KB4488535 — zbiorcza aktualizacja 14 dla programu SQL Server 2016 SP1
Data wydania: 19 marca 2019 r.
Wersja: 13.0.4560.0
W tym artykule opisano pakiet aktualizacji zbiorczej 14 (numer kompilacji: 13.0.4560.0) dla programu Microsoft SQL Server 2016 z dodatkiem Service Pack 1 (SP1). Ta aktualizacja zawiera poprawki , które zostały wydane po wydaniu programu SQL Server 2016.
Ulepszenia i poprawki zawarte w tej aktualizacji
Jak uzyskać ten zbiorczy pakiet aktualizacji
Następująca aktualizacja jest dostępna w Centrum pobierania Microsoft:
Pobierz najnowszy pakiet aktualizacji zbiorczej dla programu SQL Server 2016 SP1 teraz
Jeśli strona pobierania nie zostanie wyświetlona, skontaktuj się z działem obsługi klienta firmy Microsoft i pomocą techniczną , aby uzyskać pakiet aktualizacji zbiorczej.
Uwaga 16.
Po wydaniu przyszłych aktualizacji zbiorczych dla programu SQL Server 2016 ten cu można znaleźć i pobrać z wykazu usługi Microsoft Windows Update. Firma Microsoft zaleca jednak zainstalowanie najnowszej dostępnej aktualizacji zbiorczej.
Uwagi dotyczące tej aktualizacji
Aktualizacja zbiorcza
Aktualizacje zbiorcze (CU) są teraz dostępne w Centrum pobierania Microsoft.
Tylko najnowsza aktualizacja cu wydana dla programu SQL Server 2016 jest dostępna w Centrum pobierania.
Każda nowa jednostka cu zawiera wszystkie poprawki dołączone do poprzedniej aktualizacji cu dla zainstalowanej wersji/dodatku Service Pack programu SQL Server.
Firma Microsoft zaleca ciągłą, proaktywną instalację jednostek CU w miarę ich dostępności:
Jednostki CU programu SQL Server są certyfikowane na tych samych poziomach co dodatki Service Pack i powinny być instalowane na tym samym poziomie pewności.
Dane historyczne pokazują, że znaczna liczba spraw pomocy technicznej obejmuje problem, który został już rozwiązany w wydanej aktualizacji CU.
Jednostki CU mogą zawierać wartość dodaną w przypadku poprawek i powyższych. Obejmuje to obsługę, możliwości zarządzania i aktualizacje niezawodności.
Podobnie jak w przypadku dodatków Service Pack programu SQL Server zalecamy przetestowanie jednostek CU przed ich wdrożeniem w środowiskach produkcyjnych.
Zalecamy uaktualnienie instalacji programu SQL Server do najnowszego dodatku Service Pack programu SQL Server 2016.
Wdrażanie środowisk hybrydowych
Podczas wdrażania poprawek w środowisku hybrydowym (na przykład Always On, replication, cluster i mirroring) zalecamy zapoznanie się z następującymi artykułami przed wdrożeniem poprawek:
Uaktualnianie wystąpienia klastra trybu failover
Uwaga 16.
Jeśli nie chcesz używać procesu aktualizacji stopniowej, wykonaj następujące kroki, aby zastosować aktualizację:
1. Zainstaluj dodatek Service Pack w węźle pasywnym.
2. Zainstaluj aktualizację w aktywnym węźle (wymaga ponownego uruchomienia usługi).Uaktualnianie replik grup dostępności
Uwaga 16.
Jeśli włączono funkcję Always On with SSISDB catalog (Zawsze włączone w katalogu SSISDB), zobacz informacje o usłudze SSIS z funkcją Always On , aby uzyskać więcej informacji na temat sposobu stosowania aktualizacji w tych środowiskach.
Stosowanie poprawki dla programu SQL Server w topologii replikacji
Obsługa języków
Aktualizacje zbiorcze programu SQL Server są obecnie wielojęzyczne. W związku z tym ten zbiorczy pakiet aktualizacji nie jest specyficzny dla jednego języka. Dotyczy to wszystkich obsługiwanych języków.
Zaktualizowano składniki (funkcje)
Jeden pakiet aktualizacji zbiorczej zawiera wszystkie dostępne aktualizacje wszystkich składników programu SQL Server 2016 (funkcje). Jednak zbiorczy pakiet aktualizacji aktualizuje tylko te składniki, które są obecnie zainstalowane w wystąpieniu programu SQL Server, które chcesz obsługiwać. Jeśli funkcja programu SQL Server (np. Analysis Services) zostanie dodana do wystąpienia po zastosowaniu tej aktualizacji cu, należy ponownie zastosować tę aktualizację aktualizacji aktualizacji aktualizacji nowej funkcji do tej aktualizacji.
Obsługa tej aktualizacji
Jeśli wystąpią inne problemy lub jeśli jest wymagane rozwiązywanie problemów, może być konieczne utworzenie oddzielnego żądania obsługi. Typowe koszty pomocy technicznej będą miały zastosowanie do dodatkowych pytań dotyczących pomocy technicznej i problemów, które nie kwalifikują się do tego konkretnego zbiorczego pakietu aktualizacji. Aby uzyskać pełną listę numerów telefonów obsługi klienta i pomocy technicznej firmy Microsoft lub utworzyć oddzielne żądanie obsługi, przejdź do witryny internetowej pomocy technicznej firmy Microsoft.
