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Invoke BAPIs in SAP using the WCF Service Model

The SAP adapter surfaces BAPIs as:

  • RFC operations. BAPIs like any other RFC are surfaced under the RFC node in the Add Adapter Service Reference Plug-in.

  • Methods of SAP business objects. As methods of business objects, BAPIs are surfaced by business object under the BAPI node in the Add Adapter Service Reference Plug-in.

    Whether you invoke a BAPI as an RFC operation or as a business object method, each BAPI is always part of an LUW on the SAP system.

    For an overview of how the SAP adapter supports BAPIs, see Operations on BAPIs in SAP.

    When you use the WCF service model to invoke BAPIs as business object methods, each SAP business object is represented by a WCF client class and the BAPIs of that business object are represented as methods on the client. You can use the Add Adapter Service Reference Visual Studio Plug-in to generate a WCF client class for specific business objects that contains methods for each BAPI that you want to invoke in your code. The Add Adapter Service Reference Plug-in also generates .NET types to encapsulate the parameters and data types that are used by each BAPI. You can then create an instance of this WCF client class and call its methods to invoke the target BAPIs.

    The following sections show you how to invoke BAPIs as methods of business objects and discuss how BAPI transactions are supported in the WCF service model.

The WCF Client Class

The SAP adapter surfaces a different service contract, for each business object. This means that for each business object a unique WCF client class is created. The name of this class is based on the business object type. For example for the Sales Order business object (business object type BUS2032), the WCF client class is BapiBUS2032Client. Each target BAPI in the business object is represented as a method in the generated WCF client class. In each method:

  • SAP export parameters are surfaced as out parameters

  • SAP calling parameters are surfaced as ref parameters.

  • Complex SAP types such as structures are surfaced as .NET classes with properties that correspond to the fields of the SAP type. These classes are defined in the following namespace: microsoft.lobservices.sap._2007._03.Types.Rfc.

    BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT and BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK are surfaced for each business object and you should always include these in your WCF client.

    The following code shows part of a WCF client class generated for the Sales Order business object. This client contains methods to invoke CREATEFROMDAT2, BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT and BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK. For clarity the constructors and other code has been omitted.

