
Compartilhar via

Queries for the ACSCallSurvey table

For information on using these queries in the Azure portal, see Log Analytics tutorial. For the REST API, see Query.

Overall call rating

Query the call survey data and show the overall call rating pie chart.

//Uncomment the conditions below if you use different rating scale for the same category, which is uncommon. 
//| where isempty(OverallRatingScoreLowerBound) or  OverallRatingScoreLowerBound >= 1
//| where isempty(OverallRatingScoreUpperBound) or  OverallRatingScoreUpperBound <= 5
| summarize count() by tostring(OverallRatingScore)
| render piechart

Audio rating

Query the call survey data and show the audio rating pie chart.

//Uncomment the conditions below if you use different rating scale for the same category, which is uncommon. 
//| where isempty(AudioRatingScoreLowerBound) or  AudioRatingScoreLowerBound >= 1
//| where isempty(AudioRatingScoreUpperBound) or  AudioRatingScoreUpperBound <= 5
| summarize count() by tostring(AudioRatingScore)
| render piechart

Video rating

Query the call survey data and show the video rating pie chart.

//Uncomment the conditions below if you use different rating scale for the same category, which is uncommon. 
//| where isempty(VideoRatingScoreLowerBound) or  VideoRatingScoreLowerBound >= 1
//| where isempty(VideoRatingScoreUpperBound) or  VideoRatingScoreUpperBound <= 5
| summarize count() by tostring(VideoRatingScore)
| render piechart

Screenshare rating

Query the call survey data and show the screenshare rating pie chart.

//Uncomment the conditions below if you use different rating scale for the same category, which is uncommon. 
//| where isempty(ScreenshareRatingScoreLowerBound) or  ScreenshareRatingScoreLowerBound >= 1
//| where isempty(ScreenshareRatingScoreUpperBound) or  ScreenshareRatingScoreUpperBound <= 5
| summarize count() by tostring(ScreenshareRatingScore)
| render piechart

Overall call issues

Query the call survey data and show the overall call issues column chart.

| where isempty(OverallCallIssues) == false
//Comma separated issues when multiple issues are reported
| project overall =  split(OverallCallIssues, ',')
| mv-expand overall to typeof(string)
| summarize frequency=count() by overall
| render columnchart

Audio issues

Query the call survey data and show the audio issues column chart.

| where isempty(AudioIssues) == false
//Comma separated issues when multiple issues are reported
| project audio =  split(AudioIssues,',')
| mv-expand audio to typeof(string)
| summarize frequency=count() by audio
| render columnchart

Video issues

Query the call survey data and show the video issues column chart.

| where isempty( VideoIssues ) == false
//Comma separated issues when multiple issues are reported
| project video =  split(VideoIssues,',')
| mv-expand video to typeof(string)
| summarize frequency=count() by video
| render columnchart

Screenshare issues

Query the call survey data and show the screen issues column chart.

| where isempty( ScreenshareIssues ) == false
//Comma separated issues when multiple issues are reported
| project screenshare =  split(ScreenshareIssues,',')
| mv-expand screenshare to typeof(string)
| summarize frequency=count() by screenshare
| render columnchart

Search calls by keyword

List all calls found that contains the keyword, and returns the details of the call including rating, quality, issues breakdown etc. This query is also used in Call Diagnostics to search for calls.