Jak odinstalować tę aktualizację
W tym celu wykonaj następujące kroki:
W Panel sterowania wybierz pozycję Wyświetl zainstalowane aktualizacje w obszarze Programy i funkcje.
Znajdź wpis odpowiadający temu pakietowi aktualizacji zbiorczej w programie Microsoft SQL Server 2016.
Naciśnij i przytrzymaj (lub kliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy) wpis, a następnie wybierz polecenie Odinstaluj.
Zbiorcze informacje o pakiecie aktualizacji
Wymagania wstępne
Aby zastosować ten zbiorczy pakiet aktualizacji, należy uruchomić program SQL Server 2016 SP1.
Informacje o ponownym uruchomieniu
Po zastosowaniu tego zbiorczego pakietu aktualizacji może być konieczne ponowne uruchomienie komputera.
Informacje o rejestrze
Aby użyć jednej z poprawek w tym pakiecie, nie trzeba wprowadzać żadnych zmian w rejestrze.
Informacje o pliku
Informacje o pliku pakietu aktualizacji zbiorczej
Wersja angielska tego pakietu zawiera atrybuty pliku (lub nowsze atrybuty pliku), które są wymienione w poniższej tabeli. Daty i godziny dla tych plików są wyświetlane w uniwersalnym czasie koordynowanym (UTC). Podczas wyświetlania informacji o pliku jest on konwertowany na czas lokalny. Aby znaleźć różnicę między czasem UTC a czasem lokalnym, użyj karty Strefa czasowa w elemencie Data i godzina w Panel sterowania.
Wersje oparte na architekturze x86
Usługa przeglądarki programu SQL Server 2016
Nazwa pliku | Wersja pliku | Rozmiar pliku | Data | Godzina | Platforma |
Instapi130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 53328 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Msmdredir.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 6422096 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Msmdsrv.rll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 1296464 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Msmdsrvi.rll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 1293392 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sqlbrowser.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 276560 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sqlbrowser_keyfile.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 88656 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sqldumper.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 107600 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
SQL Server 2016 Database Services Common Core
Nazwa pliku | Wersja pliku | Rozmiar pliku | Data | Godzina | Platforma |
Batchparser.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 160336 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Instapi130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 53328 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Isacctchange.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 29264 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.adomdclient.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 1027152 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.core.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 1348688 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 702544 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.tabular.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 765520 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.tabular.json.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 520784 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.xmla.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 711760 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.edition.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 36944 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.instapi.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 46160 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.mgdsqldumper.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 72784 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.wizardframework.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 598608 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Msasxpress.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 31824 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Pbsvcacctsync.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 59984 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sql_common_core_keyfile.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 88656 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sqldumper.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 107600 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sqlftacct.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 46672 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sqlmanager.dll | 2015.130.16111.4 | 607920 | 03-Jan-2018 | 03:04 | x86 |
Sqlmgmprovider.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 364112 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sqlsecacctchg.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 34896 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sqlsvcsync.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 267344 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sqltdiagn.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 60496 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Svrenumapi130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 853584 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
SQL Server 2016 Data Quality
Nazwa pliku | Wersja pliku | Rozmiar pliku | Data | Godzina | Platforma |
Microsoft.ssdqs.infra.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 1876560 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
SQL_DREPLAY_CLIENT programu SQL Server 2016
Nazwa pliku | Wersja pliku | Rozmiar pliku | Data | Godzina | Platforma |
Dreplayclient.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 120912 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dreplaycommon.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 690768 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Dreplayserverps.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 32848 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dreplayutil.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 309840 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Instapi130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 53328 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sql_dreplay_client_keyfile.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 88656 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sqlresourceloader.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 28240 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Nazwa pliku | Wersja pliku | Rozmiar pliku | Data | Godzina | Platforma |
Dreplaycommon.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 690768 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Dreplaycontroller.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 350288 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dreplayprocess.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 171600 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dreplayserverps.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 32848 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Instapi130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 53328 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sql_dreplay_controller_keyfile.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 88656 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sqlresourceloader.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 28240 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
SQL_TOOLS_EXTENSIONS programu SQL Server 2016
Nazwa pliku | Wersja pliku | Rozmiar pliku | Data | Godzina | Platforma |
Autoadmin.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 1311824 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Ddsshapes.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 135760 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dtaengine.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 166992 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dteparse.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 99408 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dteparsemgd.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 83536 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Dtepkg.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 115792 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dtexec.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 66640 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dts.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 2632784 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dtscomexpreval.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 418896 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dtsconn.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 392272 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dtshost.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 76368 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dtslog.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 102992 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dtsmsg130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 541264 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dtspipeline.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 1059408 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dtspipelineperf130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 42064 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dtswizard.exe | 13.0.4560.0 | 896088 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:41 | x86 |
Dtuparse.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 79952 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dtutil.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 115280 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Exceldest.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 216656 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Excelsrc.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 232528 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Flatfiledest.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 334416 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Flatfilesrc.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 345168 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Foreachfileenumerator.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 80464 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.adomdclientui.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 92240 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.applocal.core.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 1313360 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.applocal.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 696400 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.applocal.tabular.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 763472 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.project.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 2022992 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.projectui.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 42064 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.astasks.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 73296 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.astasksui.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 186448 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.chainer.infrastructure.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 435792 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.configuration.sco.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 2044496 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.configuration.sstring.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 33360 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.deployment.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 249424 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dmquerytaskui.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 501840 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.manageddts.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 606288 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.olapenum.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 106064 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.configuration.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 138832 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:52 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 144464 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:52 | x86 |
Msdtssrvrutil.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 89680 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 37103184 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Msmdpp.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 6370384 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Msmgdsrv.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 6507600 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Msolap130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 7008336 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Msolui130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 287312 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Oledbdest.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 216656 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Oledbsrc.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 235600 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Profiler.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 804432 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Sql_tools_extensions_keyfile.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 88656 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sqldumper.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 107600 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sqlresld.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 28752 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sqlresourceloader.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 28240 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sqlscm.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 52816 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sqlsvc.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 127056 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sqltaskconnections.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 151120 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Txdataconvert.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 255056 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Xe.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 558672 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Xmlrw.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 259664 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Xmlrwbin.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 191568 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Xmsrv.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 32727632 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Wersje oparte na architekturze x64
Usługa przeglądarki programu SQL Server 2016
Nazwa pliku | Wersja pliku | Rozmiar pliku | Data | Godzina | Platforma |