[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.ServiceModel", "")]  
public partial class BapiBUS2032Client : System.ServiceModel.ClientBase<BapiBUS2032>, BapiBUS2032 {  
    // Code has been removed for clarity  
    /// <summary>The Metadata for this RFC was generated using the RFC SDK.</summary>  
    /// <param name="SALESDOCUMENT">Number of Generated Document</param>  
    /// <param name="BEHAVE_WHEN_ERROR">Error Handling</param>  
    /// …  
    /// <param name="ORDER_TEXT">Texts</param>  
    /// <param name="PARTNERADDRESSES">BAPI Reference Structure for Addresses (Org./Company)</param>  
    /// <param name="RETURN">Return Messages</param>  
    /// <returns></returns>  
    public string CREATEFROMDAT2(  
                string BEHAVE_WHEN_ERROR,   
                string BINARY_RELATIONSHIPTYPE,   
                string CONVERT,   
                string INT_NUMBER_ASSIGNMENT,   
                microsoft.lobservices.sap._2007._03.Types.Rfc.BAPISDLS LOGIC_SWITCH,   
                microsoft.lobservices.sap._2007._03.Types.Rfc.BAPISDHD1 ORDER_HEADER_IN,   
                microsoft.lobservices.sap._2007._03.Types.Rfc.BAPISDHD1X ORDER_HEADER_INX,   
                string SALESDOCUMENTIN,   
                microsoft.lobservices.sap._2007._03.Types.Rfc.BAPI_SENDER SENDER,   
                string TESTRUN,   
                ref microsoft.lobservices.sap._2007._03.Types.Rfc.BAPIPAREX[] EXTENSIONIN,   
                ref microsoft.lobservices.sap._2007._03.Types.Rfc.BAPICCARD[] ORDER_CCARD,   
                ref microsoft.lobservices.sap._2007._03.Types.Rfc.BAPICUBLB[] ORDER_CFGS_BLOB,   
                ref microsoft.lobservices.sap._2007._03.Types.Rfc.BAPICUINS[] ORDER_CFGS_INST,   
                ref microsoft.lobservices.sap._2007._03.Types.Rfc.BAPICUPRT[] ORDER_CFGS_PART_OF,   
                ref microsoft.lobservices.sap._2007._03.Types.Rfc.BAPICUCFG[] ORDER_CFGS_REF,   
                ref microsoft.lobservices.sap._2007._03.Types.Rfc.BAPICUREF[] ORDER_CFGS_REFINST,   
                ref microsoft.lobservices.sap._2007._03.Types.Rfc.BAPICUVAL[] ORDER_CFGS_VALUE,   
                ref microsoft.lobservices.sap._2007._03.Types.Rfc.BAPICUVK[] ORDER_CFGS_VK,   
                ref microsoft.lobservices.sap._2007._03.Types.Rfc.BAPICOND[] ORDER_CONDITIONS_IN,   
                ref microsoft.lobservices.sap._2007._03.Types.Rfc.BAPICONDX[] ORDER_CONDITIONS_INX,   
                ref microsoft.lobservices.sap._2007._03.Types.Rfc.BAPISDITM[] ORDER_ITEMS_IN,   
                ref microsoft.lobservices.sap._2007._03.Types.Rfc.BAPISDITMX[] ORDER_ITEMS_INX,   
                ref microsoft.lobservices.sap._2007._03.Types.Rfc.BAPISDKEY[] ORDER_KEYS,   
                ref microsoft.lobservices.sap._2007._03.Types.Rfc.BAPIPARNR[] ORDER_PARTNERS,   
                ref microsoft.lobservices.sap._2007._03.Types.Rfc.BAPISCHDL[] ORDER_SCHEDULES_IN,   
                ref microsoft.lobservices.sap._2007._03.Types.Rfc.BAPISCHDLX[] ORDER_SCHEDULES_INX,   
                ref microsoft.lobservices.sap._2007._03.Types.Rfc.BAPISDTEXT[] ORDER_TEXT,   
                ref microsoft.lobservices.sap._2007._03.Types.Rfc.BAPIADDR1[] PARTNERADDRESSES,   
                ref microsoft.lobservices.sap._2007._03.Types.Rfc.BAPIRET2[] RETURN) { ...}  
    /// <summary>The Metadata for this RFC was generated using the RFC SDK.</summary>  
    /// <param name="RETURN">Confirmations</param>  
    /// <param name="WAIT">Using the command `COMMIT AND WAIT`</param>  
    /// <returns></returns>  
    public microsoft.lobservices.sap._2007._03.Types.Rfc.BAPIRET2 BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT(string WAIT) { ... }  
    /// <summary>The Metadata for this RFC was generated using the RFC SDK.</summary>  
    /// <param name="RETURN">Confirmations</param>  
    /// <returns></returns>  
    public microsoft.lobservices.sap._2007._03.Types.Rfc.BAPIRET2 BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK() { ... }  

BAPI Transactions in the WCF Service Model

Every BAPI, whether it is invoked as an RFC or as a business object method, is part of a transaction (LUW) on the SAP system; and every BAPI received over the same SAP connection is part of the same BAPI transaction on the SAP system. SAP commits or rolls back the BAPI transaction when it receives a BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT or a BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK on the connection. After a commit or rollback has been performed, the next BAPI received over the connection begins a new transaction.

For the adapter each WCF channel has a dedicated SAP connection. In the WCF service model, each WCF client has an inner channel that is used send messages to the SAP system. This means that the BAPIs that are invoked using a specific WCF client are part of a unique BAPI transaction on the SAP system. This imposes a significant limitation when you use the WCF service model to invoke BAPIs as business object methods. Because each SAP business object is represented by a dedicated WCF client class, you cannot invoke BAPIs from two different business objects as part of the same transaction. The way around this is to invoke the BAPIs as RFC operations. This is because the Add Adapter Service Reference Plug-in generates a single WCF client for RFC operations, and, therefore, all operations invoked using that client are sent over the same WCF channel.


If you want to include BAPIs from different SAP business objects in the same BAPI transaction, you must invoke them as RFC operations (using the same WCF client). You cannot invoke them as business object methods.

You call BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT or BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK to commit or roll back the BAPI transaction on the SAP system. The adapter surfaces these two BAPIs:

  • Under the Basis node as RFC operations.

  • Under each business object.

    For more information about how the adapter supports BAPI transactions on SAP, see Operations on BAPIs in SAP.

How to Create an Application that Invokes BAPIs as Methods of Business Objects

This section provides information about how to invoke BAPIs as methods of business objects. The same basic procedure should be followed to invoke BAPIs as RFC operations, except that you create a WCF client that targets the BAPIs as RFC operations and use it to invoke each BAPI.

