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AS2 Events

The following table lists event messages that may be posted in the event log during AS2 processing.


For more information about the AS2 errors listed in the following table, see EDI and AS2 Events.

Error Code Condition
AS2DecoderMissingDispositionNotificationOptionsHTTPHeaderError The AS2 Decoder was unable to locate the Disposition-Notification-Options HTTP header which is required for MDN generation.
SynchronousMdnRequestedOnOneWayReceivePortError Configuration error. Synchronous MDN requested on a one way HTTP receive Port.
SynchronousMdnRequestedOnOneWaySendPortError Configuration error. Synchronous MDN requested on one way HTTP send port.
EncryptionCertNotConfiguredError The Encryption Certificate has not been configured for AS2 party. AS2-From: {0} AS2-To: {1}
AS2DecoderPartySigningConfigurationError Configuration error. The message signing doesn't match the expected value. Contact the sending partner and verify signature use. AS2-From:"{0}" AS2-To:"{1}" MessageID:"{2}"
AS2DecoderExceptionEncounteredDuringProcessing The AS2 Decoder encountered an exception during processing. Details of the message and exception are as follows: AS2-From:"{0}" AS2-To:"{1}" MessageID:"{2}" MessageType: "{3}" Exception:"{4}"
AS2DecoderMdnMicFailureDuringProcessing The AS2 Decoder failed processing when validating the MIC value returned in the MDN. Details of the MDN message are as follows: AS2-From:"{0}" AS2-To:"{1}" MessageID:"{2}" OriginalMessageID:"{3}"
AS2DecoderMdnSigningMismatchFailureDuringProcessing The AS2 Decoder failure processing because the MDN signing did not match our request. Details of the MDN message are as follows: AS2-From:"{0}" AS2-To:"{1}" MessageID:"{2}" OriginalMessageID:"{3}"
AS2DecoderMdnProcessingFailureReturned The AS2 Decoder failure processing because the MDN indicated the AS2 message failed processing. Details of the MDN message are as follows: AS2-From:"{0}" AS2-To:"{1}" MessageID:"{2}" OriginalMessageID:"{3}"
AS2InvalidQuotedStringHeaderError An invalid quoted HTTP header encountered. Details are as follows: Header Name: "{0}" Header Value: "{1}"
AS2MicDataStoreDuplicateMicError Error Mic entry already exists.
AS2StreamingNonSeekableStreamError This is a non-seekable stream.
AS2StreamingSetLengthError The length of this stream cannot be set.
AS2StreamingWriteToReadonlyStreamError This is a read-only stream.
AS2StreamingMethodNotImplementedError The method or operation is not implemented.
BtsMimeExceptionEncounteredDuringMessageDecoding A BTS MIME error was encountered when attempting to decode an AS2 message. AS2-From: {0}, AS2-To: {1}, MessageId: {2}, Error: {3}
AS2DecoderPartyEncryptionConfigurationError Configuration error. The message encryption doesn't match the expected value. Contact the sending partner and verify encryption use. AS2-From:"{0}" AS2-To:"{1}" MessageID:"{2}"
AS2DecoderPartySignatureError Configuration error. The message signature doesn't match the signature configured for this party. Contact the sending partner and verify the certificate used. AS2-From:"{0}" AS2-To:"{1}" MessageID:"{2}"
InvalidAgreementAS2FromName The party for this AS2 interchange must contain a value for AS2-From.
InvalidAgreementAS2ToName The party for this AS2 interchange must contain a value for AS2-To.
UnsupportedAS2HashAlgorithmError The hash algorithm specified in the AS2 message is unsupported.
UnableToLocateAS2PartyError Unable to access party using qualifier: {0} party: {1}. Error: {2}
UnableToLocateAS2PartyByPartyNameError Unable to access party using party: {0}.
UnableToLocateAS2PartyBySendPortNameError Unable to access party using send port: {0} Error: {1}.
InvalidAS2FromNameConfiguredError Invalid AS2-From name configured for Party: {0} Value: {1}
InvalidAS2ToNameConfiguredError Invalid AS2-To name configured for Party: {0} Value: {1}
InvalidAS2FromNameHeaderReceivedError Invalid AS2-From header received. Value: {0}
InvalidAS2ToNameHeaderReceivedError Invalid AS2-To header received. Value: {0}
MissingAS2FromHeaderError An AS2 message was received that did not contain the AS2-From header.
MissingAS2ToHeaderError An AS2 message was received that did not contain the AS2-To header.
InvalidDispositionNotificationOptionToError Disposition-Notification-Option value: "{0}" is invalid. {1}
InvalidReceiptDeliveryOptionError Receipt-Delivery-Option value: "{0}" is invalid. {1}
InvalidOrMissingASN1DataLengthHeader Invalid or missing ASN.1 Data Length field encountered during decompression processing.
InvalidOrMissingASN1TrailingBytes Invalid or missing trailing ASN.1 CMS compressed structure bytes during decompression processing.
InvalidASN1CompressedStructureEncountered Invalid ASN.1 compressed structure encountered during decompression processing.
InvalidOrMissingDataHeaderEncountered Invalid or missing ASN.1 compressed header encountered during decompression processing.
InvalidOptionalZLibFieldEncountered Invalid ASN.1 ZLib compression field encountered during decompression processing.
InvalidOrMissingDataOIDEncountered Invalid or missing ASN.1 Data OID encountered during decompression processing.
InvalidOrMissingZLibOIDEncountered Invalid or missing ASN.1 ZLib OID encountered during decompression processing.
InvalidOrMissingCompressedDataOIDEncountered Invalid or missing ASN.1 Compressed Data OID encountered during decompression processing.
InvalidAdler32ChecksumInCompressedMessageError Invalid Adler32 checksum encountered.
UnsupportedOctetStringLengthEncountered Unsupported Octet string length encountered. Maximum supported octet length is 4.
DecompressionFailedError Decompression failed while processing a compressed AS2 message. Error: {0}
DecryptionFailedError An error occurred when decrypting an AS2 message.
IntegrityCheckFailedError An error occurred when validating an AS2 message. Make sure the certificates used have not timed out or been revoked.
EncryptionCertificateHasBeenRevokedError The certificate used to encrypt a message has been revoked. Certificate thumbprint: {0}
DecryptionCertificateHasBeenRevokedError The certificate used to decrypt a message has been revoked. Certificate thumbprint: {0}
SigningCertificateHasBeenRevokedError The certificate used for signing a message has been revoked. Certificate thumbprint: {0}
SignatureCertificateHasBeenRevokedError The certificate used for signing a message has been revoked. Certificate thumbprint: {0}
CertificateMissingError The certificate used for signing a message cannot be located in the local certificate store. Certificate thumbprint: {0}
EmptyContentOnAS2MessageEncountered An empty AS2 message was received. The message will be suspended.
AS2FromMatchesAS2ToError The AS2-From value matches the AS2-To value.
GenericEdiIntException An EdiInt exception has occurred.
BtsMimeExceptionEncounteredDuringMessageEncoding A BTS MIME error was encountered when attempting to encode a message. Error: {0}, HResult:{1}
BtsMimeGeneralExceptionEncounteredDuringMessageEncoding A BTS MIME error was encountered when attempting to encode a message. Error: {0}
AS2StatusReportingExceptionEncountered An error was encountered when attempting to generate an AS2 status report. Error: {0}