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Update or uninstall the BizTalk Adapter Pack 2016

How to change or uninstall the BizTalk Adapter Pack.

Change or update the installation

Before you run the setup wizard to modify the BizTalk Adapter Pack installation, make sure the WCF LOB Adapter SDK is installed.

You can modify the installation in interactive mode (the setup wizard), or in silent mode (the command line).

Use the setup wizard

  1. Sign in with an account that is a member of the BizTalk Server Administrators group.

  2. In Programs and features, select Uninstall a program.

  3. Right-click Microsoft BizTalk Adapter Pack, and then select Change.

  4. On the Welcome screen, select Next.

  5. In Change, repair, or remove installation:

    • To select the components you want to install, select Change and go to Step 6.

    • To repair errors in the most recent installation, select Repair and go to Step 7.

    • To remove the BizTalk Adapter Pack from the computer, select Remove and then go to Step 10.

  6. If you chose to modify the installation:

    • Expand the Microsoft BizTalk Adapter Pack node to choose to install the base adapters, the .NET Framework Data Providers, or both.

    • Expand the Base Adapters node to choose to install all the adapters or specific adapters.

    • Expand the ADO Providers node to choose to install all the providers or specific providers.

    • Select Next.

    • Select Change, and then select Finish.

  7. If you chose to repair the installation, in the Ready to repair Microsoft BizTalk Adapter Pack dialog box, select Repair. The wizard starts repairing the installation.

  8. If required, change your preferences regarding opting for CEIP, and then select OK.

  9. Select Finish.

  10. If you chose to remove the adapters, in the Ready to remove Microsoft BizTalk Adapter Pack dialog box, select Remove, and then select Finish.

Use msiexec in silent mode

  1. Open a command prompt, and go to the root directory of the BizTalk Adapter Pack installer.

  2. Run a command similar to the following:


    To modify the BizTalk Adapter Pack installation in a silent mode on an x64-based platform, in the following commands, replace AdaptersSetup.msi with AdaptersSetup64.msi.

    msiexec /i AdaptersSetup.msi /qn REMOVE=DbFeature ADDLOCAL=SapBaseAdapterFeature

    This command removes the Oracle Database adapter, and installs the SAP adapter.

    By using different values for the REMOVE and ADDLOCAL properties, you can add or remove specific components. Refer to the table in Install in silent mode at Installing BAP for information about the values that you can use for these properties.

    You can also do a silent repair by using the /f option as part of the msiexec command. For example:

    msiexec /i AdaptersSetup.msi /qn /f

    You can use various different combinations with the /f option. For more information about the msiexec command type msiexec on the command line, and press ENTER. Windows command: msiexec is also a good resource.


    While modifying the BizTalk Adapter Pack installation in the silent mode, you cannot change your preferences for opting in or out of CEIP. The preferences you chose during the installation remains, even if you explicitly set the CEIP_OPTIN to true or false.

Uninstall or remove the BizTalk Adapter Pack


If you created tables in the SQL Server database to work with the tRFC feature of the SAP adapter, you must manually remove them before uninstalling the BizTalk Adapter Pack. The BizTalk Adapter Pack installation copies a SapAdapter-DbScript-Uninstall.sql file typically at <installation drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft BizTalk Adapter Pack. Run this file to remove the tables you created.

Complete the following steps to remove the BizTalk Adapter Pack from your computer. Make sure you have the WCF LOB Adapter SDK installed before you run the setup wizard.

You can remove the BizTalk Adapter Pack in interactive mode (setup wizard), or in silent mode (command line).

Uninstall using the setup wizard

  1. In Programs and features, select Uninstall a program.

  2. Right-click Microsoft BizTalk Adapter Pack, and then select Uninstall.

Uninstall in silent mode

  1. Open a command prompt, and go to the root directory of the BizTalk Adapter Pack installer.

  2. Run the following command:


    To remove the BizTalk Adapter Pack in silent mode on an x64-based platform, in the following commands, replace AdaptersSetup.msi with AdaptersSetup64.msi.

    msiexec /i AdaptersSetup.msi /qn REMOVE=DbFeature

    This command removes the Oracle Database adapter from the BizTalk Adapter Pack installation.

    By providing different values for the REMOVE property, you can remove specific components from the BizTalk Adapter Pack installation. Refer to the table in Install in silent mode at Installing BAP for information about the values that you can use for this property.

    To completely remove the BizTalk Adapter Pack, execute the following command:

    msiexec /x AdaptersSetup.msi /qn

    For more information about the msiexec command type msiexec on the command line, and press ENTER. Windows command: msiexec is also a good resource.

Remove the bindings

Complete these steps only if the setup wizard fails to remove the adapter bindings or .NET Framework Data Provider registration from the machine.config file.