Instapi130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 53328 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Keyfile.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 88656 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Msmdredir.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 6422096 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Msmdsrv.rll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 1296464 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Msmdsrvi.rll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 1293392 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sqlbrowser.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 276560 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sqldumper.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 107600 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Składnik zapisywania programu SQL Server 2016
Nazwa pliku | Wersja pliku | Rozmiar pliku | Data | Godzina | Platforma |
Instapi130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 61008 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Sqlboot.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 186448 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Sqldumper.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 127056 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Sqlvdi.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 168528 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sqlvdi.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 197200 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Sqlwriter.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 131664 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Sqlwriter_keyfile.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 100432 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Sqlwvss.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 340560 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Sqlwvss_xp.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 26192 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services
Nazwa pliku | Wersja pliku | Rozmiar pliku | Data | Godzina | Platforma |
Microsoft.analysisservices.server.core.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 1347664 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.server.tabular.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 765520 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.server.tabular.json.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 521296 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.applicationinsights.dll | | 329872 | 06 lipca 2018 r. | 22:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.powerbi.adomdclient.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 989776 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Microsoft.powerbi.adomdclient.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 989776 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Msmdctr130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 40016 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Msmdlocal.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 37103184 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 56207952 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Msmdpump.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 7799376 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Msmdredir.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 6422096 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Msmdsrv.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 56747088 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Msmgdsrv.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 7507024 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Msmgdsrv.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 6507600 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Msolap130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 7008336 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Msolap130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 8639568 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Msolui130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 287312 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Msolui130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 310352 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Sql_as_keyfile.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 100432 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Sqlboot.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 186448 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Sqlceip.exe | 13.0.4560.0 | 252496 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:52 | x86 |
Sqldumper.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 107600 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sqldumper.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 127056 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Tmapi.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 4345936 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Tmcachemgr.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 2826320 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Tmpersistence.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 1071184 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Tmtransactions.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 1352272 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Xe.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 626256 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Xmlrw.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 319056 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Xmlrw.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 259664 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Xmlrwbin.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 227408 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Xmlrwbin.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 191568 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Xmsrv.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 24050768 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Xmsrv.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 32727632 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
SQL Server 2016 Database Services Common Core
Nazwa pliku | Wersja pliku | Rozmiar pliku | Data | Godzina | Platforma |
Batchparser.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 160336 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Batchparser.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 180816 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Instapi130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 53328 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Instapi130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 61008 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Isacctchange.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 29264 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Isacctchange.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 30800 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.adomdclient.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 1027152 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.adomdclient.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 1027152 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.core.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 1348688 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 702544 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.tabular.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 765520 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.tabular.json.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 520784 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.xmla.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 711760 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.xmla.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 711760 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.edition.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 36944 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.instapi.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 46160 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.mgdsqldumper.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 75344 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.mgdsqldumper.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 72784 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.wizardframework.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 598608 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.wizardframework.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 598608 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Msasxpress.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 31824 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Msasxpress.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 35920 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Pbsvcacctsync.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 59984 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Pbsvcacctsync.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 72784 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Sql_common_core_keyfile.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 100432 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Sqldumper.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 107600 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sqldumper.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 127056 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Sqlftacct.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 46672 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sqlftacct.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 51792 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Sqlmanager.dll | 2015.130.16111.4 | 607920 | 03-Jan-2018 | 03:04 | x86 |
Sqlmanager.dll | 2015.130.16111.4 | 732336 | 03-Jan-2018 | 04:18 | x64 |
Sqlmgmprovider.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 404048 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Sqlmgmprovider.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 364112 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sqlsecacctchg.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 37456 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Sqlsecacctchg.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 34896 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sqlsvcsync.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 348752 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Sqlsvcsync.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 267344 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sqltdiagn.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 67664 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Sqltdiagn.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 60496 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Svrenumapi130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 1115728 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Svrenumapi130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 853584 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
SQL Server 2016 Data Quality
Nazwa pliku | Wersja pliku | Rozmiar pliku | Data | Godzina | Platforma |
Microsoft.ssdqs.infra.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 1876560 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.ssdqs.infra.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 1876560 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
SQL_DREPLAY_CLIENT programu SQL Server 2016
Nazwa pliku | Wersja pliku | Rozmiar pliku | Data | Godzina | Platforma |
Dreplayclient.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 120912 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dreplaycommon.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 690768 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Dreplayserverps.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 32848 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dreplayutil.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 309840 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Instapi130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 61008 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Sql_dreplay_client_keyfile.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 100432 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Sqlresourceloader.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 28240 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Nazwa pliku | Wersja pliku | Rozmiar pliku | Data | Godzina | Platforma |
Dreplaycommon.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 690768 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Dreplaycontroller.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 350288 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dreplayprocess.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 171600 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dreplayserverps.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 32848 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Instapi130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 61008 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Sql_dreplay_controller_keyfile.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 100432 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Sqlresourceloader.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 28240 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Wystąpienie podstawowe usług baz danych programu SQL Server 2016
Nazwa pliku | Wersja pliku | Rozmiar pliku | Data | Godzina | Platforma |
Backuptourl.exe | 13.0.4560.0 | 41040 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Batchparser.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 180816 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
C1.dll | 18.10.40116.18 | 925264 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
C2.dll | 18.10.40116.18 | 5341264 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Cl.exe | 18.10.40116.18 | 192080 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Databasemail.exe | 13.0.16100.4 | 29888 | 09-grudzień 2016 | 00:46 | x64 |
Datacollectorcontroller.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 225360 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Dcexec.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 74320 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Fssres.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 81488 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Hadrres.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 177744 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Hkcompile.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 1298000 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Hkengine.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 5600848 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Hkruntime.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 158800 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Link.exe | 12.10.40116.18 | 1017424 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Microsoft.applicationinsights.dll | | 329872 | 06 lipca 2018 r. | 22:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlautoadmin.autobackupagent.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 234064 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlautoadmin.sqlautoadmin.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 79440 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.types.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 391760 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.vdiinterface.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 72272 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xe.core.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 65104 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.configuration.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 150096 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 158800 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.linq.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 271952 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.targets.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 74832 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x64 |