// Set queryConditions_keyword to be the searching keyword. It can be CallId, ParticipantId, 
// Identifier or any other column values in ACSCallSummary log. If not set, the query will return all calls.
// Note this query is also used to provide the data in Call Diagnostics.
declare query_parameters(queryConditions_keyword:string = '',
                        queryConditions_startTime:string = '',
                        queryConditions_endTime:string = '');
let callIds = 
| where isempty(queryConditions_startTime) or CallStartTime >= todatetime(queryConditions_startTime)
| extend CallEndTime = CallStartTime + totimespan(strcat(tostring(CallDuration), 's'))
| where isempty(queryConditions_endTime) or CallEndTime <= todatetime(queryConditions_endTime)
| where isempty(queryConditions_keyword) or * contains queryConditions_keyword
| distinct CorrelationId, ParticipantId);
let searchedCalls = 
| where CorrelationId in ((callIds | project CorrelationId))
| extend CallEndTime = CallStartTime + totimespan(strcat(tostring(CallDuration), 's'))
| where CorrelationId != ParticipantId
| extend ParticipantId = coalesce(ParticipantId, Identifier, EndpointId)
| extend ParticipantId = iff(ParticipantId == 'Redacted', strcat('RedactedParticipant-', EndpointType, '-Identifier-', Identifier), ParticipantId)
| extend EndpointId = iff(EndpointId == 'Redacted', strcat('RedactedEndpoint-', EndpointType, '-Identifier-', Identifier), EndpointId)
| summarize hint.strategy = shuffle CallStartTime = take_any(CallStartTime), CallEndTime = take_any(CallEndTime), CallType = take_any(CallType),
numOfDroppedParticipant = count_distinctif(ParticipantId, ParticipantEndReason in ('380', '400', '407', '408', '409', '410', 
'412', '417', '430', '439', '440', '481', '483', '488', '489', '493', '500', '502', '503', '504', '580')) by CorrelationId);
// client type
let allParticipants = materialize(ACSCallSummary
| where CorrelationId != ParticipantId
| extend ParticipantId = coalesce(ParticipantId, Identifier, EndpointId)
| extend ParticipantId = iff(ParticipantId == 'Redacted', strcat('RedactedParticipant-', EndpointType, '-Identifier-', Identifier), ParticipantId)
| extend EndpointId = iff(EndpointId == 'Redacted', strcat('RedactedEndpoint-', EndpointType, '-Identifier-', Identifier), EndpointId)
| where CorrelationId in ((callIds | project CorrelationId))
| union (ACSCallClientOperations
| where CallId in ((callIds | project CorrelationId))
| where isnotempty(ParticipantId)
| distinct ParticipantId, CorrelationId = CallId, EndpointType = 'VoIP')
| summarize hint.strategy = shuffle take_any(EndpointType) by ParticipantId, CorrelationId);
let clientTypeInfo = materialize(allParticipants
| summarize hint.strategy = shuffle count() by EndpointType, CorrelationId
| extend info = strcat(count_, ' ', EndpointType) 
| summarize hint.strategy = shuffle summaryInfo = make_list(info, 100) by CorrelationId 
| extend ClientType = strcat_array(summaryInfo, ', ')
| project CorrelationId, ClientType);
let totalNumOfParticipants = materialize(allParticipants | summarize hint.strategy = shuffle participantsCount = dcount(ParticipantId) by CorrelationId);
// quality
let qualityInfo = materialize(ACSCallDiagnostics
| where CorrelationId in ((callIds | project CorrelationId))
| where CorrelationId != ParticipantId
| extend ParticipantId = coalesce(ParticipantId, Identifier, EndpointId)
| extend ParticipantId = iff(ParticipantId == 'Redacted', strcat('RedactedParticipant-', EndpointType, '-Identifier-', Identifier), ParticipantId)