  1. Go to the machine.config file on the computer. For example, on a 32-bit platform, the machine.config is available under <system drive>:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\<version>\CONFIG.

  2. Open the file using a text editor.

  3. Remove the adapter binding registration:

    1. Search for the system.serviceModel element, and remove the following from under the element:

        <endpoint binding="sapBinding" contract="IMetadataExchange" name="sap" />
        <endpoint binding="siebelBinding" contract="IMetadataExchange" name="siebel" />
        <endpoint binding="oracleDBBinding" contract="IMetadataExchange" name="oracleDb" />
        <endpoint binding="OracleEBSBinding" contract="IMetadataExchange" name="oracleEBS" />
        <endpoint binding="sqlBinding" contract="IMetadataExchange" name="mssql" />
    2. Search for the bindingElementExtensions element under system.serviceModel\extensions.

    3. Remove the following sections under the bindingElementExtensions node, depending on the available adapter binding. You must remove all the bindings if the setup wizard fails to remove any.

      For SAP adapter, remove:

      <add name="sapAdapter" type="Microsoft.Adapters.SAP.SAPAdapterExtensionElement,Microsoft.Adapters.SAP, Version=<version>, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=<public key>" />

      For Siebel adapter, remove:

      <add name="siebelAdapter" type="Microsoft.Adapters.Siebel.SiebelAdapterExtensionElement,Microsoft.Adapters.Siebel, Version=<version>, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=<public key>" />

      For Oracle Database adapter, remove:

      <add name="oracleDBAdapter" type="Microsoft.Adapters.OracleDB.OracleDBAdapterExtensionElement,Microsoft.Adapters.OracleDB, Version=<version>, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=<public key>" />

      For Oracle E-Business adapter, remove:

      <add name="OracleEBSAdapter" type="Microsoft.Adapters.OracleEBS.OracleEBSBindingElementExtensionElement, Microsoft.Adapters.OracleEBS, Version=<version>, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=<public key>" />

      For SQL adapter, remove:

      <add name="sqlAdapter" type="Microsoft.Adapters.Sql.SqlAdapterBindingElementExtensionElement,Microsoft.Adapters.Sql, Version=<version>, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=<public key>" />
    4. Search for the bindingExtensions element under system.serviceModel\extensions.

    5. Remove the following sections under the bindingExtensions node, depending on the available adapter binding. You must remove all the bindings if the setup wizard fails to remove any.

      For SAP adapter, remove:

      <add name="sapBinding" type="Microsoft.Adapters.SAP.SAPAdapterBindingSection,Microsoft.Adapters.SAP, Version=<version>, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=<public key>" />

      For Siebel adapter, remove:

      <add name="siebelBinding" type="Microsoft.Adapters.Siebel.SiebelAdapterBindingSection,Microsoft.Adapters.Siebel, Version=<version>, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=<public key>" />

      For Oracle Database adapter, remove:

      <add name="oracleDBBinding" type="Microsoft.Adapters.OracleDB.OracleDBAdapterBindingSection,Microsoft.Adapters.OracleDB, Version=<version>, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=<public key>" />

      For Oracle E-Business adapter, remove:

      <add name="OracleEBSBinding" type="Microsoft.Adapters.OracleEBS.OracleEBSBindingCollectionElement, Microsoft.Adapters.OracleEBS, Version=<version>, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=<public key>" />

      For SQL adapter, remove:

      <add name="sqlBinding" type="Microsoft.Adapters.Sql.SqlAdapterBindingCollectionElement,Microsoft.Adapters.Sql, Version=<version>, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=<public key>" />
  4. Remove the .NET Framework Data Provider registration:

    • Search for the DbProviderFactories element under the system.data node.

    • Look for the .NET Framework Data Providers that are still registered. Remove the following sections under the DbProviderFactories node, depending on the existing .NET Framework Data Providers. You must remove all the providers if they exist.

      For Data Provider for SAP, remove:

      <add name="SAPClient Data Provider" invariant="Microsoft.Data.SAPClient"
          description=".NET Framework Data Provider for mySAP Business Suite"    type="Microsoft.Data.SAPClient.SAPClientFactory,Microsoft.Data.SAPClient, Version=<version>, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=<public key>" />

      For Data Provider for Siebel, remove:

      <add name="SiebelClient Data Provider" invariant="Microsoft.Data.SiebelClient"
          description=".NET Framework Data Provider for Siebel eBusiness Applications"
          type="Microsoft.Data.SiebelClient.SiebelProviderFactory,Microsoft.Data.SiebelClient, Version=<version>, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=<public key>" />
  5. Save and close the machine.config file.

Remove the custom RFCs

Complete this step to remove the custom RFCs that you installed in the SAP system. See Install or remove custom RFCs.