Msobj120.dll | 12.10.40116.18 | 129616 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Mspdb120.dll | 12.10.40116.18 | 559184 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Mspdbcore.dll | 12.10.40116.18 | 559184 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Msvcp120.dll | 12.10.40116.18 | 661072 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Msvcr120.dll | 12.10.40116.18 | 964688 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Odsole70.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 92752 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Opends60.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 32848 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Qds.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 845392 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Rsfxft.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 34384 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Sqagtres.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 64592 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Sql_engine_core_inst_keyfile.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 100432 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Sqlaamss.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 80464 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Sqlaccess.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 462416 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x64 |
Sqlagent.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 566352 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Sqlagentctr130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 44112 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sqlagentctr130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 51792 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Sqlagentlog.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 32848 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Sqlagentmail.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 47696 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Sqlboot.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 186448 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Sqlceip.exe | 13.0.4560.0 | 252496 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:52 | x86 |
Sqlcmdss.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 59984 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Sqlctr130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 103504 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sqlctr130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 118352 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Sqldk.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 2587216 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Sqldtsss.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 97360 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Sqliosim.com | 2015.130.4560.0 | 307792 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x64 |
Sqliosim.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 3014224 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Sqllang.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 39448656 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Sqlmin.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 37710928 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Sqlolapss.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 97872 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Sqlos.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 26192 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Sqlpowershellss.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 58448 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Sqlrepss.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 54864 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Sqlresld.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 30800 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Sqlresourceloader.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 30800 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Sqlscm.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 61008 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Sqlscriptdowngrade.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 27728 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Sqlscriptupgrade.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 5800016 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Sqlserverspatial130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 732752 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Sqlservr.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 393296 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Sqlsvc.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 152144 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Sqltses.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 8922192 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Sqsrvres.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 250960 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Stretchcodegen.exe | 13.0.4560.0 | 55888 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:52 | x86 |
Xe.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 626256 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Xmlrw.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 319056 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Xmlrwbin.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 227408 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Xpadsi.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 78928 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Xplog70.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 65616 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Xpqueue.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 74832 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Xprepl.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 91216 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Xpsqlbot.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 33360 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Xpstar.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 422480 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Współużytkowany podstawowy usług baz danych programu SQL Server 2016
Nazwa pliku | Wersja pliku | Rozmiar pliku | Data | Godzina | Platforma |
Batchparser.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 160336 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Batchparser.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 180816 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Bcp.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 119888 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Commanddest.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 248912 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Datacollectorenumerators.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 115792 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Datacollectortasks.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 187984 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Distrib.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 191056 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Dteparse.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 109648 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Dteparsemgd.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 88656 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x64 |
Dtepkg.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 137296 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Dtexec.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 72784 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Dts.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 3146832 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Dtscomexpreval.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 477264 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Dtsconn.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 492624 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Dtshost.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 86608 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Dtslog.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 120400 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Dtsmsg130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 545360 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Dtspipeline.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 1279056 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Dtspipelineperf130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 48208 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Dtswizard.exe | 13.0.4560.0 | 895568 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:52 | x64 |
Dtuparse.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 87632 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Dtutil.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 134736 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Exceldest.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 263760 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Excelsrc.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 285264 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Execpackagetask.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 166480 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Flatfiledest.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 389200 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Flatfilesrc.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 401488 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Foreachfileenumerator.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 96336 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Hkengperfctrs.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 58960 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Logread.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 617040 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Mergetxt.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 53840 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.applocal.core.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 1313360 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.applocal.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 696400 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.applocal.tabular.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 763472 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.data.datafeedclient.dll | | 171208 | 11-Mar-2019 | 20:46 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservice.hadoop.common.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 54352 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservice.hadoopcomponents.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 89680 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservice.hadoopcomponents.ui.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 49744 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservice.hadoopconnections.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 43088 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservice.hadoopconnections.ui.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 70736 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservice.hadoopenumerators.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 35408 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservice.hadooptasks.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 73296 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservice.hadooptasks.ui.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 63568 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.azureutil.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 31312 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.odata.ui.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 131152 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.odataconnectionmanager.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 43600 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.odatasrc.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 57424 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.manageddts.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 606288 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.pssnapins.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 215120 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.sdk.scripting.dll | 13.0.16107.4 | 30912 | 20-Mar-2017 | 23:54 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.replication.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 1638992 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.configuration.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 150096 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 158800 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x64 |
Msdtssrvrutil.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 100944 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Msgprox.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 275536 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Msxmlsql.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 1494608 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Oledbdest.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 264272 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Oledbsrc.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 290896 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Osql.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 75344 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Qrdrsvc.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 469072 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Rawdest.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 209488 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Rawsource.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 196688 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Rdistcom.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 894032 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Recordsetdest.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 187472 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Replagnt.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 30800 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Repldp.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 277072 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Replerrx.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 144464 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Replisapi.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 354384 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Replmerg.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 518736 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Replprov.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 812112 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Replrec.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 1018448 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Replsub.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 467536 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Replsync.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 143952 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Spresolv.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 245328 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Sql_engine_core_shared_keyfile.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 100432 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Sqlcmd.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 249424 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Sqldiag.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 1257552 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Sqldistx.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 215632 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Sqllogship.exe | 13.0.4560.0 | 100432 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:52 | x64 |