| extend EndpointId = iff(EndpointId == 'Redacted', strcat('RedactedEndpoint-', EndpointType, '-Identifier-', Identifier), EndpointId)
| where isnotempty(StreamId)
| summarize hint.strategy = shuffle arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by ParticipantId, StreamId
| extend 
    MediaType = iff(MediaType == 'VBSS', 'ScreenSharing', MediaType) | extend
    __JitterQuality         = iff(JitterAvg > 30, "Poor", "Good"),
    __JitterBufferQuality = iff(JitterBufferSizeAvg > 200, "Poor", "Good"),
    __PacketLossRateQuality = iff(PacketLossRateAvg > 0.1, "Poor", "Good"),
    __RoundTripTimeQuality  = iff(RoundTripTimeAvg > 500, "Poor", "Good"),
    __HealedDataRatioQuality = iff(HealedDataRatioAvg > 0.1, "Poor", "Good"),
    __VideoFrameRateQuality = iff((VideoFrameRateAvg < 1 and MediaType == 'ScreenSharing') or 
    (VideoFrameRateAvg < 7 and MediaType == 'Video'), "Poor", "Good"),
    __FreezesQuality = iff((RecvFreezeDurationPerMinuteInMs > 25000 and MediaType == 'ScreenSharing') or 
    (RecvFreezeDurationPerMinuteInMs > 6000 and MediaType == 'Video'), "Poor", "Good"),
    __VideoResolutionHeightQuality = iff((RecvResolutionHeight < 768 and MediaType == 'ScreenSharing') or 
    (RecvResolutionHeight < 240 and MediaType == 'Video'), "Poor", "Good")
| extend
    __StreamQuality = iff(
    (__JitterQuality == "Poor") 
    or (__JitterBufferQuality == "Poor")
    or (__PacketLossRateQuality == "Poor") 
    or (__RoundTripTimeQuality == "Poor") 
    or (__HealedDataRatioQuality == "Poor")
    or (__VideoFrameRateQuality == "Poor")
    or (__FreezesQuality == "Poor")
    or (__VideoResolutionHeightQuality == "Poor"), 
    "Poor", "Good"),
    MediaDirection = iff(EndpointType == 'Server', 'InboundStream', 'OutboundStream')
| summarize hint.strategy = shuffle numOfPoorStreams = countif(__StreamQuality == 'Poor') by CorrelationId
| extend Quality = iff(numOfPoorStreams >0, 'Poor', 'Good') | project Quality, numOfPoorStreams, CorrelationId);
// rating
let ratingInfo = materialize(ACSCallSurvey
| where CallId in ((callIds | project CorrelationId))
| extend OverallRatingScoreUpperBound = iff(isnotempty(OverallRatingScoreUpperBound), OverallRatingScoreUpperBound, 5)
| summarize hint.strategy = shuffle Rating = avg(OverallRatingScore*5.0/OverallRatingScoreUpperBound) by CallId
| project CorrelationId=CallId, Rating);
// client operation issues
let rangeEventsWithCorrelation = dynamic(['UserFacingDiagnostics']);
let pointEvents = dynamic([
'SelectedMicrophoneChanged', 'SelectedSpeakerChanged', 'OptimalVideoCount-changed', 'State-changed', 'CallMode-changed',
'IsMuted-changed', 'IsIncomingAudioMuted-changed', 'Id-changed', 'Role-changed', 'SelectedDevice-changed', 'PageHidden',
'optimalVideoCount-changed', 'state-changed', 'callMode-changed', 'isMuted-changed', 'isIncomingAudioMuted-changed', 
'id-changed', 'role-changed', 'selectedDevice-changed', 'pageHidden']);
// We need clientIds to get all operations before call is established.
let callClientIds = materialize(ACSCallClientOperations
| where ParticipantId in ((callIds | project ParticipantId)) or CallId in ((callIds | project CorrelationId))
| distinct ClientInstanceId, ParticipantId, CallId);
let allOperations =
materialize(callClientIds | join kind=rightouter hint.strategy=shuffle
| where isempty(queryConditions_startTime) or CallClientTimeStamp >= (todatetime(queryConditions_startTime) - 2h)
| where ParticipantId in ((callIds | project ParticipantId)) or CallId in ((callIds | project CorrelationId)) or ClientInstanceId in ((callClientIds | project ClientInstanceId)) 
