurationElement) |
SerializeSection(ConfigurationElement, String, ConfigurationSaveMode) |
Tworzy ciąg XML zawierający nieskonwergentny widok ConfigurationSection obiektu jako pojedynczą sekcję do zapisu w pliku. (Odziedziczone po ConfigurationSection) |
SerializeToXmlElement(XmlWriter, String) |
Zapisuje zewnętrzne tagi tego elementu konfiguracji do pliku konfiguracji po zaimplementowaniu w klasie pochodnej. (Odziedziczone po ConfigurationElement) |
SetPropertyValue(ConfigurationProperty, Object, Boolean) |
Ustawia właściwość na określoną wartość. (Odziedziczone po ConfigurationElement) |
SetReadOnly() |
IsReadOnly() Ustawia właściwość obiektu ConfigurationElement i wszystkich podelementów. (Odziedziczone po ConfigurationElement) |
ShouldSerializeElementInTargetVersion(ConfigurationElement, String, FrameworkName) |
Wskazuje, czy określony element powinien być serializowany, gdy hierarchia obiektów konfiguracji jest serializowana dla określonej wersji docelowej .NET Framework. (Odziedziczone po ConfigurationSection) |
ShouldSerializePropertyInTargetVersion(ConfigurationProperty, String, FrameworkName, ConfigurationElement) |
Wskazuje, czy określona właściwość powinna być serializowana, gdy hierarchia obiektów konfiguracji jest serializowana dla określonej wersji docelowej .NET Framework. (Odziedziczone po ConfigurationSection) |
ShouldSerializeSectionInTargetVersion(FrameworkName) |
Wskazuje, czy bieżące ConfigurationSection wystąpienie powinno być serializowane, gdy hierarchia obiektów konfiguracji jest serializowana dla określonej wersji docelowej .NET Framework. (Odziedziczone po ConfigurationSection) |
ToString() |
Zwraca ciąg reprezentujący bieżący obiekt. (Odziedziczone po Object) |
Unmerge(ConfigurationElement, ConfigurationElement, ConfigurationSaveMode) |
Modyfikuje obiekt, ConfigurationElement aby usunąć wszystkie wartości, które nie powinny być zapisywane. (Odziedziczone po ConfigurationElement) |