Sqlmergx.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 346704 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Sqlps.exe | 13.0.4560.0 | 59984 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Sqlresld.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 30800 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Sqlresld.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 28752 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sqlresourceloader.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 30800 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Sqlresourceloader.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 28240 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sqlscm.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 52816 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sqlscm.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 61008 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Sqlsvc.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 152144 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Sqlsvc.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 127056 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sqltaskconnections.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 180816 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Sqlwep130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 105552 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Ssdebugps.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 33360 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Ssisoledb.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 216144 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Ssradd.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 65104 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Ssravg.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 65104 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Ssrdown.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 50768 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Ssrmax.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 63568 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Ssrmin.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 63568 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Ssrpub.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 51280 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Ssrup.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 50768 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Txagg.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 364624 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Txbdd.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 172624 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Txdatacollector.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 367696 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Txdataconvert.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 296528 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Txderived.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 607824 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Txlookup.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 532560 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Txmerge.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 229968 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Txmergejoin.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 278608 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Txmulticast.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 128592 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Txrowcount.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 126544 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Txsort.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 258640 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Txsplit.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 600656 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Txunionall.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 181840 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Xe.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 626256 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Xmlrw.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 319056 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Xmlsub.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 250960 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
sql_extensibility programu SQL Server 2016
Nazwa pliku | Wersja pliku | Rozmiar pliku | Data | Godzina | Platforma |
Launchpad.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 1013840 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Sql_extensibility_keyfile.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 100432 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Sqlsatellite.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 837200 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Aparat pełnotekstowy programu SQL Server 2016
Nazwa pliku | Wersja pliku | Rozmiar pliku | Data | Godzina | Platforma |
Fd.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 660048 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Fdhost.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 105040 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Fdlauncher.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 51280 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Sql_fulltext_keyfile.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 100432 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Sqlft130ph.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 57936 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
SQL Server 2016 sql_inst_mr
Nazwa pliku | Wersja pliku | Rozmiar pliku | Data | Godzina | Platforma |
Imrdll.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 23632 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Sql_inst_mr_keyfile.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 100432 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
SQL Server 2016 Integration Services
Nazwa pliku | Wersja pliku | Rozmiar pliku | Data | Godzina | Platforma |
Attunity.sqlserver.cdccontroltask.dll | | 77944 | 11-Mar-2019 | 20:46 | x86 |
Attunity.sqlserver.cdccontroltask.dll | | 77944 | 12-Mar-2019 | 02:08 | x86 |
Attunity.sqlserver.cdcsplit.dll | | 37496 | 11-Mar-2019 | 20:46 | x86 |
Attunity.sqlserver.cdcsplit.dll | | 37496 | 12-Mar-2019 | 02:08 | x86 |
Attunity.sqlserver.cdcsrc.dll | | 78456 | 11-Mar-2019 | 20:46 | x86 |
Attunity.sqlserver.cdcsrc.dll | | 78456 | 12-Mar-2019 | 02:08 | x86 |
Commanddest.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 202832 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Commanddest.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 248912 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Dteparse.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 99408 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dteparse.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 109648 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Dteparsemgd.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 83536 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Dteparsemgd.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 88656 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x64 |
Dtepkg.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 115792 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dtepkg.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 137296 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Dtexec.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 72784 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Dtexec.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 66640 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dts.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 2632784 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dts.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 3146832 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Dtscomexpreval.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 418896 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dtscomexpreval.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 477264 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Dtsconn.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 392272 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dtsconn.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 492624 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Dtsdebughost.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 109648 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Dtsdebughost.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 93776 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dtshost.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 86608 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Dtshost.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 76368 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dtslog.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 102992 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dtslog.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 120400 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Dtsmsg130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 541264 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dtsmsg130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 545360 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Dtspipeline.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 1059408 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dtspipeline.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 1279056 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Dtspipelineperf130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 42064 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dtspipelineperf130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 48208 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Dtswizard.exe | 13.0.4560.0 | 896088 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:41 | x86 |
Dtswizard.exe | 13.0.4560.0 | 895568 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:52 | x64 |
Dtuparse.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 79952 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dtuparse.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 87632 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Dtutil.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 134736 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Dtutil.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 115280 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Exceldest.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 216656 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Exceldest.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 263760 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Excelsrc.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 232528 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Excelsrc.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 285264 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Execpackagetask.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 135248 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Execpackagetask.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 166480 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Flatfiledest.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 334416 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Flatfiledest.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 389200 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Flatfilesrc.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 345168 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Flatfilesrc.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 401488 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Foreachfileenumerator.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 80464 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Foreachfileenumerator.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 96336 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Isdatafeedpublishingwizard.exe | 13.0.4560.0 | 439896 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:41 | x86 |
Isdatafeedpublishingwizard.exe | 13.0.4560.0 | 438864 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:52 | x64 |
Isserverexec.exe | 13.0.4560.0 | 132696 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:41 | x86 |
Isserverexec.exe | 13.0.4560.0 | 132176 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:52 | x64 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.applocal.core.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 1313360 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.applocal.core.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 1313360 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.applocal.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 696400 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.applocal.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 696400 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.applocal.tabular.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 763472 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.applocal.tabular.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 763472 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.applicationinsights.dll | | 329872 | 06 lipca 2018 r. | 22:33 | x86 |
Microsoft.data.datafeedclient.dll | | 171208 | 11-Mar-2019 | 20:46 | x86 |