| where isnotempty(OperationName) and OperationName != 'CallClientOperations'
and isnotempty(OperationId) and isnotempty(CallClientTimeStamp))
on ClientInstanceId
| extend ParticipantId = coalesce(ParticipantId, ParticipantId1), CallId = coalesce(CallId, CallId1)
| project-away ParticipantId1, ClientInstanceId1, CallId1
| summarize hint.strategy = shuffle arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by OperationId, CallClientTimeStamp);
let correlatedOperations = materialize(allOperations
| where OperationName in (rangeEventsWithCorrelation)
| extend OperationPayload = todynamic(OperationPayload)
| extend 
    UFDQuality = tostring(OperationPayload.DiagnosticQuality),
    UFDType = tostring(OperationPayload.DiagnosticChanged)
| extend UFDType = strcat(toupper(substring(UFDType, 0, 1)),substring(UFDType, 1))
| extend OperationPayloadNew = bag_pack(tostring(CallClientTimeStamp), OperationPayload)
| project-away ResultType
| summarize hint.strategy = shuffle
    arg_max(TimeGenerated, *), ResultType = iff(countif(UFDQuality != 'Good')>0, 'Failed', 'Succeeded'), 
    OperationStartTime = min(CallClientTimeStamp), OperationEndTime = max(CallClientTimeStamp),
    OperationPayloadPacked = make_bag(OperationPayloadNew) by OperationId, UFDType, CallId
| extend ResultType = iff(UFDType has_any ("SpeakingWhileMicrophoneIsMuted", "SpeakerMuted"), 'Succeeded', ResultType), OperationName = UFDType
| where ResultType !in ('Succeeded', 'Success', 'ExpectedError'));
let nonCorrelatedOperations = materialize(allOperations
| where OperationName !in (rangeEventsWithCorrelation)
| extend OperationId = coalesce(hash_sha256(strcat(OperationId, tostring(CallClientTimeStamp))), tostring(new_guid()))
| summarize hint.strategy = shuffle arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by OperationId, CallId
| where ResultType !in ('Succeeded', 'Success', 'ExpectedError'));
let clientOperationIssues = 
materialize(union nonCorrelatedOperations, correlatedOperations
| summarize hint.strategy = shuffle numOfBadOperations=count() by OperationName, CallId
| extend badClientOperations = bag_pack(OperationName, numOfBadOperations)
| summarize hint.strategy = shuffle badClientOperations = make_bag(badClientOperations), numOfBadOperations = sum(numOfBadOperations) by CorrelationId=CallId);
| join kind=leftouter hint.strategy=shuffle clientTypeInfo on CorrelationId
| join kind=leftouter hint.strategy=shuffle qualityInfo on CorrelationId
| join kind=leftouter hint.strategy=shuffle ratingInfo on CorrelationId
| join kind=leftouter hint.strategy=shuffle clientOperationIssues on CorrelationId
| join kind=leftouter hint.strategy=shuffle totalNumOfParticipants on CorrelationId
| extend numOfPoorStreams = coalesce(numOfPoorStreams, 0)
| extend
    drops=bag_pack('Call Ended Ungracefully',numOfDroppedParticipant),
    badMediaStreams = bag_pack('Poor Media Streams', numOfPoorStreams),
    Issues = coalesce(numOfBadOperations, 0) + numOfDroppedParticipant + numOfPoorStreams
| extend
    IssuesBreakdown=bag_merge(drops, badClientOperations, badMediaStreams)
| project 
    CallId=CorrelationId, CallStartTime, CallEndTime, CallType, 
    Participants=participantsCount, ClientType, 
    Quality=iff(isempty(Quality), 'Unknown', Quality), 
    Rating=case(isempty(Rating), 'Unknown', Rating>=4.5, 'Good', Rating >=3, 'Average', 'Poor'),
    NumOfDroppedParticipant = numOfDroppedParticipant,
    NumOfPoorStreams = numOfPoorStreams,
    Issues, IssuesBreakdown
| order by CallStartTime desc