To create a BAPI client application, perform the following steps.

To create an BAPI client application

  1. Generate a WCF client class. Use the Add Adapter Service Reference Visual Studio Plug-in or the ServiceModel Metadata Utility Tool (svcutil.exe) to generate a WCF client class (or classes) that targets the business objects and BAPIs with which you want to work. Be sure to include the BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT and the BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK methods (BAPIs) exposed for each target business object. For more information about how to generate a WCF client, see Generating a WCF Client or a WCF Service Contract for SAP Solution Artifacts.

  2. Create an instance of the WCF client class generated in step 1, and create and configure a WCF client. Configuring the WCF client involves specifying the binding and endpoint address that the client will use. You can do this either imperatively in code or declaratively in configuration. For more information about how to specify a client binding, see Configure a Client Binding for the SAP System. The following code initializes the WCF client for the Sales Order (BUS2032) SAP business object from configuration and sets the credentials for the SAP system.

    BapiBUS2032Client bapiClient = new BapiBUS2032Client("SAPBinding_BapiBUS2032");  
    bapiClient.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "YourUserName";  
    bapiClient.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = "YourPassword";  
  3. Open the WCF client.

  4. Invoke methods on the WCF client created in step 2 to invoke the appropriate BAPIs on the SAP system. You can invoke multiple BAPIs on the SAP system.

  5. End the transaction by:

    1. Invoking the BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT method to commit the transaction.

    2. Invoking the BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK method to roll back the transaction.

  6. Close the WCF client.



The following example invokes the CREATEFROMDAT2 BAPI on the Sales Order business object. It invokes the BAPI several times and then invokes BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT to commit the transaction. If an error occurs when invoking the BAPI, BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK is invoked in the exception handler to roll back the transaction.

The CREATEFROMDAT2 method takes many parameters; these are omitted in the example for the sake of brevity. You can find a sample that demonstrates BAPI transactions in the samples shipped with the Microsoft BizTalk Adapter Pack. For more information, see Samples for the SAP Adapter.

using System;  
using System.Collections.Generic;  
using System.Text;  
// Add WCF, Adapter LOB SDK, and SAP Adapter namepaces  
using System.ServiceModel;  
using Microsoft.Adapters.SAP;  
using Microsoft.ServiceModel.Channels;  
// Include this namespace for Adapter LOB SDK and SAP exceptions  
using Microsoft.ServiceModel.Channels.Common;  
using microsoft.lobservices.sap._2007._03.Types.Rfc;  
// This Example demonstrates BAPI transactions. Two sales orders are  
// created using the CREATEFROMDAT2 method of a SAP Business Object.   
// After the orders are created, the BAPI transaction is committed.   
// If an exception occurs when sending the BAPIs, the BAPI transaction is   
// rolled back.  
namespace SapBapiTxClientSM  
    class Program  
        static void Main(string[] args)  
            // Create the BAPI client from the generated endpoint configuration.  
            BapiBUS2032Client bapiClient = null;  
            Console.WriteLine("BAPI transaction sample started");  
            Console.WriteLine("\nCreating business object client");  
                bapiClient = new BapiBUS2032Client("SAPBinding_BapiBUS2032");  
                bapiClient.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "YourUserName";  
                bapiClient.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = "YourPassword";  
                // Open the BAPI Client  
                // send first BAPI  
                    string salesDocNumber1 = bapiClient.CREATEFROMDAT2(  
                        // parameters ommitted  
                catch (Exception ex)  
                // send second BAPI  
                    string salesDocNumber1 = bapiClient.CREATEFROMDAT2(  
                        // parameters omitted  
                catch (Exception ex)  
                // Commit BAPI Transaction  
                catch (Exception ex)  
            catch (ConnectionException cex)  
                // Get here if problem connecting to the SAP system   
                Console.WriteLine("Exception occurred connecting to the SAP system");  
            catch (TargetSystemException tex)  
                // Get here if the SAP system returns an exception  
                Console.WriteLine("Exception occurred on the SAP System");  
            catch (Exception ex)  
                Console.WriteLine("Exception is: " + ex.Message);  
                if (ex.InnerException != null)  
                    Console.WriteLine("Inner Exception is: " + ex.InnerException.Message);  
            // Close the client when finished  
                if (bapiClient != null)  
                    if (bapiClient.State == CommunicationState.Opened)  

See Also

Develop applications using the WCF Service Model
Operations on BAPIs in SAP