Microsoft.data.datafeedclient.dll | | 171208 | 12-Mar-2019 | 02:08 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.astasks.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 73296 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.bulkinserttaskconnections.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 107088 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.bulkinserttaskconnections.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 112208 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservice.hadoop.common.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 54352 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservice.hadoop.common.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 54352 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservice.hadoopcomponents.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 89680 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservice.hadoopcomponents.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 89680 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservice.hadoopconnections.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 43088 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservice.hadoopconnections.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 43088 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservice.hadoopenumerators.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 35408 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservice.hadoopenumerators.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 35408 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservice.hadooptasks.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 73296 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservice.hadooptasks.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 73296 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.azureutil.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 31312 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.azureutil.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 31312 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.isserverdbupgrade.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 469584 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.isserverdbupgrade.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 469584 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.odataconnectionmanager.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 43600 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.odataconnectionmanager.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 43600 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.odatasrc.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 57424 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.odatasrc.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 57424 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.server.shared.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 52816 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.integrationservices.server.shared.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 52816 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.manageddts.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 606288 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.manageddts.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 606288 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.configuration.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 138832 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:52 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.configuration.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 150096 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 144464 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:52 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 158800 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x64 |
Msdtssrvr.exe | 13.0.4560.0 | 216656 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:52 | x64 |
Msdtssrvrutil.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 89680 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Msdtssrvrutil.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 100944 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Msmdpp.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 7647312 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Oledbdest.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 216656 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Oledbdest.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 264272 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Oledbsrc.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 235600 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Oledbsrc.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 290896 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Rawdest.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 168528 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Rawdest.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 209488 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Rawsource.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 155216 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Rawsource.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 196688 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Recordsetdest.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 151632 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Recordsetdest.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 187472 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Sql_is_keyfile.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 100432 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Sqlceip.exe | 13.0.4560.0 | 252496 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:52 | x86 |
Sqldest.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 215632 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sqldest.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 263760 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Sqltaskconnections.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 180816 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Sqltaskconnections.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 151120 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Ssisoledb.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 216144 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Ssisoledb.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 176720 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Txagg.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 364624 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Txagg.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 304720 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Txbdd.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 172624 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Txbdd.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 138320 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Txbestmatch.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 611408 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Txbestmatch.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 496208 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Txcache.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 183376 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Txcache.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 148048 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Txcharmap.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 289872 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Txcharmap.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 250448 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Txcopymap.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 183376 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Txcopymap.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 147536 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Txdataconvert.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 296528 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Txdataconvert.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 255056 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Txderived.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 607824 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Txderived.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 519248 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Txfileextractor.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 201808 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Txfileextractor.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 162896 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Txfileinserter.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 199760 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Txfileinserter.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 160848 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Txgroupdups.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 290896 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Txgroupdups.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 231504 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Txlineage.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 137296 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Txlineage.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 109136 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Txlookup.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 532560 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Txlookup.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 449616 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Txmerge.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 229968 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Txmerge.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 176208 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Txmergejoin.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 278608 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Txmergejoin.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 223824 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Txmulticast.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 128592 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Txmulticast.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 101968 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Txpivot.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 227920 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Txpivot.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 181840 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Txrowcount.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 126544 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Txrowcount.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 101456 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Txsampling.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 172112 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Txsampling.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 134736 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Txscd.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 220240 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Txscd.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 169552 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Txsort.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 258640 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Txsort.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 210512 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Txsplit.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 600656 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Txsplit.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 513616 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Txtermextraction.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 8677968 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Txtermextraction.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 8615504 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Txtermlookup.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 4158544 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Txtermlookup.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 4107344 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Txunionall.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 181840 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Txunionall.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 138832 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Txunpivot.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 202320 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Txunpivot.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 162384 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Xe.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 558672 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Xe.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 626256 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
SQL_POLYBASE_CORE_INST programu SQL Server 2016
Nazwa pliku | Wersja pliku | Rozmiar pliku | Data | Godzina | Platforma |
Dms.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 483496 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Dmsnative.dll | 2014.120.8224.43 | 75440 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x64 |
Dwengineservice.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 45744 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Instapi130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 61008 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.backup.backupmetadata.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 74416 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.catalog.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 201896 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.common.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 2347184 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.configuration.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 102064 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.datamovement.common.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 378544 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.datamovement.manager.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 185512 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.datamovement.messagetypes.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 127144 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.datamovement.messagingprotocol.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 63152 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.diagnostics.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 52400 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.distributor.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 87208 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.engine.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 721584 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.engine.statsstream.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 87208 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.eventing.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 78000 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.fabric.appliance.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 41640 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.fabric.interface.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 36528 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.fabric.polybase.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 47792 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.fabric.xdbinterface.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 27304 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.failover.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 32936 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.hadoop.hadoopbridge.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 118952 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.loadercommon.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 94384 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.loadmanager.