Search all participants in a call

Find all participants in a call by callId, and return the details of the participants.This query is also used in Call Diagnostics to search for participants.

// Set queryConditions_callId to be the CallId you want to query.
// Note this query is used in Call Diagnostics to get all the participant entities of a call.
declare query_parameters(queryConditions_callId:string = '');
let participants = materialize(ACSCallSummary
| where CorrelationId == queryConditions_callId
| where ParticipantId != CorrelationId and isnotempty(ParticipantId)
| distinct ParticipantId, CallType);
let serviceSideParticipants = materialize(ACSCallSummary
| where CorrelationId == queryConditions_callId
// some participants don't have startTime, we use callStartTime instead.
| extend ParticipantStartTime = coalesce(ParticipantStartTime, CallStartTime)
| extend ParticipantEndTime = coalesce(ParticipantStartTime + 1s*ParticipantDuration, ParticipantStartTime + 10ms)
| extend EndReason=case(
    ParticipantEndReason == "0", "Success",
    ParticipantEndReason == "100","Trying",
    ParticipantEndReason == "180","Ringing",
    ParticipantEndReason == "181","Call Is Being Forwarded",
    ParticipantEndReason == "182","Queued",
    ParticipantEndReason == "183","Session Progress",
    ParticipantEndReason == "199","Early Dialog Terminated",
    ParticipantEndReason == "200","Success",
    ParticipantEndReason == "202","Accepted",
    ParticipantEndReason == "204","No Notification",
    ParticipantEndReason == "300","Multiple Choices",
    ParticipantEndReason == "301","Moved Permanently",
    ParticipantEndReason == "302","Moved Temporarily",
    ParticipantEndReason == "305","Use Proxy",
    ParticipantEndReason == "380","Alternative Service",
    ParticipantEndReason == "400","Bad Request",
    ParticipantEndReason == "401","Unauthorized",
    ParticipantEndReason == "402","Payment Required",
    ParticipantEndReason == "403","Forbidden / Authentication failure",
    ParticipantEndReason == "404","Call not found",
    ParticipantEndReason == "405","Method Not Allowed",
    ParticipantEndReason == "406","Not Acceptable",
    ParticipantEndReason == "407","Proxy Authentication Required",
    ParticipantEndReason == "408","Call controller timed out",
    ParticipantEndReason == "409","Conflict",
    ParticipantEndReason == "410","Local media stack or media infrastructure error",
    ParticipantEndReason == "411","Length Required",
    ParticipantEndReason == "412","Conditional Request Failed",
    ParticipantEndReason == "413","Request Entity Too Large",
    ParticipantEndReason == "414","Request-URI Too Large",
    ParticipantEndReason == "415","Unsupported Media Type",
    ParticipantEndReason == "416","Unsupported URI Scheme",
    ParticipantEndReason == "417","Unknown Resource-Priority",
    ParticipantEndReason == "420","Bad Extension",
    ParticipantEndReason == "421","Extension Required",
    ParticipantEndReason == "422","Session Interval Too Small",
    ParticipantEndReason == "423","Interval Too Brief",
    ParticipantEndReason == "424","Bad Location Information",
    ParticipantEndReason == "428","Use Identity Header",
    ParticipantEndReason == "429","Provide Referrer Identity",
    ParticipantEndReason == "430","Unable to deliver message to client application",
    ParticipantEndReason == "433","Anonymity Disallowed",
    ParticipantEndReason == "436","Bad Identity-Info",
    ParticipantEndReason == "437","Unsupported Certificate",
    ParticipantEndReason == "438","Invalid Identity Header",
    ParticipantEndReason == "439","First Hop Lacks Outbound Support",
