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Utilities.cs Source Code (CNG Example)

The Utilities.cs file provides the utility methods used by the Cryptography Next Generation (CNG) secure communication example. It contains the following code.

using System;                           // IDisposable interface
using System.Diagnostics;               // Process control               
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;   // MoveWindow, GetConsoleWindow Win32 APIs

public partial class CNG_SecureCommunicationExample
    static string sep = "------------------------------------" +
                  sep1 = sep + "\n", sep2 = "\n" + sep1;

    static string MyName;

                                  // Application control flags
    static int  Version = 0;      // 1 - Plaintext, 2 - Encryption, 3 - Signing
                                  // 4 - Private digital signature, 5 - Termination
    static bool fVerbose;         // Display encrypted output           
    static bool fMallory;         // Disable Mallory

    public static extern bool MoveWindow(IntPtr hwnd, int x, int y,
                                  int nWidth, int nHeight, bool bRepaint);
    public static extern IntPtr GetConsoleWindow();

// Run the Bob and Mallory executable.
// If Alice.exe is a standalone process, it is not being run from
// the Visual Studio debugger; therefore, it must programatically 
// run Bob and Mallory.
    static bool Autoloader()
        Process [] AliceProcess = Process.GetProcessesByName("Alice");
        if (AliceProcess.Length > 0)
            try {

            catch(Exception e)
                Display("\nFailure loading Bob.exe or Mallory.exe:\n"
                       + e.Message + "\n",1);
                return false;
            return true;

// Set console size, position, title
    static void InitConsole(string name, int left, int top)
        IntPtr hwnd = GetConsoleWindow();
        MoveWindow(hwnd, left, top, 600, 500, true);
        Console.SetBufferSize(72, 500);
        MyName = name;

// Provide titling services
    static void SplashScreen()
        Display("       Cryptography Next Generation " +
                "Secure Communication Example\n\n" + sep);
        Console.Title = "Hi, I'm " + MyName + "!";

// Prompt user for input.
// fBlankOkay = true if blank lines are acceptable
  static string ReadALine(bool fBlankOkay)
        while (true)
            Display(":> ", 1);
            Display("", 3);
            string s = Console.ReadLine();
            if (fBlankOkay)
                return s;
            if ("" != s)
                return s;

// Read until a character from list is entered.
// Do not accept a blank.
    static string ReadAChar(string options)
            string s = ReadALine(false);        // No blanks allowed.
            if (options.Contains(s))
                return s;

// Display session options, prompt for input
    static string InitializeOptions()
        string s;
        if ("Alice Green" == MyName)

            Display("Please select a security model:\n\n" +
                    "1 = Plaintext only\n" +
                    "2 = Encrypt messages\n" +
                    "3 = Encrypt messages, use public key to digitally sign messages.\n" +
                    "4 = Encrypt messages, use private key to digitally sign messages.\n" +
                    "5 = Encrypt messages, use private key to digitally sign messages\n" +
                    "    and cryptographic keys. Terminate on all security failures.\n" +
                    "x = Exit\n\n", 1);

            s = ReadAChar("12345x");
            if ("x" == s) return "exit";

            Version = Int32.Parse(s);

            Display("Include Mallory? Y/N\n", 1);
            fMallory = "y" == ReadAChar("ynYN") ?  true : false;              

            if (Version != 1)
                Display("Verbose output mode? Y/N\n", 1);
                fVerbose = "y" == ReadAChar("ynYN") ? true : false;               
        Console.Title = "Hi, I'm " + MyName + "!";

        Console.Title += "   Security Version " + Version;

        Display("       Cryptography Next Generation Secure Communication Example\n\n" +
                "Security Version: " + Version +
                "   Mode: " + (fVerbose ? "Verbose" : "Regular") +
                "   Mallory: " + (fMallory ? "Yes":"No") + 
                "   Signatures: " + (Version >= 3? "Yes":"No"));

        Display(sep2, 1);   

        return (fVerbose ? "y" : "n") + (fMallory ? "y" : "n") + Version;

// Calls 
    static void Display(string s)
            Display(s, MyColor);

// NAME         Display:     Ouput function that wraps Console.Write calls and
//                           colors the output message.
// PARAMETERS:  string DisplayString:   Output message.
//              int color:              Output message color.  If no color, use yellow.
//              COLOR       USE                   DESCRIPTION
//              ------------------------------------------------------------------------
//              0 Red       Security failures     Error message displayed to the user
//              1 Yellow    Default color         Options menu and application messages
//              2 White     Bob's color           Messages from Bob White
//              3 Cyan      User's color          User input
//              4 Green     Alice's color         Messages from Alice Green
//              5 Majenta   Mallory's color       Messages from Mallory Purple
//              6 Yellow    Default color         Application Restart prompt
//              7 Gray      Encrypted data        
// RETURN:      string:     "r":    rerun the application
//                          "exit": close the application
// OPERATION:   1.  Set ConsoleColor to color. If color is not specified,
//                  the default yellow color is set.  
//              2.  Write the DisplayString in the requested color.
//              3.  Process Continue functionality if color = 6.
//                  Display("", 6) will generate a prompt, and query the user
//                  to continue the application.

    static void Display(string DisplayString, int color)
        ConsoleColor[] cc = { ConsoleColor.Red, ConsoleColor.Yellow,
                              ConsoleColor.White, ConsoleColor.Cyan,
                              ConsoleColor.Green, ConsoleColor.Magenta,
        Console.ForegroundColor = cc[color];

        if (6 == color)
            Console.WriteLine(sep + sep +
                  "Press the enter key to continue\n\n");

}       // End Utilities.cs: public partial class CNG_SecureCommunicationExample

See Also


How to: Build and Run the CNG Example


Source Code Overview (CNG Example)

Cryptography Next Generation (CNG) Secure Communication Example

Other Resources

Cryptographic Services