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 108208 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 256680 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 102056 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 115888 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 118952 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 115888 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 125608 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 117928 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 113328 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 145576 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 100016 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.localization.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 114864 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.nodes.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 69296 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.nulltransaction.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 28336 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.parallelizer.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 43696 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.resourcemanagement.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 82096 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.setup.componentupgradelibrary.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 136872 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 2155688 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 3818672 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 107688 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 119976 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 124592 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 121008 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 133296 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 121000 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 118448 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 152240 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 105136 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sql.parser.resources.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 119472 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.sqldistributor.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 66736 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.transactsql.scriptdom.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 2756272 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.datawarehouse.utilities.dll | 10.0.8224.43 | 752296 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x86 |
Mpdwinterop.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 394320 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x64 |
Mpdwsvc.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 6613584 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Pdwodbcsql11.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 2155088 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Sharedmemory.dll | 2014.120.8224.43 | 47280 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x64 |
Sqldk.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 2530384 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Sqldumper.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 127056 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Sqlos.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 26192 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Sqlsortpdw.dll | 2014.120.8224.43 | 4348072 | 02-luty 2018 r. | 00:09 | x64 |
Sqltses.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 9091152 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
SQL Server 2016 Reporting Services
Nazwa pliku | Wersja pliku | Rozmiar pliku | Data | Godzina | Platforma |
Microsoft.analysisservices.modeling.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 610896 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.authorization.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 78928 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 210512 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.datarendering.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 168528 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 1620048 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.excelrendering.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 657488 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.hpbprocessing.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 329808 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 1072208 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.resources.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 532048 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.resources.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 532048 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.resources.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 532048 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.resources.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 532048 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:56 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.resources.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 532048 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:52 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.resources.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 532048 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.resources.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 532048 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.resources.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 532048 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:57 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.resources.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 532048 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:57 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.resources.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 532048 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.hybrid.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 48720 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.imagerendering.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 162896 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.interfaces.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 76368 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.interfaces.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 76368 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.portal.interfaces.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 126032 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.portal.odatawebapi.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 106064 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.portal.services.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 5959248 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.portal.services.resources.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 4420176 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.portal.services.resources.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 4420688 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.portal.services.resources.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 4421200 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.portal.services.resources.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 4420688 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:56 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.portal.services.resources.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 4421200 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:52 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.portal.services.resources.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 4421200 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.portal.services.resources.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 4420688 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.portal.services.resources.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 4421712 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:57 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.portal.services.resources.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 4420176 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:57 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.portal.services.resources.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 4420688 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.portal.web.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 10886224 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.portal.webhost.exe | 13.0.4560.0 | 100944 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:52 | x64 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.powerpointrendering.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 72784 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.processingcore.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 5951568 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.sharepoint.server.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 245840 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.spbprocessing.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 298064 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.storage.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 208464 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.storage.resources.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 44624 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.storage.resources.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 48720 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:57 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.storage.resources.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 48720 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:56 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.storage.resources.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 48720 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:56 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.storage.resources.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 52816 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:52 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.storage.resources.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 48720 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:57 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.storage.resources.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 48720 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.storage.resources.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 52816 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:57 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.storage.resources.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 44624 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:57 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.storage.resources.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 48720 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.upgradescripts.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 510544 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.usagetracking.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 47696 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x64 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.wordrendering.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 496720 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.types.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 396880 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.types.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 391760 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 37103184 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 56207952 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Msmgdsrv.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 7507024 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Msmgdsrv.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 6507600 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Msolap130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 7008336 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Msolap130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 8639568 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Msolui130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 287312 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Msolui130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 310352 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Reportingservicescompression.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 62544 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Reportingservicesemaildeliveryprovider.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 84560 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Reportingserviceslibrary.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 2543696 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Reportingservicesnativeclient.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 108624 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Reportingservicesnativeclient.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 114256 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Reportingservicesnativeserver.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 98896 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Reportingservicesservice.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 2573392 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Reportingserviceswebserver.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 2710608 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Reportingserviceswebserver.resources.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 867920 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Reportingserviceswebserver.resources.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 872016 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Reportingserviceswebserver.resources.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 872016 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:57 | x86 |