    ParticipantEndReason == "440","Max-Breadth Exceeded",
    ParticipantEndReason == "469","Bad Info Package",
    ParticipantEndReason == "470","Consent Needed",
    ParticipantEndReason == "480","Remote client endpoint not registered",
    ParticipantEndReason == "481","Failed to handle incoming call",
    ParticipantEndReason == "482","Loop Detected",
    ParticipantEndReason == "483","Too Many Hops",
    ParticipantEndReason == "484","Address Incomplete",
    ParticipantEndReason == "485","Ambiguous",
    ParticipantEndReason == "486","Busy Here",
    ParticipantEndReason == "487","Call canceled, locally declined, ended due to an endpoint mismatch issue, or failed to generate media offer",
    ParticipantEndReason == "488","Not Acceptable Here",
    ParticipantEndReason == "489","Bad Event",
    ParticipantEndReason == "490","Local endpoint network issues",
    ParticipantEndReason == "491","Local endpoint network issues",
    ParticipantEndReason == "493","Undecipherable",
    ParticipantEndReason == "494","Security Agreement Required",
    ParticipantEndReason == "496","Local endpoint network issues",
    ParticipantEndReason == "497","Local endpoint network issues",
    ParticipantEndReason == "498","Local endpoint network issues",
    ParticipantEndReason == "500","Communication Services infrastructure error",
    ParticipantEndReason == "501","Not Implemented",
    ParticipantEndReason == "502","Bad Gateway",
    ParticipantEndReason == "503","Communication Services infrastructure error",
    ParticipantEndReason == "504","Communication Services infrastructure error",
    ParticipantEndReason == "505","Version Not Supported",
    ParticipantEndReason == "513","Message Too Large",
    ParticipantEndReason == "555","Push Notification Service Not Supported",
    ParticipantEndReason == "580","Precondition Failure",
    ParticipantEndReason == "600","Busy Everywhere",
    ParticipantEndReason == "603","Call globally declined by remote Communication Services participant",
    ParticipantEndReason == "604","Does Not Exist Anywhere",
    ParticipantEndReason == "606","Not Acceptable",
    ParticipantEndReason == "607","Unwanted",
    ParticipantEndReason == "608","Rejected", "")
| extend Rank = iff(isempty(ParticipantId) and CallType == 'P2P' and EndpointType == 'VoIP', -1, 1)
| where CorrelationId != ParticipantId
| extend ParticipantId = coalesce(ParticipantId, Identifier, EndpointId)
| extend ParticipantId = iff(ParticipantId == 'Redacted', strcat('RedactedParticipant-', EndpointType, '-Identifier-', Identifier), ParticipantId)
| extend EndpointId = iff(EndpointId == 'Redacted', strcat('RedactedEndpoint-', EndpointType, '-Identifier-', Identifier), EndpointId)
| summarize hint.strategy = shuffle arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by ParticipantId
| extend CallDroppedUngracefully = ParticipantEndReason in ('380', '400', '407', '408', '409', '410', 
'412', '417', '430', '439', '440', '481', '483', '488', '489', '493', '500', '502', '503', '504', '580')
| project
    ParentEntityId = CorrelationId,
    ParentEntityType = 'Call',
    EntityType = 'Participant',
    EntityId = ParticipantId,
    EntityDisplayName = strcat('Participant-', ParticipantId),
    EntityPayload = bag_pack(
        'EndReasonCode', toint(ParticipantEndReason),
        'EndReasonPhrase', EndReason,
        'Identifier', Identifier,
        'EndpointId', EndpointId,
        'ParticipantType', ParticipantType,
        'EndpointType', EndpointType,
        'SdkVersion', SdkVersion,
        'OsVersion', OsVersion,
        'PstnParticipantCallType', PstnParticipantCallType
    Insights_HasIssues = CallDroppedUngracefully,
    Insights_Payload = bag_pack(
        'EndReasonCode', toint(ParticipantEndReason),
        'EndReasonPhrase', EndReason,
        'ParticipantId', ParticipantId,
        'CallDroppedUngracefully', CallDroppedUngracefully),
    GroupName = "lifeCycle",
let clientSideParticipants = materialize(ACSCallClientOperations
| where ParticipantId in (participants) or CallId == queryConditions_callId
| where isnotempty(OperationName) and OperationName != 'CallClientOperations' 
and isnotempty(OperationId) and isnotempty(CallClientTimeStamp)
| extend OperationId = coalesce(hash_sha256(strcat(OperationId, tostring(CallClientTimeStamp), OperationName)), tostring(new_guid()))
| summarize hint.strategy = shuffle arg_max(CallId, *) by OperationId
| where isnotempty(ParticipantId)
| extend OS = parse_user_agent(UserAgent, 'os').OperatingSystem
| extend OsVersion = strcat(OS.Family, OS.MajorVersion,'.', OS.MinorVersion)
| project OperationId, ParticipantId, CallId, CallClientTimeStamp, OperationName, OperationPayload, OsVersion, SdkVersion, ResultSignature, ResultType
| extend OperationPayload = todynamic(OperationPayload)
| extend         
    UFDQuality = tostring(OperationPayload.DiagnosticQuality),
    UFDType = tostring(OperationPayload.DiagnosticChanged),
    isUFD = OperationName == 'UserFacingDiagnostics'
| extend 
    ResultType = iff(isUFD, iff(UFDQuality != 'Good' and not(UFDType has_any ("SpeakingWhileMicrophoneIsMuted", "SpeakerMuted")), 'Failed', 'Succeeded'), ResultType),
    CallDroppedUngracefully = iff(OperationName in ('Hangup', 'EnterCall', 'Join'), ResultType !in ('Succeeded', 'Success', 'ExpectedError'), False),
    ParticipantStartTime = iff(OperationName == 'EnterCall', CallClientTimeStamp, datetime(null)),
    ParticipantEndTime = iff(OperationName == 'Hangup', CallClientTimeStamp, datetime(null))
| summarize hint.strategy = shuffle arg_max(CallId, *), ResultType = iff(countif(ResultType == 'Failed') > 0, 'Failed', 'Succeeded'),
    CallDroppedUngracefully = countif(CallDroppedUngracefully) > 0,
    ParticipantStartTimeApprox = min(CallClientTimeStamp), 
    ParticipantEndTimeApprox = max(CallClientTimeStamp) by ParticipantId
| extend 
    ParticipantStartTime = coalesce(ParticipantStartTime, ParticipantStartTimeApprox),
    ParticipantEndTime = coalesce(ParticipantEndTime, ParticipantEndTimeApprox)
| project
    ParentEntityId = queryConditions_callId,
    ParentEntityType = 'Call',
    EntityId = ParticipantId,
    EntityType = 'Participant',
    EntityDisplayName = strcat('Participant-', ParticipantId),
    EntityDuration=tolong((ParticipantEndTime - ParticipantStartTime)/1s),
    EntityPayload = bag_pack(
        'ParticipantType', 'ACS',
        'EndpointType', 'VoIP',
        'SdkVersion', SdkVersion,
        'OsVersion', OsVersion
    Insights_HasIssues = ResultType == 'Failed',
    Insights_Payload = bag_pack('ParticipantId', ParticipantId, 'CallDroppedUngracefully', CallDroppedUngracefully),
    GroupName = "lifeCycle",
    Rank = 0);
// Merge participantEntities from service side and client side, and if the participant exists in both sides, we take the one with higher Rank.
union serviceSideParticipants, clientSideParticipants
| summarize hint.strategy = shuffle arg_max(Rank, *), EntityPayload_Merged = make_bag(EntityPayload),
    Insights_Payload_Merged = make_bag(Insights_Payload),
    Insights_HasIssues_Merged = countif(Insights_HasIssues) > 0 by EntityId
| order by Rank
| project 
    EntityPayload = EntityPayload_Merged,
    Insights_HasIssues = Insights_HasIssues_Merged, 
    Insights_Payload = Insights_Payload_Merged