Reportingserviceswebserver.resources.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 872016 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Reportingserviceswebserver.resources.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 876112 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Reportingserviceswebserver.resources.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 872016 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Reportingserviceswebserver.resources.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 872016 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Reportingserviceswebserver.resources.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 884304 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Reportingserviceswebserver.resources.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 867920 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Reportingserviceswebserver.resources.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 872016 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Reportingserviceswmiprovider.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 3590736 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Reportingserviceswmiprovider.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 3662928 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Rsconfigtool.exe | 13.0.4560.0 | 1405520 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Rsctr.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 51280 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Rsctr.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 58448 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Rshttpruntime.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 99408 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Sql_rs_keyfile.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 100432 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Sqldumper.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 107600 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sqldumper.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 127056 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Sqlrsos.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 26192 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Sqlserverspatial130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 584272 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sqlserverspatial130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 732752 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Xmlrw.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 319056 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Xmlrw.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 259664 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Xmlrwbin.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 227408 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Xmlrwbin.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 191568 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Xmsrv.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 24050768 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Xmsrv.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 32727632 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
SQL_SHARED_MR programu SQL Server 2016
Nazwa pliku | Wersja pliku | Rozmiar pliku | Data | Godzina | Platforma |
Smrdll.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 23632 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Sql_engine_core_shared_keyfile.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 100432 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
SQL_TOOLS_EXTENSIONS programu SQL Server 2016
Nazwa pliku | Wersja pliku | Rozmiar pliku | Data | Godzina | Platforma |
Autoadmin.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 1311824 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Ddsshapes.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 135760 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dtaengine.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 166992 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dteparse.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 99408 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dteparse.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 109648 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Dteparsemgd.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 83536 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Dteparsemgd.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 88656 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x64 |
Dtepkg.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 115792 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dtepkg.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 137296 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Dtexec.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 72784 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Dtexec.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 66640 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dts.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 2632784 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dts.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 3146832 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Dtscomexpreval.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 418896 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dtscomexpreval.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 477264 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Dtsconn.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 392272 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dtsconn.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 492624 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Dtshost.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 86608 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Dtshost.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 76368 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dtslog.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 102992 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dtslog.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 120400 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Dtsmsg130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 541264 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dtsmsg130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 545360 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Dtspipeline.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 1059408 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dtspipeline.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 1279056 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Dtspipelineperf130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 42064 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dtspipelineperf130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 48208 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Dtswizard.exe | 13.0.4560.0 | 896088 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:41 | x86 |
Dtswizard.exe | 13.0.4560.0 | 895568 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:52 | x64 |
Dtuparse.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 79952 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Dtuparse.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 87632 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Dtutil.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 134736 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Dtutil.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 115280 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Exceldest.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 216656 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Exceldest.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 263760 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Excelsrc.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 232528 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Excelsrc.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 285264 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Flatfiledest.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 334416 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Flatfiledest.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 389200 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Flatfilesrc.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 345168 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Flatfilesrc.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 401488 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Foreachfileenumerator.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 80464 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Foreachfileenumerator.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 96336 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.adomdclientui.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 92240 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.applocal.core.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 1313360 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.applocal.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 696400 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.applocal.tabular.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 763472 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.project.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 2022992 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.projectui.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 42064 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.astasks.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 73296 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.astasksui.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 186448 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.chainer.infrastructure.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 435792 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.chainer.infrastructure.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 435792 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.configuration.sco.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 2044496 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.configuration.sco.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 2044496 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.configuration.sstring.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 33360 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.configuration.sstring.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 33360 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.deployment.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 249424 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.deployment.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 249424 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dmquerytaskui.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 501840 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.manageddts.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 606288 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.manageddts.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 606288 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.olapenum.dll | 13.0.4560.0 | 106064 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.configuration.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 138832 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:52 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.configuration.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 150096 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 144464 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:52 | x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 158800 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:55 | x64 |
Msdtssrvrutil.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 89680 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Msdtssrvrutil.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 100944 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Msmdlocal.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 37103184 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 56207952 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Msmdpp.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 6370384 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Msmgdsrv.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 7507024 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Msmgdsrv.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 6507600 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Msolap130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 7008336 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Msolap130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 8639568 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Msolui130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 287312 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Msolui130.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 310352 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Oledbdest.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 216656 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Oledbdest.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 264272 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Oledbsrc.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 235600 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Oledbsrc.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 290896 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:59 | x64 |
Profiler.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 804432 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x86 |
Sql_tools_extensions_keyfile.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 100432 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Sqldumper.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 107600 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sqldumper.exe | 2015.130.4560.0 | 127056 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Sqlresld.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 30800 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Sqlresld.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 28752 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sqlresourceloader.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 30800 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Sqlresourceloader.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 28240 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sqlscm.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 52816 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sqlscm.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 61008 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Sqlsvc.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 152144 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Sqlsvc.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 127056 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Sqltaskconnections.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 180816 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Sqltaskconnections.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 151120 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Txdataconvert.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 296528 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Txdataconvert.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 255056 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Xe.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 558672 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:54 | x86 |
Xe.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 626256 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Xmlrw.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 319056 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Xmlrw.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 259664 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Xmlrwbin.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 227408 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x64 |
Xmlrwbin.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 191568 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
Xmsrv.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 24050768 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:53 | x64 |
Xmsrv.dll | 2015.130.4560.0 | 32727632 | 12-Mar-2019 | 10:58 | x86 |
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